Sunday, December 31, 2023

Look Back, Step Forward


May I be the first to wish you Happy New Year on this New Year’s Eve!  New Year’s Eve for me has always been one of those cross-over days.  A day when you reflect on the past and look to the future.  Hence, the name of today’s post!  First is always the look back.  Did I set out and accomplish what I wanted?  What made me happy?  What disappointed me?  Care to reflect with me?

Disappointment and sadness.   This reflection can come pretty quickly as we think about 2023.  There could have been a loss of a family member or friend.  Possibly a relationship dissolved or there was a loss of a job.  One’s health could have been the source of sadness.  That trip that was going to happen in 2023 was never booked.  Those goals that were going to be achieved in 2023 seem like a million miles away.  The state of the world and all the destruction can certainly fall into this category as well.

Yes, there are two sides to every coin.  Accomplishments and happiness.  How did God bless you in 2023?  Maybe new family members were added to a family through birth or marriage – we received little Brielle into our family this year!  New relationships of love and friendship were fostered this year.  New jobs were gained, and professional accomplishments were reached.  New healthy habits and a better lifestyle, letting go of addictions, were reached.  Finally seeing that special place in the world that was on the bucket list was enjoyed.   For the disappointment that we may have experienced, I am very certain that there was also happiness.  I urge you to find 30 minutes, pen, and paper in hand, to jot down the blessings you received from our Lord this year.  I can promise you it is an exercise that will bring smiles to your face and will fill your heart with gratitude to God.  Our God is good, and is blessing are rich.

It is hard to do as our verse for today suggests, forgetting what is behind and straining for the future.  Yet, that is what each year brings to us, an opportunity to strive forward.  It is easy to think about what went wrong this past year and to focus on all the sadness that brings.  What God gives us, each day of the year not just on New Year’s Eve, is the hope in the future.  He gives us a chance to wake up each day and walk with Him through this life.  Who better than to journey this life on earth with?  God presents each day with new hope, new mercies, new blessings for us to enjoy.  I am aware that not each day is going to be a picnic, but when you invite God into your life each day, it will bring someone for you to walk with on those tough days. 

May 2024 find all of us focusing on the blessing of our Lord, enjoying, and finding a blessing each and every day, with the focus on the gifts God gives us.  When those disappointing and sad days occur, let us end the day with God, asking for His help to forget what is behind.  When we arise the next morning, may we also ask for His help in straining for the future.  Here is to a God-filled 2024.  Happy New Year!

Dearest Lord, thank you for the opportunity to reflect on the past.  May we cherish our blessings and learn from our disappointment.  Help us to strain towards the future and ensure our focus is on you.  Amen!


Sunday, December 24, 2023

Gift of Grace


Here we are, the last Advent Sunday – Christmas Eve!  It is a different Christmas in our household – one that is a bit quieter.  As our children have grown and have other families to visit during the holidays, we have made the arrangement as many families do to have one year on Christmas Day, and one year another day in December.  We had our family Christmas about a week ago, so this one will be a bit different.  Although I have struggled with this, I also realize the blessing in it.  The major chaos has been replaced with quiet – a time to reflect on the gifts our Jesus brought with him when he came to earth.

This week, the last Advent in this series, focuses on the Gift of Grace.  The gifts we reflected on this Advent season are punctuated with Hope, Love, Joy and Peace.  Yet, the Gift of Grace is the one, for me, that means the most.  Once I was able to wrap my head around the difference between grace and mercy (see last week’s post on mercy), I realized that grace is what is given from God that I don’t deserve.  That list is certainly lengthy as I walk through the blessings I have received despite who I am, a sinner. 

God has been good to us – to each of us.  He richly gives to us what we don’t deserve.  We find favor with God purely from faith.  As we believe who He is, He gives to us what each of us needs.  I will be honest, there have been times in my life that I wondered if God had grace upon me.  Life was difficult, very difficult.  Each aspect, whether it be love, health, or finances – all of them seemed to be far from what I needed.  As always, God knew better.  The gift of His blessings come in His time, not ours.  They come when we need it most, and He always provides.

The gift of grace is seen most in the greatest gift Jesus gave us that Christmas morn so long ago.  He was born to die – a death that erased our sins and saved us from a lifetime of eternal death.  With His birth, and subsequent death, He brought to us eternal life.  Without Jesus coming to earth, the salvation of the world would never have been given to us.  Numerous gifts Jesus brought with Him, but the greatest was the grace He bestowed on us for a lifetime with Him.    

On this Christmas Eve, may we celebrate Jesus’ birth – and the grace that He gave us – eternal salvation.  I wish you and your families a wonderful and blessed Christmas.  May God’s Gift of Grace be bestowed on all of us.  Merry Christmas!

Dearest Jesus, thank you for the Gift of Grace.  May we reflect and be eternally grateful for your grace that leads to our salvation.  Amen!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Gift of Mercy


Third Sunday in Advent – the time is flying by this Advent season!  Then again, I say that every Advent season!  As we continue our journey of some of the gifts Jesus brought to us, we certainly can’ t continue on that journey without stopping at mercy!  Mercy and grace always used to be ones that would cause me confusion.  Then I saw this simple explanation:

    Mercy is NOT getting something you deserve.   Grace is getting something you DON’T deserve.

When it comes to people in my life, I am grateful that there have been situations where they have shown me mercy.  Growing up, although I KNOW I did not look at it in such gratefulness at the time, I am certain my parents showed me mercy for not giving me something I so deeply deserved – like a punishment for something I did wrong.  Moving forward, there have also been times when I have been granted mercy with my spouse, my children, friends, and coworkers.  In all those cases, where I have not conducted myself in the way I should, there has been forgiveness and mercy.  I am so grateful for that.

There are also times when we should show mercy on ourselves.  Yes, looking in the mirror for mercy can be healing.  We may carry with us a sin (or many sins), that we cannot seem to shake.  We hold onto them, and they reside like boulders on our shoulders.  Having mercy upon ourselves provides us freedom from those sins and helps us to walk a bit more upright in forgiveness!

