Sunday, January 26, 2020

Inside Beauty

I had an apple the other day.  Nothing special.  I'm sure many of us feast on this fruit often.  Yes, I was a bit ravished and was very much looking forward to this apple.  It was bright and shiny red on the outside - looking oh so yummy.  I have to share, the apple didn't disappoint.  As I munched away, it truly was delicious.  Until I hit the core.  I munched a little too far and hit the core!  Not as yummy as the rest of the apple.  I looked at that core, and certainly didn't see the beauty I had seen when I first started.  No beautiful color.  No yummy goodness.  In fact, pretty ugly - until I saw the seed!

I looked at that seed and thought for some time.  With that seed, another tree grows.  With that seed, the sun and water will give it strength.  With that seed, the tree will sprout leaves and buds.  With that seed, hundreds of apples will be produced.  One seed!  

So often, I see the world, and myself, like that apple.  I may see others, and myself, as bright and shiny on the outside, portraying an image of happiness, well-being and confidence.  As we "munch" away at self and others, we still have a sense of "yummyness".  We believe that things are fine and an air of perfectionism and awesomeness may ring through our lives - everything is under control and all is well.  

Then we go a little further.  We begin to feel the agony of a soul that is strained.  The guilt of past mistakes haunt us.  The ugliness of lies and deceit may envelope us.  On the outside all is well, life is bright and shiny.  Yet, as we peel away, we begin to see the "ugliness" of our core.  When I reflect on areas of my life such as that, it scares me.  The mistakes that may have been made and the decisions that I knew were wrong - all leading to a core that isn't bright and shiny.

Then there is the seed - our hearts.  This is where our God lives.  It is in our hearts that we know the love God gives us.  It is in our hearts that we feel God's greatest sacrifice for our sins.  It is in our hearts, our seed, that we grow through His grace and mercy.  Our hearts - that will produce new lives for us, and for those around us.  Our hearts that can sprout new beginnings, new choices, new adventures in His love.  One seed - one heart.  All that ugliness of our core really reaches further to a heart filled with love.  Yes, that may be a lot from one little apple.  Our God making so much from our one heart!

Heavenly Father, we thank you for reaching past our shiny exteriors to our ugly cores into our grateful hearts.  Help us to always know that you have taken our difficult cores and have made them beautiful with your love and grace.  May our souls rejoice in your goodness!  Amen.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Strong & Steadfast

Snow was coming.  They called for it approximately one week ago (when the temperatures were registering 70!).  It was hard to imagine on that beautiful spring-like day that snow would grace us again.  It is New England.  We should expect it by now.  They were right!  Late yesterday afternoon, the light snowflakes graced the green landscape.  Every time I see snow, it is as if God is placing a beautiful blanket of white over us.  It is amazing to watch.

My husband and I ventured out into the snow to get a quick bite to eat.  Other parts of the country "hunker down" when they hear snow.  Not here in New England.  Yet, we could tell as the snow covered the roads, that they were getting a bit slick.  I watched the road outside our home go from black pavement, to gray, to a glistening white.  When the white covers the pavement, one really needs to be careful.  Four-wheel drive or not, slick roads can have many anxious and that means driving with much caution, much slower, and hoping we get home safely.

The morning came!  Only five or so inches fell to the ground, but it left snow behind for us to clean up.  Shovels and snow blowers started.  Snowplows moved most of the snow to the side of the road, and as the day went on, the sun melted the rest, leaving the road a strong place for us to drive on once again.

I read this verse today and thought of how that works.  There are situations that are put into our paths that cause us anxiousness, suffering, despair, and even heartache.  Life becomes a bit "slick" and we move forward in life with caution, much slower, wondering how we might be able to keep going to a safer time.  Those times in my life have felt overwhelming, as if I was "slipping and sliding" through life with little direction and much trepidation.

In walks our Savior.  With Him by our side, the suffering begins to melt and the "strong road of life" underneath us begins to emerge.  As God walks with us, guiding us through our suffering and pain, we do realize that we can continue this life safely, with Him.  While we are in the midst of suffering, we can wonder if we will ever get home - if we will ever have peace.  God assures us that with Him, we will be strong, firm and steadfast.  With Him, we will find safety and clear driving.  With Him, we will get home - to Him.  

Our Heavenly Father doesn't leave us alone when times are hard.  It may seem like that as we walk through difficult times during our lives.  Yet, those difficult times are the ones that make us strong, firm and steadfast.  It is during those times we realize we can't do this "thing called life" on our own - we need Him to help us get to safety.  Let the snowflakes remind us that He will continue to cover us with His love - each and EVERY day.

God, we thank you for never leaving us, especially during times of suffering.  We know that although times may be tough, with you by our side, we will emerge with strength, on firm ground, and covered by your steadfast love.  Help us know you are with us, God, now and forever.  Amen!

