Sunday, January 28, 2024

Lighten the Load


There are a variety of situations that can take us through the winter season of life.  For some, the winter season is not about what is around us, but what is inside of us.  It is not about what life is doing to us, but what we have done to our lives.  It can be a dark place that is difficult to rise out of.  What drives the dark place from within?  Many circumstances can lead us to this place. 

For me, there have been times when the darkness has come from within.  There have been times when I have deep regrets of the sins I committed.  When I looked at my sinful life, it was hard for me to think that God would still want me – this deep sinner.  Sin is a powerful force.  As a Christian, we know that sin could mean a life of despair and anguish.  When I reflected on my sin and how I let Jesus down, I spiraled into a dark place.  Maybe Jesus would not love me anymore?  Maybe he would not care for me anymore?  The load on my soul seemed unbearable.

Have you experienced this dark place?  Have you had moments when you felt that your sin overwhelmed any goodness God has to offer you?   Getting out of that dark place can be tough!  There are a number of things we can do to lift ourselves out of this dark winter season and lighten the load.  For me, it was delving into the Bible.  I knew Jesus was my eternal forgiver.  I knew that if I laid my sins at the foot of the cross, He would be there to meet me.

Today’s verse is one that I keep close when my load of sins need lifting.  He is faithful, loyal, and committed to ME.  He is just, consistent in his approach and will always provide what is right for ME.  He will forgive – period.  Not sometimes, not conditionally, not when he wants to.  He will forgive – always!  He will purify, my favorite word in this entire passage.  He cleanses me completely.  Jesus does not take away the little sins that may be easier to purify, he purifies ALL of ME!  He deep cleanses me from all my sin. 

Dear friends, if you are living in a winter season that is reflective of the sins you have committed, lighten that heavy load.  Come to Jesus, repent, and your load will be lighter.  Bring yourself out of the darkness of sin.  It is the entire reason we just celebrated Christmas and why we will be celebrating Easter!  It is the ability for us to live a life where Jesus came to earth, to live, to die and to live again!  The glory we share in His life is for us!  For you and me!  We do not have to live in that darkness but can come out in the light of his mercy and forgiveness.  Blessings to all – let us lighten the load!

Dearest Jesus – what a gift you gave to us, the gift of your life.  Through that gift, our sins are forgiven, and our hope of salvation is alive.  May we always remember we do not have to bear the burden of our sin, but to go to you – for you are faithful, you are just, and you will forgive and purify.  In your holy name, Amen.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Live in Light


Winter is the season of life when dark moments arise.  In my line of work, Human Resources, we tend to meet people in some of their darkest days.  They could be having relationship difficulties at home, health concerns of themselves or a loved one, a passing of a parent or spouse, and even financial troubles.  Although we are not trained to provide advice and counsel, there is one thing we can do, listen and find resources to assist.

That is the message for today.  Walking through this world, we can find heartache and despair. 

·       A working mom who is stressed with the balance of work and home.

·       A dad who is concerned he will be able to provide for his family.

·       A spouse who is watching their relationship deteriorate.

·       A daughter who is worried about a parent’s health.

·       A coworker who is anxious about their job.

·       A person next to us in line looking distraught.

·       A stranger who is crying.

There are many reasons why those among us may be having a dark moment in their lives.  We, as Christians have a light to go to, a reason for hope.  Jesus gave that to us when he came to earth.  That hope drives us to know that whatever we may face in our days, we have One who will always be there for us, Jesus.  Our ability to go to him in times of trouble lifts us out of the darkness and into the light.

In our passage for today, Jesus tells us to live as his children – children of light.  This is when we can step up to others who may be in darkness.  For those living in dark moments, we can be the light and the hope they need.  We may not be able to solve their worries or take away their problems, but we can be the one who listens.  We can be the one who provides options.  The most powerful thing we can do is pray.  Being the light in someone else’s life doesn’t mean we have to even speak to them.  Our light comes from our relationship with Jesus.  Praying on another’s behalf is the greatest light we can shine.

Jesus guides our darkest paths with the light of hope and salvation.  Providing that light for another, though listening and praying, can help someone through their darkest moments.  Be the light to someone’s darkness.  Look around you.  Look how YOU can make an impact.  Look how YOU can shine your light.  Live as the children of the greatest light – Jesus!

Dearest Jesus, thank you for being our light and our hope in times of despair.  May we be that light for others around us.  Whether they are family, friends, or strangers, may we provide the light that they may need – through our greatest gift to them, prayer.  Amen


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Light in Darkness

I am an early riser.  I know I got this from my father.  Not that my mother lays around in bed all hours of the morning, but Daddy was up and ready to move by five.  I am not that far behind him.  Part of my early rising is that it gets me to work early, long before the busyness of the day.  I can think, get work done, and breathe before others are at my door.  At home, it was always a time of quiet before the children would get up.  Even now, when it is just my husband and me, it continues to be ‘me’ time. 