Forgiveness is at the heart of mercy and is certainly at the heart of Jesus.  He not only came to earth knowing He would die for our sins, but to take away our own punishment that we deserved.  He showed us, and continues to show us, mercy every day.  Look at your day – how many times does Jesus bestow mercy on you?  With my day it is too numerous to count.  Jesus provides me mercy in each situation – not just the small ones!  I deserve eternal damnation for the sins in my life, but Jesus freely gives the gift of forgiveness and shows me mercy in every case. 

It is hard to forgive or have mercy on another when they have done something wrong – especially against you!  Our natural tendency is to fight back with an “I’ll show them” attitude, providing some sort of punishment.   Maybe you have been harboring that for exceedingly long with a particular individual.  This Advent season let us look deep in our souls and provide another the gift of mercy – not giving them the cold shoulder or working hard to make their life miserable.  Free not only them, but yourself, and provide mercy.  Jesus gave gifts so that we could give those gifts to others.  It is time for us to give Jesus a reason to say, “Job well done my faithful servant.”  Give Mercy!

Dearest Jesus, thank you for your gift of mercy.  We certainly deserve eternal damnation for all we have done.  Yet, you show us mercy instead – forgiving our sins and not punishing us with hell for the sins we commit.  May we also have mercy on ourselves and others to continue the gift of mercy here on earth!  Amen.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Gift of Presence


The second week of Advent already!  Time is flying by this Christmas season.  With all the preparations and busy schedules, finding time to be alone in your own thoughts may seem rare.  Yet there are those who are only feeling a sense of loneliness this Christmas.  It may be that they miss a loved one who has passed.  They could be searching for that special someone in their lives.  Friendships may have been broken.  Hard times may be upon them, and they choose to retreat inward to solitude.  There are many reasons people may be lonely this Christmas.

Being lonely, even with a room full of people around you, can certainly reign true.  It could be that the people who surround you cannot see inside your heart, where a feeling of loneliness is residing.  Having lonely moments can be tough to work through.  Who really knows my pain?  Who can really see my despair?  Many times, people on earth CAN’T see all of that.

There is one who sees it all and is with us all, Jesus!  When He came to earth that Christmas morn, He brought with Him his everlasting presence!  Would I have loved to have been next to Jesus side during the time of His ministry?  YES!  Would I have enjoyed walking down a dirty path with him – in awe of it all?  YES!  What I need to remember, what WE need to remember, is that He is next to me, He is walking with me, with us!

Jesus gave us the gift of His presence – not with all that He did for us while on earth, but also His presence with us while he waits for us in heaven.  In moments of loneliness, there is one who can see our pain, one who can see our despair, and one who can take our loneliness away.  What a friend we have in Jesus!  He is with us not only for all the good in our lives, but more importantly, for all the dark moments as well.

I find this most comforting when the thoughts at night run through my mind.  So often, sleep is replaced with thoughts of what I should do that I’m not doing, how I could have done something differently and a sense of loneliness through it all.  This is when I run to Jesus.  I imagine him sitting next to me at my bedside, smiling at me, ensuring that I know he is always there for me – wherever my mind takes me. 

Jesus wants us to know that we are never alone.  Whatever our situation may be, Jesus is right there with us.  He is holding our hand, listening to our worries, providing support not from afar – but right next to us.  Christmas can be a time of loneliness.  Friends, if you find yourself there – go to the One that is always there for you, Jesus.  If you know someone who could use a friend, a person to listen, be present for them as Jesus is present to you.  Give them your time, hold their hand, listen to their worries, and provide support.  You may find Jesus is working through you as He gives you the gift of His presence!

Dearest Jesus, thank you for the gift of your presence.  During times of loneliness and despair, let us be reminded that we are never alone.  The gift of you being here for us always fills our hearts and souls.  

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Gift of Rest


Welcome to Advent!  Preparing for Jesus’ birth comes in so many ways.  This year, my Advent series is going to focus on the gifts Jesus brought to us.  I agree – there are too many to focus on just four.  We certainly have the gifts of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love, the gifts that represent the Advent candles.  This year I thought we could focus on others that elude us during the holiday season. 

I was chatting with my husband as I made my 15th list of the holiday season, about how this holiday seems busier than some of the others we have had.  The cooking, the cleaning, the decorating, the shopping, on top of 10+ hour days at work has me just plum tired.  And we are only at the beginning of December!  Yet, we both agreed that although this year is a bit busier, we wouldn’t trade it for the world. 

This time of year busy seems to take over our lives.  The activities we put upon ourselves to ensure a successful holiday season can run the amuck.   It’s the perfect decorations, perfect gift searching, perfect menu choices, perfect outfit for the party, etc. that can lead us to a life of ‘busy’ for four to six weeks.  The big push is on for perfection!  Yes, I am right there with you.  

It is not only the activities that create busy, but also all the thoughts that run through our minds that can create busy and weary.  The anxiousness of forgetting something.  The thoughts of loved ones who may have health concerns – or your own health concerns!  Worry over financial struggles. 

All of the above can find us exhausted and burdened, especially during the holiday season.  Our ability to stop and enjoy eludes our days and our evenings are left with thoughts scrolling through our minds leaving sleep an act in futility.  My friends, as always, our answer to all of this comes in the One who came to us, Jesus!  His arrival on earth provided us with hope, joy, peace and love.  It also provided us with this message for rest. 

Whether it is during the holidays or any time of the year, our ability to rest can be difficult.  This passage always reminds me where I can rest, body and mind, in the arms of Jesus.  He is there to take the burden from me.  Can He make those Christmas cookies for me?  Maybe not, but He can certainly change my mindset from chore to fun.  And He always reminds me that perfection is NOT the name of the game, but love.  One of Jesus’ greatest gifts comes in taking our burdens – our worry, our anxiousness, our concerns.  He wants us to rest from those things and we can only rest when we go to Jesus.  Giving Jesus our burdens creates a space in our minds and hearts for Him!  Laying these burdens at His feet, exactly where He wants them, provides us the opportunity to see things more clearly. 

Jesus came to earth to give us the gift of rest – in body and mind.  During this Christmas season, let us seek out Jesus’ arms to fall into.  Give to Jesus our burdens so our focus can be on His love.  May this Advent bring you rest in Jesus.

