Sunday, June 25, 2023

Hope in the Rain


Rain is a gift from God.  It waters our crops, makes our grass a lush green, and fills our rivers and lakes.  Lately, in New England, it seems that this is the ‘gift that keeps on giving’.    Especially on the weekends!  Either one or both days of the weekend seems to have drowned out plans for many folks.  Yesterday, I watched our neighbor prepare for a graduation party for her son.  He was the last to graduate high school and she put up the balloons, put out the tablecloths and even put up a tent in case it rained.  As I watched people huddle underneath the tent to gain cover from the pelting rain, it wasn’t long before people were running to their cars to go home.  Plans ruined.

There have been many times in my life where I felt as if I was in constant rain.  Circumstances around me seemed to be constantly drowning out the life I was trying to lead.  Difficulties led to a feeling of pelting rain beating against me.  Although I could see good things around me like the lush grass, I wasn’t receiving much goodness.  The sun wasn’t shining on me, and the weight of non-stop rain led me to look at the negative in everything.  Hope seemed far away.

Hope may have left my heart, but God never did.  He was there, through all the rain.  As I focused on each piece of my life that was going wrong, He was focusing on me – helping me to grow, to learn, to re-direct my life in a way I never would have gone without his intervention.  As the rain was pouring down on me, he was preparing me for the sun.  The sun eventually did shine, brighter than I could ever imagine.  I refer to that time in my life as my “Noah” phase.  The rain came down and flooded me, but God stopped the rain and just like the second time Noah sent out the dove and it didn’t return, hope came.

Friends, I’m not sure if you are in a Noah phase of your life.  Does it feel like the life you are living is filled with clouds and darkness?  Do you feel as if the circumstances of this world are drowning you?  Rest assured that God is with you, caring for you, shaping you, preparing you for the day the sun will come again.  He is there through the rain and is your ark of hope.  Turn to Him for safety.   Know that these days of rain will lead to sunshine – brighter than you could ever imagine.

For those of us living in our sunshine?  Let’s reach out a hand to those who are in their Noah phase.  Grab a cup of coffee and listen.  Make a meal and lighten the load.  Send a note of hope.  Be the sunshine on someone’s cloudy day.  God created us to do good for others.  Take the step of goodness.  It may be the ray of sun that person needs to gain hope!

 Heavenly Father, may we always remember you are there during our ‘rainy season’.  Help us to turn to you for hope, for peace, for safety during these seasons of our lives.  May we know that the sun will come and all the shaping you did to us during the rain will help us to shine brighter.  In your name we pray, Amen! 

Sunday, June 11, 2023



A trip to Europe can be defined by many different sites to see.  Bustling cities, incredible castles, rolling pastures, and beautiful beaches.  Yet, nothing compares to the churches, cathedrals, and basilicas.  During our recent trip, we truly had the pleasure of seeing these magnificent structures, the detailed craftsmanship, and hear the history behind God’s houses. 

We saw many beautiful churches throughout Spain.  Yet the one that absolutely amazed me was the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.  The building began in 1882 and is still not complete.  They are almost there and hoping it will be done by 2026!  This building has the birth and death of Jesus crafted right into the sides of the church.  It is truly breathtaking.  It was glorious.  I wondered if people got tired of working on the same structure, maybe all their lives?  Think about the days you wake up to go to work and you struggle with thoughts of ‘same thing, different day’.  I’m sure those working on a large basilica could feel the same way!

Building God’s house, wherever it may be, is back-breaking work.  Whether it is hundreds of years, and the craftsman never sees the finished product, or whether it is a small church building that can be put up in a few months, the Lord “takes pleasure and is honored”.   The building can be grand and ornamental.  The real church is the people that are inside the structure.  The people who come to walk through the doors, pour out their sins, receive the sacrament of Holy Communion, and worship our Lord. 

It brought me back to the churches I’ve attended and one I considered my home church for many years.  It started in a Fish and Game Club.  There were only a few of us, sitting on metal chairs, but the love of Jesus was proclaimed with glory.  This church was moved to a warehouse that was converted into a church – there was an altar but no chair rail for communion.  Again, the love of Jesus was certainly present.  Eventually, with a growing congregation and the leadership of a wonderful Pastor, this church moved into a beautiful structure.  The day we worshipped in the actual church was wonderful, yet it was just as wonderful as the Fish and Game club.

God wants us to gather, to build churches and bring people to His Word.  God delights when we worship Him together, singing praises and confessing sins.  Whether the church is as grand as the Sagrada Familia or a small hut in Zimbabwe, it is about where God’s people gather to worship Him.  That church is always blessed by God!

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the beautiful churches around the world.  They are beautiful and inspiring.  We also thank you for the smaller structures where those who love you and worship you meet to bring honor to you.  May ALL churches continue to receive your blessings.  Amen!

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Deep and Wide


The ocean is truly amazing.  It can bring stillness and choppiness.  It can bring a sense of calm or panic.  It can be shallow or deep.  During these past two weeks, my husband and I have had the good fortune to cruise and see this ocean water every day.  I enjoy cruising and seeing so many wonderful places by just having to unpack once! 

When one looks out over the ocean, so many different emotions can come over them.  For me, the time at sea brings me awe and wonder.  As I gaze out into the ocean, whether it is on the shores of New Hampshire or in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, I see nothing at the end.  Just water and sky.  This is a bit different when you are in a car looking at the road ahead of you or even on top of a mountain where you can see the forest or town below you.  With the ocean, you only see the horizon and it seems like it never ends.  I can be mesmerized by the sight of it all.

When I have these moments, I can’t help but remember the passage of today.  First, I think of creation and how God put all of this together, just for us!  Then, it’s this passage of how wide, long, high, and deep God’s love is for us.  The ocean is an incredible representation of that.  When I speak to my grandchildren, I will open my arms wide open and tell them, “Babi loves you THIS much,” thinking that it is so much.   I then look at the ocean and see love in a completely different view.

God’s love for us can be difficult to comprehend.  When I reflect on the ways I have disappointed my Lord, I wonder why and how He would still love me, and to love me THIS much!  Yet, His promises never fail, and His love never subsides.  He is always waiting for me when I return to repent with His arms wide open and His love as deep and wide as the ocean.   There is no resentment.  How can I possibly deserve this?  I don’t!  God created me and gave me His promises if I believe in Jesus Christ – and that is something I CAN do!

The love of our Father has seen me through many difficult times in my life.  I am going to go out on a limb and believe He has done the same for you.  Life isn’t always easy; it can be tough and arduous.  There are situations when we may consider that there is no love in our lives.  Yet, God’s love for us is all around us.  It can be seen in the beautiful creations of our world, from the smallest ant to the largest mountain (or ocean)!  It can be seen in the smile of a stranger.  It can be seen in the miracle of birth and even in the sorrow of death, knowing a loved one will see God’s face!  The deep and wide love of God can always be seen in our lives – like looking out over the ocean and feeling God wrap His arms of love around me.

There are times when the struggles of this earthly life can get the better of us and love can seem so far away.  Know that God’s love, His deep and wide love, is always there for us.  Be silent and let God put His arms around you.  Go to the ocean to see how very deep and wide this love expands.  Open your Bible and read how very much He loves YOU!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the deep and wide love you have for us.  This love, so unconditional, can bring us joy during difficult times.  By holding on to our faith in you, may we always know your loving arms are engulfing us, giving us love and life to endure this earthly life.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.