In the winter months, at that early hour, we are typically not woken up by the sun peaking into the room.  It is dark – very dark.  This means driving to work in the dark.  Due to this winter season, it also means driving home in the dark.  Seems as if darkness is all we see.   A ‘winter’ season of life can feel the same way.  We may find that from the time we wake up in the morning until our head hits the pillow at night, there is darkness around us.  Dark thoughts can fill our mind.   We may not be able to see the goodness in any situation or anyone. 

We can look at our home surroundings and feel like nothing is right – the wall should be fixed, the furniture is old, there is nothing new in here. We can look at our spouse and think they can do no right – why can’t they do the dishes, why do I always have to do the chores.  We can look at work and think – they do not know how to run this company, why does my coworker always slack?  The toughest dark thinking can be on us – I will never be good enough, I will never be thin enough, I will never be pretty enough.  Our days can be filled with dark and negative thoughts.

Our verse for today is a wonderful reminder that as Christians, our days AND NIGHTS are not dark.  Our lives are full of light, even in the dark moments.  That light comes from the only one that can bring that light to us, Jesus.  He is the one that can move the dark thoughts into lightness.  It is easy to have our thoughts focus on darkness and negativity.  Yet, Jesus will always move us into the light.  When you step into his Word, when you sit in worship, when you pray, you are getting close to the one who brings us the light.  Our circumstances may not change, but our perspective does.  Our minds can move from dark/negative thoughts to light/positive thoughts.  Asking Jesus to enter our lives in a dark period brings the Light of the World into our minds.

Where Jesus is there is no darkness.  Our homes may be old, but they are filled with memories.  Our spouse may not do chores, but we realize they had a long physical week at work.  Our coworker may not be slacking, they could have ten projects of which we are not aware.  The dark thinking of ourselves?  Remember, we are children of God!  “…now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known.”  1 John 3:2. Let Jesus remove the dark thinking we can have and replace it with His thinking, that of light and love.

Dearest Jesus, take us from dark to light.  Move our thinking from dark moments to ones filled with light and positivity.  As children of God, may our minds be reminded of the true light in our lives, YOU, and may we fill our lives with your light.  Amen  


Sunday, January 7, 2024

Joy in Pain


2024 is upon us!  This first Sunday of the year finds us waking up to a blanket of white in New Hampshire.  This is the first significant snowfall this season and I LOVE IT!  The first snowfall is still amazing to me.  As a kid, we would wait patiently to be able to go out and play in the snow.  Today, I still enjoy getting out, even if it is to assist my husband in the shoveling (do not be confused, he does the lion’s share of THAT chore).  This is one of the many joys I experience living in New Hampshire – the seasons.  We receive the gift of enjoying each of the seasons – and I take full advantage!

I thought about how we would start 2024 with Simple Faith for Today.  I have decided to go backwards; yes, back to a time when I had the good fortune to engage with a Ladies Bible Study (thank you Mary).  It was my first time speaking in front of women and to say I was nervous was an understatement.  Yet, after much preparation – and even more prayer – Jesus guided the session, and we all had a wonderful time.  The title was “Seasons of Faith.”  We are going to try that in 2024!  Let us get started.

The seasons of life can bring many emotions.  Often, people label their winter season one that is dark, dreary, or difficult.  Winter can feel like.  Dark days, dreary evenings, difficult blizzard conditions, all can lead to a tough season of life.  I believe I can safely say we have all been there.  Have you experienced times in life when it has been difficult?  Have there been times when you did not want to get out of bed because you were not certain that it would not get any worse than it already was?  This winter season of life can be tough to navigate. 

During theses times is when I search God’s word for a lifeline – words of wisdom to guide me.  It is when I came across the verse for today from James 1:2, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.”  At first view I remember thinking, “Really God – I am supposed to consider this JOY?  This pain and suffering are a good thing?”  Certainly, God never promised us a ‘rose garden’ life.  Yet finding joy in pain was asking much from this Jesus girl.   Get ready!  As God always does, the next verses are where the question is answered.

James 1:3-4 states, “…because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”  There it is - the learning moment!  Consider the winter moments of life JOY because those moments test your faith.  When your faith endures, you become more mature in your faith, leaning on God during these challenging times.  That faith in God will always give you exactly what you need in the right time.  Yes, those winter moments can feel like an eternity, yet we know that season of life will move into a new season.  Relying on Jesus during those times can bring guidance, peace and even JOY.  Go to Jesus during the tough times, the difficult times.  Ask for Him to be there for you.  Feel the power that can seem like Jesus is there Only for You – JOY.

Dearest Jesus, as we begin our winter series, help us to know you are there for me!  During those times, let me feel your presence.  Guide and direct me out of those tough times with a sense that you are there just for me.  Let my simple faith know that persevering through tough times can produce perseverance and joy.  Amen.

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.