Dearest Jesus, as we prepare for your birth this Advent, may we remember to rest our bodies and minds in your arms and your word.  Amen

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Thanks for All


I’m sure many of us are thinking the same thought today, “I can’t believe Thanksgiving is only a few days away!”  I’m feeling the same sentiment.  Whether you are preparing for 50 people or 5, there is still preparation.   I find myself ensuring I have enough chairs, where is everyone going to sit, will I have enough turkey (and I better ensure I have enough stuffing my mom reminds me).  Yet, with all that preparation, I breathe and take a moment for thanks.

These verses from 1 Thessalonians have become some of my favorites.  “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  A few years ago, I made a point of spending time with these verses, understanding the power in these words.  At face value, one may say, “Doing that is easy enough!”  Maybe it is for some, but for me, I found myself falling short.  Let’s take each one.

Rejoice Always – When something wonderful happens, we can find ourselves celebrating for that which makes us happy.  In the moment, there can be joy and smiles, laughter, and happiness.  Do I share thanks with our Lord for those moments?  Does pride seep in and I forget where the goodness comes from?  Taking the time to rejoice always in good (and the tough) situations is what God wants from us.  He certainly deserves our rejoicing in him, always!

Pray Continually – I admire folks who have prayer journals and sit down with those journals daily to pray for those in need.  I’m not one of those folks.  My prayer time is erratic and many times I find my quiet prayer time to be in the car, driving to work in the morning.  It is one of the many things I fall short with and keep trying to improve.  One area I have gained in prayer is praying immediately.  What does that look like?  Taking a few moments to pray for that tough meeting I may have, or ensuring I lift someone up to God when I hear of a health situation or a difficult time for them.  Immediately talking to God has brought him into my life continuously throughout the day. 

Give Thanks in All Circumstances –To give thanks for all?  That’s much to ask from us humans, isn’t it?  Giving thanks to God for hurt and despair, for heartache and ill health, for sadness and loneliness can be a very tall order.  Why am I thanking God if I’m ill or lonely?  I struggled with that concept for a long time.  I realized that the glory may not come in the situation, but that I have a God I can go to, to talk with, who understands what I am dealing with.  Yes, little me among the billions of people, has God’s ear and God has my heart.  He knows when life is hard for us.  The more we go to him with, “God, I may not know your plan, but I know you are my God.  This road may be tough for me now, but I am thankful for what you are showing me and teaching me.”  It isn’t an easy prayer to say, especially if we are angry or in despair.  That is when God wants us to reach out to him.

Giving thanks for all we have, the good and the bad, the joy and the sadness, can seem difficult.  Friends, we have a God who understands us and wants us to come to him with it all.  He wants to help us get through the tough times with him by our side.  Revel in the knowledge that our God knows the plan for us.  He will be there for us if we go to him with a thankful heart.  Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Heavenly Father, we thank you for it all!  Help us to always come to you rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks in all circumstances!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

List Interrupter


When my husband asked what I was doing on a sunny, chilly Saturday, I shared, “Making Lists!”  As he rolled his eyes, he was probably thinking, “That means I’ll receive my list as well!”  He wasn’t too far away with that thinking, but it IS getting to be that time of year, when there is lots to be done and what seems little time to do it!  Thereby, LISTS!  Many folks can walk through life and face what they have in front of them, dealing with it at that moment.  Me?  I can’t even do that on vacation, never mind everyday life.

I admire folks who take life one moment at a time.  I envision them seeing what the day may hold and living/reacting to whatever is in front of them.  There are no plans, no worry if the plan doesn’t happen, no scrambling around to ensure the plan is met.  I have tried that, even on a weekend vacation.  It makes me so uncomfortable!

Therefore, when it comes to the holiday season, the lists get ‘amped up’.  Planning things that need to get done, dinner menus, fun activities, etc.  The planning moves into doing and ensuring that everything that was carefully planned falls into precision execution.  Then, it happens!  The one thing that I DIDN’T plan for, the one thing I WASN’T counting on.  All the well-laid plans fall to the wayside.  After the moment of craziness (and usually a few tears in the bathroom), I emerge knowing God is talking to me!  It is in those moments I realize my plans may not be God’s plans.

 In that moment, Isaiah 55:8 rolls into my head, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declared the Lord.  That is so very true.  When my ways are the only ways, God steps in to remind me HIS ways are the only ways.  It is His purpose and His plans that I need to follow.  It is in these moments I have learned to gain perspective.  It is in these moments I have grown to lean on God.  It is in these moments I pray and say, “Show me what I need to do now.” 

I find that is when I learn the most from my Heavenly Father.  I believe that is when God teaches us the best!  When times are not what we expect, when life throws us the ‘list interrupter”, that is when God becomes front and center.  He teaches, comforts, guides, and loves us through those times.  His patience is so great as we are so weak.  When we can say, “Show me what I need to do,” he graciously leads us to His purpose, His plan.  It may seem so far astray from the journey we want to take, but with Him guiding us, as in Matthew 19:26, “…with God, all things are possible.”

My friends, as we move into this busy holiday season of Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas, let us breathe.  May the lists that I know all of you have not be our only guide.  May the Father himself reach out to remind us that His plans and His purpose are far greater than anything we may have in store.  Release the list to the moment and may we all learn what God may have in store for us!  It’s not easy, and it will take practice.  I’m going to work on this during the next few weeks.  Will you join me? 

Dearest Lord, move my eyes away from MY to-do’s and focus on YOUR to-do’s!  In your name we I pray, Amen!

Sunday, November 5, 2023



Fall in New England is incredible.  As I’ve shared, each year, the leaves turn.  Some years the colors are more vibrant than others, but color arrives like a paintbrush over the trees.  As certain as we are that the leaves will turn, we are even more certain that the leaves will fall, which yields a much-dreaded chore for many folks, picking up the leaves.  My husband will find himself collecting the leaves multiple times throughout the week.  It is a job that is difficult to stay ahead of.  Some leaves will fall with the gentlest of breezes while others seem to need a tornado to even shift position. 

Eventually, the trees are bare.  Many of them are coming to the end of this season and soon all one will see is the silhouette of the branches.  Just as beautiful as the green leaves are in spring and the colorful leaves in autumn, the bare branches have a beauty all their own.  When I look at the tree with its dark bark against a pale blue sky, it reminds me of us and our journey in faith.