Sunday, January 12, 2020


Something special happens when a person, big or small, is baptized.  It is such a holy occasion filled with joy, thanksgiving and praise.  Although all baptisms are blessed, when I hear about an adult coming to Jesus and receiving baptism, I wonder what joy must be filling their heart.  Today, we celebrate the baptism of Jesus by John.  I can't imagine being there on that special day.  The best part of that recollection of events for me boils down to the last few words, "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."

I thought about those words, "with you I am well pleased" as I sat in church today.  The more I reflected, the sadness in my heart grew.  Is my heavenly father pleased with me?  It made me think about my thoughts, words, and actions throughout my life.  Certainly there are examples in all three of those areas where I would not be pleasing to my heavenly Father.

Too many times throughout the day, I have thoughts that are not in line with the Father's commandments.  Thoughts of frustration, jealousy, anger.  Thoughts of self pity and lack of forgiveness.  Do you have thoughts that are less than desirable?  I know my Lord knows my thoughts, yet, there are times when I am sure they are unpleasing to God.  

Words?  Don't get me started.  I try hard to hold my tongue from words that will hurt or to curse. Although certainly not perfect, where I am probably at greater fault is when I don't say something - something to bring God glory.  In either circumstance, there are always nudges from the Holy Spirit letting me know my words should have been different, more pleasing to God.

My actions are probably the area for most improvement.  Spending more time in the Word, helping others, volunteering more - so many areas where my actions would be more pleasing to God with greater effort on my part.  In each of these areas, I fall short.

There is, as always, good news - through the waters of baptism.  As I was baptized, my sins became cleansed.  By believing in our Savior, I have received forgiveness.  Through confession of my sins to God, I receive repentance.  I feel as if I'm the most fortunate person on Earth!  By receiving the cleansing waters, I am able to hear the words, "with you I am well pleased."  When I one day enter Heaven's gates, I look forward to God putting his arms around me and saying to me, "You are my daughter, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."  Join me in rejoicing!  Let us live in the power and grace of God's love today - knowing He is pleased.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the waters of baptism.  Through this sacrament, we are able to receive the forgiveness of our sins and your grace forevermore.  May you continue to shower us with love, God, and hold us close.  Help us to realize that through repentance of our sins, you are pleased with us.  What a gift you give us!  In you name we pray, Amen!

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Good Sacrifice

When I hear the word sacrifice, I don't typically get a warm and cozy feeling on the inside.  When I hear sacrifice, I get the immediate impression that I will have to "give up" something - something outside of my comfort zone.  Sacrificing a few extra pounds - that sounds very inviting.   Sacrificing time or money or personal items I love, not as inviting.

The word sacrifice tends to have a negative connotation.  It's amazing to me that words that should be very "good" for us somehow come across negatively.  I find the same reaction when I speak the word accountable.  Being accountable is very good for us - ensuring that we will DO what we SAY we will do.  Yet, being held accountable can have the same reaction as sacrifice - not very inviting.

Many times, actions that are difficult, out of our comfort zone, or not very inviting can be the very things we need to fulfill our lives.  As our verse for today points out, when we share with others, and sacrifice some of what we have with others in need, God is pleased.  I don't know about you, but I would certainly like to please God.  It's important to do good, to share our blessings with others, and to give for those in need, in thoughts, words and deeds.  The byproduct of sacrificing tends to not just be emptying ourselves to give to others, but giving to others to fill ourselves up!

How can that possibly work?  For the same reason that God is pleased!  When we can see what others need and respond to those needs, we know that our time and actions are not in vain.  If God is pleased, I can certainly be pleased as well.  There is always someone in need, whether it be an action or our time.  Could it be that someone is suffering health issues?  Maybe sacrifice some time and bring a meal, hold their hand, or even pray for them.  Is there a community effort that can use attention?  Maybe you can rally the troops to provide for others.  Yes, you may be depleting time that is very precious to you.  In the end, you are helping another person who can't provide for themselves at the moment.  I guarantee you it will fill you up!!

We are asked by God to give to others, to love others as we would love ourselves.  Our greatest sacrifices may not be so great when we give out of love.  The sacrifice becomes less of "giving something up" and more of "filling us up" in the name of God through love.  It's a new year, a new opportunity for us to hold ourselves accountable to do what we say we are going to do.  Let's challenge each other and ourselves to sacrifice - time, talent or money, for those that need our help.  It's not a negative of giving up, it's a positive of filling up!  Are you up for a good sacrifice??

Heavenly Father, sacrificing seems to be something that we have to give up.  We ask that you help us to turn our attentions from giving up to filling up - filling ourselves up with the goodness and joy of holding ourselves accountable to helping others with our gifts.  Let us always see the importance of giving to others out of love.  In your gracious name we pray.  Amen!!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.