Our faith journey can find us in many different seasons.  When our journey is new, it can feel like spring – full of freshness.  In our season of summer, it can feel warm and restful, like a hug from the summer SON.  In autumn, our journey can feel colorful, filled with many different aspects of faith such as worship, servanthood, and study.  In winter, it can take on a sense of self-reflection, exposing our true selves and being ‘bare’ to Christ.

Let us not be confused, our Lord walks with us and sees us in all the seasons – long before we do!  That is especially the case in the winter season and baring ourselves to God.  Many times, this comes with a reflection on the sins we have committed throughout our lives – some small and some grave.  It may come with a reflection on how we may not have given as much of ourselves to Jesus as we wanted to – in worship, servanthood, or study.  It may also come with a reflection that no matter how much we try and learn from God’s word, we will only come away with a fragment of what is intended in the Good Book.

Yes, Jesus sees us bare long before we get there.  He sees our sins; He sees our shortcomings; He sees our doubts.  Our Lord, being the loving and merciful Lord that He is takes our exposure, the baring of ourselves in our winter season, and fills it with love, hope, joy, and grace.  Although we may look at our own bare silhouette and believe there is nothing, we can do to gain God’s love, he swoops in with the Good News that we are right!  There is nothing we can DO but believe!  If we believe, we gain his love, hope, joy, grace, and SALVATION! 

During the winter season, where we can feel as bare as the tree with no leaves, know that Jesus is right there to clothe us with righteousness and adorn us with the robe of His children.  So, bare yourself, self-reflect, and smile – for you are God’s child.

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the ability to bare ourselves to you, like a tree in winter, and helping us to know that no matter how bleak things may look, you are there to save us.  Amen!

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Grace Filled


Grace – the free and unmerited favor from God.  I certainly need grace!  Mercy and grace are two words I have heard throughout my Christian life.  Today’s focus on grace points to my life as a sinner.  When I look at the ten commandments and look at my life this past week, I could give myself a ‘thumbs up’.  I didn’t covet my neighbor, didn’t kill, didn’t commit adultery, etc.  Yet, my life certainly had sin in it.  Not just one sin, but a multitude of sins throughout the days.  Our sinful nature, no matter how hard we may try to ‘be good’, is part of who we are.  We may want to pin all of this on Adam and Eve, yet the result is that we are sinful beings.  The result of sin is death – pure and simple. 

Unless . . . .   Unless you believe our Lord and Savior died for our sins and that by believing this in your heart & soul, you will be saved!  When Jesus died on the cross, our sins were wiped away.  Not just the little ones, but the big ones; the conscious sins and the unconscious sins.  The only way we can find salvation is through the belief that Jesus died so we have eternal life.

As our verse for today shares, grace is tied directly to our sin.  Grace is unwarranted by us and undeserved by us.  There is nothing we can do to receive grace other than to believe in Jesus.  What I love about the definition in the beginning of this post is that grace is FREE!  It costs us nothing other than believing.  You cannot pay your way for grace.  You cannot work ‘really hard’ for grace.  You cannot give up worldly possessions for grace.  It is free through believing in Jesus.  I know that rings music to my ears and fills my soul for there is nothing that I can do or give that can provide salvation, other than Jesus.

Today is Reformation Sunday.  It is the day we remember when Martin Luther posted the Ninety-Five Theses which, in part, stated that the church shouldn’t require monetary payment to absolve one from sins.  Luther focused on faith in Jesus and grace from God.  Being a lifelong Lutheran, this has always been how I viewed my faith.  This philosophy, that it is through grace, solely grace, that I am saved has brought me comfort throughout my years.    Today’s verse emphasizes that.

The truest and most important belief for all of us is to know that Jesus is our savior.  Our sins are great, my friends.  Reflecting on that can bring heaviness to our hearts.  Let your heart rejoice!  Our faith is centered around the wonderful grace our Lord has given to us. 

Heavenly Father, we thank you for your grace.  Without the grace you have given to us, we would be lost in despair.  Having faith in our salvation through Jesus, your grace falls gently to us.  We are eternally grateful.  Amen!

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Bring the Light


We drove along as the rain pelted against the windshield. We had been looking forward to this weekend getaway ‘up north.’ In New Hampshire, this typically means north of Lake Winnipesaukee. For us, it meant Jackson. It is a quaint small village outside the town of North Conway. During peak fall foliage season, this area sees bumper to bumper traffic as people from across the country flock to see the beautiful colors of the White Mountains. It is a sight to be seen. We were arriving past peak. The crowds would be long gone, but the muted colors could still be seen.

Although the rain lasted from Friday afternoon through Sunday, it did not stop us from doing the things we loved – taking a walk on the Jackson oval, shopping at the local outlets, taking a train ride through the woods, and driving through the mountain roads. At one point, the trees created a canopy over the small country roads. The dark, dismal, dreary day seemed to take a sidestep to the canopy of yellow that covered our path. It was amazing! The total aura around us changed from darkness to brightness. It was as if the yellow leaves of the trees were brightening our dark drive, reminding us that there would be brighter days ahead.

This moment quickly reminded me of our verse for today. Our lives can be filled with darkness. The darkness can stem from the world around us. Warring nations, violence, corruption, and death can create days where darkness seems to be at every turn. The darkness can also be closer to home. Tough medical conditions, difficult relationships, financial dismay, our sinful nature, and a death of a loved one can bring darkness to our days as well. It can be daunting to find any type of light when our world is so dark.

My friends, our world has light! The light we need is found in the word of our Heavenly Father. There, we can hold close His promise for light in our darkness. God shares with us a path that brings us hope, joy and love. So often, it can be hard for us to see that light. We wake up in darkness and go to bed in darkness.

When my days are filled with darkness, I go to the One that brings light to our darkest days. I can find Him in many ways. I can open the Bible and read a favorite verse that brings hope.   I will turn on a Christian station that shares music to lift our souls. Sometimes I call a friend to gain encouragement.  Siting in a church pew and looking at the cross also brings me light.  The greatest moments of light are usually found when I fold my hands and talk to God.

During moments of darkness and despair, our hope can only be found in the One that gives us everlasting hope, God.  Share with Him your darkness. Share with Him your despair. Give to Him your rain and watch him enfold you in a canopy of yellow leaves, bringing you light and love!

Dearest God, thank you for giving to me the light I need in the darkness. Help me to call out your name so you can shine your light and let me know my hope is in you. In your everlasting brightness I pray, Amen!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Worrier to Warrior


I’m not proud of it.  I am improving but haven’t arrived at the desired place.  I’m sure I have plenty of other things to do yet I still go there.  I worry!  It used to be my number one past time.  If there was a situation placed in front of me, I would take the opportunity to find how I could worry about it!   As with any of us, we have many situations placed in front of us so, well, you get the picture.  It’s not just the big things I worry about, but it is the little daily things that I worry about.  My best time to worry?  At night when I can’t sleep.  Did I set my alarm early enough to ensure I’m at work to make that meeting in the morning?  Did I remember to pull out the ground beef from the freezer for dinner tomorrow night?  These are simple questions but then I continue to spin them in my head repeatedly, creating a ping in my heart of worry.

We don’t know what the future holds, and worry can become an overwhelming part of our lives.  Worry can weigh on our hearts and our minds.  I spoke of the little things above but then there are the very large situations that can overcome us with worry.  We can worry about the health (physical and spiritual) of our children.  We can worry about our relationship with spouses.  We can worry about the health of family members.  We can worry about job security.  We can worry about our own health.  This is where I took a nosedive and where God rescued me.

It was 24 years ago this past week that I was diagnosed with cancer.  Yes, that brought about a fair share of worry in my life – and for a worrier – it consumed me.  With God’s grace and many wonderful doctors, nurses, family, and friends, I made it through that year.  One would think, “Yea, thumbs up.”  For me, that was the beginning of worry.  I have, and continue, to do all the things to try and ensure it won’t come back but as we all know way too often, stuff happens. 

Entering the picture is the One, the only One, who can turn me from a worrier to a warrior.  Our Dear Lord.  He has provided for me, for us, the opportunity to turn our worry over to Him.  He ASKS us to stop worrying and let Him handle things.  Today in our verse, He tells us to not worry about tomorrow.  He has provided for each of us our todays, tomorrows, and our eternal future with Him.  That is all we need to know.  With that in mind, our days can be lighter, and our worries can be lighter.  The heaviness can be gone.  He says, “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest,” Matthew 11:28.  The good news is He means it!

Move from being a worrier to a warrior in Christ.  Let yourself and others know that your worry can be light because we have a God who takes care of us.  Our job is to TRUST Him.  Trusting God should be easy!  How many times have you given things to God, only to take them back and begin worrying about them.  When we become a warrior for Christ, and put Him front and center, we are constantly reminded of His power, His grace, His mercy, and His love!  We don’t have time to worry because we are too busy focusing on His greatness and all that He has given us.  When I stopped worrying about cancer coming back, I began to live in the moment I was given.  Those moments have added up to many years that can only be given to me through the grace of God.  Stop being the worrier of tomorrow – be the warrior of today!

Dearest Jesus, we thank you for taking our worry from us.  Help us to release it and to trust you solely to take care of our situations.  Guide us to answers and peace.  Amen.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Same & Different


I’m a leaf connoisseur.   I admit it.  I have a true obsession with autumn and in autumn I mean the changing of the leaves.  This obsession started long ago, but it hasn’t waned as the years have passed.  In fact, I believe it has become stronger.  I watch, with an eagle eye, trees from the middle of August on.  You can ask my husband, I will point out the ones that start early, the ones that are late, the ones that have vibrant colors and ones that are more muted.  This year is no exception, except that the colors seem to be even more vivacious.  I can’t even explain to you how it excites my heart!

This year, as I examine each tree and that tree’s leaves, I’m noticing something a bit different.  Not only does one tree have different color leaves on it, but there are also same leaves that have different colors on them.  It happens some years and seeing it this year brings a newness to the entire autumn celebration.  Trees that you may expect to shine with brilliance in yellow seem to have their own radiant yellow, orange, and red hues.  It is God’s paintbrush at its finest!

Same and different.  The thought brought me back to the Holy Trinity.  All are the same God, yet they are all different.  God as the Father, God as the Son, God as the Holy Spirit.  God presenting himself in three ways to fill our souls and free us from sin.  Same, but different.  Not an easy concept to grasp and there are certainly still times when I struggle with it.  One thing is true – God is ever present in every part of the Holy Trinity. 

It may be a reason why today’s passage filled my soul.  God that is with each of us can present himself differently among us.  The distributor of gifts and blessings gives to each of us.  We don’t all receive the same gifts.  We don’t all receive the same blessings.  We aren’t all asked to serve God the same way.  The one God, the same God we all believe in provides differences to us – in who we are, what we do and what we have.  Same, but different.

I know I have asked myself several times throughout my life, “How can __________ be blessed in this way, but I’m not?”, “How can _________ receive this spiritual gift, but I don’t have that gift?”  These questions can come to mind in many experiences throughout life.  When I turn to God for answers, these verses come to mind.  We have One God who shares blessings and gifts.  Those blessings and gifts need to be different to accomplish his work.  The joy comes in the same – the same God that loves us, the same Jesus that forgives our sins, the same Holy Spirit working within us.  Same and different, living in perfect harmony.

When we find our minds wandering about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, may it all come back to the same God in different forms.  May we delight in the differences we all have with each other, knowing it all comes from the same loving & eternal God.

Dearest God, thank you for always being the same, yet different!  Knowing you will always love us, forgive us, and rejoice when we enter heaven’s gates, yet provide us with difference experiences helps me to know you are always with me.  Amen!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Return


Yes, it is that time of year!  I’m sure you were waiting to hear me speak about autumn - I won’t disappoint you.  It is coming – the return of the leaves turning their incredible colors of red, orange, and yellow.  I anxiously wait for this time of year to revel in the beauty of fall.  As I sit on our deck on this incredible autumn day, I breathe in the air that tells me fall is here.  The warmth of the sun plays nicely against the breeze, creating an environment of peace and tranquility. 

Waiting for ‘the return’ of autumn reminds me of how I feel about many ‘returns’ in my life.  Waiting for my husband to return after a trip, waiting for my children to return for the holidays, waiting for my mom to return to her hospital room from surgery.  The list goes on and on.  As many will agree, the waiting can be the hardest part.  I know it is for me – especially in the heat of the summer when I wait for the crispness of fall.  The waiting can also be hard as we wait for the people, we love to return to us.  Often the wait is rewarded by the return.  Those returns can certainly fill our hearts and souls.  Whether it is the return of the changing leaves, or the return of a loved one, returns can be so fulfilling.

Friends, we are in a waiting phase.  We are anxiously awaiting the return of our savior, Jesus.  As with other aspects of our lives, the waiting can be the hardest part.  Maybe we are going through a certain trial, and we want Jesus to return to take our pain away.  Maybe our faith is waning, and we just want to see Jesus’ face to provide us hope.  Rest assured; our Dear Lord will return to us at His coming.  As with everything that concerns waiting, the return will be in Jesus’ time, when He believes it is the right time.  I believe the waiting is the most difficult, certainly as we know Jesus’ return will be a wonderful day. 

Be certain that the return will be more joyous than a loved one returning from a trip and EVEN more joyous than the return of the beautiful leaves.  Jesus’ return will be filled with a joy that we have not yet known.  Until then, live in hope!  Just as we wait in hope for all things that bring us happiness, know that your hope in Jesus’ return will bring you everlasting joy.  

The wait is always worth it – as the return, Jesus’ return, will be filled with joy.

Dearest Jesus, we know that any return is the results of the wait.  As we wait for all the goodness you bring us, may we know that the most precious return, your return, will be the most joyous!  Give us hope in all of our waiting.  Amen!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

No Comparison


Have you ever looked to the right and left of you and wonder, “I work so hard, and they seem to get all the reward?”  Maybe this has crossed your mind at work, while speaking to neighbors or even at a family dinner.  There are many times in my life where I believed I may have worked harder at things, but never ‘reaped’ the benefits of that hard work.  During those reflective times I would compare my life to others, what I had and what I didn’t have.  I tried to rationalize why my life may have been so difficult and why their lives seemed easier and more fruitful.

No, I am not proud of those moments in my life.  God teaches so often throughout His Word that our works do not get us a place ‘in the front of the line’ at heaven or an easier life.  He makes it abundantly clear that we cannot earn our way to Him through our works.  These loving verses noted above shares with all of us that the only way we gain salvation is by faith in Jesus and the gift of His grace.  This gift of salvation, which we do not deserve, is not something we can earn.  We can’t work our way to heaven. 

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t work hard and that we shouldn’t behave as Jesus has asked us to.  It is a very clear reminder, though, that putting work in front of God will not secure our place in heaven.  For many, we can compare this to the Mary and Martha syndrome.  When Jesus visits the home of these two sisters, it is Mary who sits at the feet of Jesus and listens to Him speak while Martha scurries around the home, ensuring a nice dinner will be served, and becoming infuriated with the lack of help from her sister.  Jesus calls out Martha saying, “Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed – or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42

It is important for us to do our very best, whether we are serving at church, at work or at home.  Yet, it is also important to remember that this work will NOT get us a better seat in heaven, or more riches than we deserve.  Our eye should be on filling ourselves up with the riches of grace, mercy, salvation, and love that our Savior so freely gives to us.  All Jesus wants is for us to believe in Him, and that alone, clears our path to heaven.  My friends, do your best, but let us not compare ourselves to others, or judge others.  Join me when our thoughts take us there, to turn our eyes on Jesus, and smile saying, “Thank you God, for your give me all that I need, your gift of salvation.”

Jesus, help me to remember that my work doesn’t define me as a child of God, but my belief in you defines me as Your child.  Hold me close to you in times where my thoughts may wander and bring me back to your grace and mercy.  In your name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, September 17, 2023



Traffic!  Haven’t met a person yet who says, “Oh, I just LOVE traffic.”  As I was driving to work this past week, going along at my normal pace, I observed a sea of red lights in front of me.  Immediately, my thoughts race, “What’s causing all this traffic?”, “Am I going to make it to work on time?”, “What is my contingent if I’m going to be late for the meeting?”  Traffic was getting in the way of my morning – and I certainly wasn’t ‘loving’ that feeling! 

It made me think of how life has its own ‘traffic’.  There are many roadblocks that could stall us from where we want to go in life.  We could be travelling along life and a health situation could stop us in our tracks.   Maybe we are driving along an open highway with someone, and relationship issues come up.  There is also the road of employment that could stumble along a barrier that stops us from attaining career goals.  The road of life has certainly put up many roadblocks in my life, and I’m sure you can relate.

The roadblocks of life can be frustrating.  When life is moving along and suddenly there is traffic, it can be hard to see what is causing the situation, are we going to attain our goals, or the one I can be very good at, how am “I” going to fix this!  We are human.  Often, we need to find the root cause of the stumble in our life and then move in ‘our’ direction to ensure we achieve what we want.  Friends, it may be time to get off of our highway and get onto God’s highway!

Self reflection on this topic has led me to recognize that many times, when life offers me a stop on my highway, I don’t always turn to my Lord and Savior for help and understanding.  I work hard and try to determine all the answers to the above questions on my own.  The reality is that when I finally decide to go to God in prayer, He provides the clear map of why I shouldn’t be on my highway and why I should be on his!  Through HIS eyes, I can see where my life should be headed – and many times it is not how I was intending.  Often, the goals that I may have set for myself are not attained and certainly not in MY time.  Yet, the highway God has for me is so much better.  His goals in His time makes my life richer. 

Give it a try!  The next time you hit a roadblock in life, immediately turn off to the God Exit!   We may not always understand the cause of the roadblock, but the new highway can be so much more scenic and rewarding.  How could it not?  You have the best co-pilot – God!

Heavenly Father, when our lives hit roadblocks, help us to turn to you for help.  Please guide us on the highway you want us to take and provide a clear road to get there.  May we see our road as a gift from You and gladly take it, knowing that it will lead to our heavenly home.  In your guiding name we pray, Amen!

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Labor Gift


Labor Day is recognized as a day to rest for the American workforce.  For many, this weekend marks the end of summer and beginning of fall.  Enjoying those last few carefree days before fall sets in, Labor Day finds many folks at local beaches or heating up the grill for a barbecue.  For many, they see it as the ‘last hurrah’.  For my husband and me, we have spent the last few days on a home improvement project.  Nothing says Labor Day weekend more than home improvement!!   

As we worked, I noticed how hard my husband was working, sweat pouring down, but not stopping him from his goal.  He was focused on finishing the job at hand.  I realized that he has that same focus on all things work related – whether it is at home or his occupation.  He is very dedicated to everything he takes on.  When I asked him why he needs to work so hard and why can’t we find someone to help, his response is always, “I will do it for as long as I can do it.”  I remember my father saying the same thing.  The approach seems to be if God will afford him the opportunity to work, he will.

The way we approach work can certainly be a reflection on how we approach life.  We can do this thing called life for as long as God gifts it to us.  Whatever we do for a career, it is a gift.  Whatever we can do at home, it is a gift.  For ALL things are gifts from God – including work!  Being able to work is truly a gift.  We may not always seem that way, especially after a very difficult day, but our approach can make the difference.  I keep a Bible verse in my day timer at work – for those days that are very difficult!  Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”  By reflecting on that verse, I’m able to redirect my frustration, knowing that God gifted me this job and it is for Him that I work.

Our lives have become so busy with our ability to engage for work.  For many, work doesn’t end.  We are constantly checking emails, working through lunches, checking in during vacations, etc.  Labor Day reminds us that the gift of work also brings with it the gift of rest.  Remember, even God rested on the seventh day!  Which means we can all rest too!   Be grateful for the gift of work, whether the work is a job or a home improvement!!  Be grateful that work provides us to feed our families and pay the rent/mortgage.  Be grateful for what God has provided for you. 

Then, be grateful for the day of rest.  Relax and enjoy Labor Day, the Sabbath, and other days that are provided to you for rest.  Embrace the days of rest and know that when you get up the next day for work, the job is truly a gift from our Lord!

Heavenly Father, thank you for our Labor Gift!  As we embrace each day for work, may we remember that it was given to us by you!  May we work hard but help us also to relax and rest from our labor, as you did!  Amen!

Sunday, August 27, 2023

New Coat


Remember a few weeks ago I shared the stripping of the deck story?  May I now share with you the painting of the deck story?  That’s correct, last weekend we found another two days of no rain, so we moved forward with the second part of our project, painting the deck.  We were going to go about this process with precision!  We went to the home improvement store, got six samples of different paints we wanted to try, painted them on the deck to see what we liked and on Friday evening, went to get our paint and supplies.  We woke up Saturday morning ready to go! 

By Saturday night, we were done with the banister.  Each spindle was painted with precision, and it looked great.  Sunday found us doing the floor.  With the sun beating down on us, the paint was soaked in by each deck plank, making for a very long day!  It was hard work and at the end, both of us were incredibly exhausted and sore, our legs and backs in pain from squatting or being hunched over all weekend.  Then our critical eyes looked at the deck and each other to share, “I think the color is a little off!”  It may be a tad greyer than we anticipated, but we both also knew we weren’t going to repaint it!  It looks great.  The journey was hard but the end result-awesome!

Once again, the process reminded me of our Lord and this Bible verse that I have come to love over the years.  When we decide to put off our old way of life, or rejuvenate our lives in Christ, there are many parallels to painting the deck!

Sampling – finding out what works.  When I need to get a “Jesus adjustment”, I find myself trying some new and different things to focus my attention to Jesus.  I may try different Christian music, read a study book from a different author, or join an online Bible study.  As I’m writing this, I’m thinking about diving into a book of the Bible that interests me.  Just as we tried a variety of paints, look at options that may tell you “That’s the one!”

Hard Work – put in the tough work.  Changing our focus is not easy.  Humans are creatures of habit and moving away from bad habits and establishing new ones is not easy.  It means making a commitment.  What if we had started the deck and by the second day said, “This is too hard.”  This is the same in our Jesus journey.  It may be hard; it may be exhausting.  Body and mind may be sore.  Yet, it is worth it to put on a new attitude in Jesus!

Critical Eye – it may not be perfect.  When I have embarked to put on something new in Jesus, I have grandiose ideas of what that is going to look like.  It NEVER ends up the way I thought it would.  If I decide on a daily prayer focus and I miss a day, my mind says, “You’ve failed.”  If I switch the radio channel away to listen to a different music genre, I believe I have failed.  Jesus doesn’t look at it that way, and neither should we.  We weren’t meant to be perfect, in ANYTHING that we do.  What is so wonderful about Jesus is He gets that, especially when we don’t get that.  He is waiting to put His loving arms around you to say, “I’m proud of you, let’s hop back on and see where the journey takes us.”

The journey of putting on a new attitude in Jesus is not always easy, but it is always worth it!  Is it time to put on a ‘fresh coat of paint’ in Jesus’ name?  Try a few things, put in the hard work, know that you will fail, but get back up again.  I’m sure the result will be AWESOME!

Dearest Jesus, as we journey to put on a new self in your name, help us with each step, guiding us closer to you. Amen!

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Are You Deserving?


What I witnessed reminded me of when I was rearing little ones.  A mother was trying to provide discipline and a learning moment in the middle of Target.  I heard the child a few moments earlier, yelling and screaming.  The little one was upset about something, and she wanted to ensure her mom knew it.  Mom calmed her down and they continued shopping in the toy section.  The child found a toy she was excited about and asked to get it.   Mom got down to her child’s level and, in a calm voice said, “Do you remember a few minutes ago you were yelling and screaming?”  The child shook her head in affirmation of which mom replied, “Do you think you deserve something special?”

Those words hit home!  In that moment, I thought of Jesus.  There are certainly times when I am that child of a few moments earlier, yelling and screaming at my Lord!  Sometimes, it is because something bad happened that “I” felt should not have happened.  Other times, something good should have happened that did not happen.  With all that emotion, I have screamed out to Jesus!  I was upset and He was going to know about it.  Just like the mom in the scenario above, Jesus calmed me down and opened my eyes to the situation.

Yet, the words that hit home, “Do you think you deserve something special?” is what rang in my ears.  Do I deserve Jesus’ forgiveness?  Do I deserve His love?  Do I deserve a life of eternity in paradise?  I do not deserve ANY of what Jesus has lavishly provided to me.  I AM UNDESERVING!  My daily behaviors prove that I am a sinner.  Whether I am screaming in anger or silent in injustice, my sin is prevalent.  Whether I sin in action or inaction, I am sinning.  The common denominator is that I AM UNDESERVING of anything that my Lord has to offer me.

I do not deserve anything special.  None of us do.  The good news is that Jesus came to let us know WE ARE DESERVING.  We deserve His love.  We deserve His forgiveness.  We deserve eternal life.  Why?  Because WE BELIEVE.  We believe in His death and resurrection.  We believe in His forgiveness.  We believe in life eternal.  We believe because we are loved.  Brothers and sisters, we DO deserve something special – we deserve Jesus!  We are part of His kingdom.  We are HIS children, and His love is greater than anything we can fathom here on earth. 

To answer the question?  We are deserving of all Jesus gives to us.  In return, may we ask for forgiveness of our sins.  May we have the faith and hope that only Jesus can provide.  May we rest in the peace that passes all understanding.  Our simple faith takes us on the path from undeserving to deserving.  It was Jesus’ walk to Calvary that gives us the ability to take that path.  In the end, the mother told her daughter she deserved it because she loved her.  Remember, you are deserving as well, because Jesus loves you.

Dearest Jesus, thank you for bringing me from an undeserving person to a child of your kingdom, deserving of all you give to me.  May my heart always remember to give you thanks and praise!  Amen.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Pilgrimage of Provision

 We watched as they came.  They came from afar and they came from nearby.  They walked in groups, and they walked alone.  They sang songs of praise and they prayed silently.  They came!  I had never seen a pilgrimage before, but I had the true honor of seeing one this past week.  We were visiting my husband’s family in Costa Rica this past week.  On August 2nd, they pay tribute to Costa Rica’s patron saint, the Virgin de Los Angeles at the Basilica De Nuestra Senora De Los Angeles.  The story is a fascinating one and I encourage you to explore this a bit.

What I want to focus on is the people.  People from across the country make the trip to Cartago, by foot, to be a part of this celebration.  Many make the 13-mile trip from the capital, San Jose to the Basilica in Cartago.  Folks who live farther away will start the trek much earlier, some as early as 15 days prior, to experience the celebration.  For over two hundred years, this ritual has taken place.  Our location was Tres Rios, the town next to Cartago, so we were able to watch thousands of people walk to the basilica.  Yet, our venture also took us over to Puntarenas the day before, where we saw people walking towards Cartago, up incredible hills, and unpaved roads.

I found these folks so inspiring.  Their love for their Lord and their belief was amazing.  Some made the trip to thank God for blessings they had received.  Others were setting afoot to ask for healing, either for themselves or others.  Whatever their reason, there was no denying that their Lord meant something to them – so much so that they stopped their lives for a moment and decided that this was so especially important.  Families with little children and strollers were walking.  Then the unthinkable happened, it started to rain!  Not just a sprinkle, it rained!  That did not stop one person.  They walked with rain ponchos, they walked with umbrellas, or they walked letting the rain drench them.  Yet they continued to walk.

I hope one day to make this pilgrimage, to join in this festival.  For whatever reason each person walked, their faith led the way.  God’s path for us takes us in many directions.  We may choose to follow His way or our way at the crossroads of life. If we choose to walk in our path, it may prove to be ‘easy’ and ‘less difficult'.  Walking the road God plans for us may be tougher and filled with questions.  It may be tough, uphill climbing.  It may be rugged with unpaved roads.  It may be filled with downpours of doubts and demanding situations.  Yet the journey, and our faith along the way, will yield the greatest gifts of forgiveness, love, and the knowledge of life eternal.  Brothers and sisters, wherever your journey may take you, ensure that it is God’s journey.  May His guidance provide you with the pilgrimage to the cross, and the grace, mercy and love that comes at the foot of the cross!

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the journeys you provide for us.  Help us to walk in your path and guide us to the life you have prepared for us.  May we join in the pilgrimage to the cross of love and forgiveness.  In your name we pray – Amen!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Stripping It Away

This weekend was a special weekend in New Hampshire.  I believe it was the first weekend of this summer, where we had dry weather for BOTH days of the weekend.  For many folks, that meant time at the lake or the beach.  Others enjoyed a beautiful dinner outside with family and friends.  For some folks it could have meant a great hike in the woods.  For hubby and me?  We stripped and sanded our deck!  Nothing screams summer more than THAT activity.

As Juan pushed and pulled the sander across the planks of wood, I watched the old stain being removed and the beautiful wood that we used to put the deck together come shining through.  Plank by plank, the deck became softer, and the true wood was beaming.  After a few hours, we had accomplished the task that we had been waiting to tackle for so long.  Of course, the second task of re-staining/painting the deck will soon be upon us.  Yet, for now, there is a sense of accomplishment.

As the sander went back and forth, stripping off the old stain covering, it gently reminded me of how our dear Lord strips us!  There are many ways that he does this for us:

·         Stripping off OUR plan.  When our ways do not align with God’s ways, He always is able to strip us from the things we should not be doing – finding ways to nudge or (or sometimes drag us) to His will.  Remember the time when you thought YOUR plan was better than God’s?  Then your plan fell through?  He is stripping us of our own intentions to follow His intentions.

·         Stripping off OUR ego.  Our God believes in humility!  You need to look no further than his own son, Jesus, to see how humility can be lived in our lives.  When we get ‘too big for our britches,’ God finds a way to remind us to live a life of humility.  We encounter someone who needs our help or our time.  We are not ‘too good’ to help anyone in need.  The story of the Good Samaritan is a perfect picture of how we can live our lives and our God can strip our ego to live a life of humility.

·         Stripping off OUR sin.  When the weight of sin and wrongdoing covers us, Jesus comes in to strip us of all that ugliness and helps to let our light shine through.  Just as the sander stripped the old stain off and the beauty of the wood came through, such is the case with us sinners.  When we go to Jesus with our sinful ways, He quickly reminds us of the great sacrifice He made on our behalf, stripping all sin away from us, so that we can have a relationship with Him in eternity.

The stripping of us can be healthy, and always is needed.  When you believe things are being taken away from you or that your plans are being stripped away from you, remember that Jesus died on the cross to strip us of our sins – letting our light and beauty shine through.  It is time to strip the filthy garments and put on the robes of righteousness.

Heavenly Father, thank you for stripping us of things that are not good for us, especially stripping away our sin.  Your love will clothe us with all that we need – including eternal life!  Give us the simple faith to believe!  Amen.


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.