Sunday, May 6, 2018

Bonding Together

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  Galatians 3:28   (NIV)

A week ago I was nervous.  I was anxious.  I was worried.  Enough to keep me up at night and concerned during the day.  I was travelling abroad.  Not just, "Yea, we are going on vacation to Costa Rica!"  No, this time I was travelling very far away from home - to a very new country.  I was going to China for business.  There was much that had me concerned:
     Would I be able to handle the 15-hour plane ride?
     What if I couldn't understand anyone - who was really going to speak English?
     Was the food going to be too different (not that I can't stand to lose a few pounds)?
     Most of all, I was going for work - what if I couldn't get my message across?

Here I am, a week later.  Yes, I survived the plane ride and the food is great.  Many people I've met speak great English - and when we can't communicate in our native tongue, well, body language works wonders.  Those I have met, from waitresses to company associates, couldn't be any more friendly.  They have made me feel welcomed and part of the team.  It has been an incredible and rich experience.  I am truly blessed.

Yet, it made me think.  All that worry and all that anxiousness.  All those sleepless nights.  For what?  God had this one - in fact he's had this particular concern for a LONG time.  As we face many difficult scenarios around this world, many times we see it is a lack of understanding of the other person.  Instead of facing the "fear" and having a positive viewpoint, we make assumptions, we wonder and we get anxious.  Sometimes, we let those anxious moments drive our viewpoints, creating false understanding.  

God created us.  He created ALL of us.  Regardless of where we are in this great big world, He put us there for a purpose - His purpose.  Whether we are in the United States, China, or another part of this planet, God created us.  He is truly the great equalizer.  It doesn't matter if we are Jew/Gentile, male/female - we were created in His vision.  Yes, some of us may not be baptized Christians, but for those of us who are, shouldn't we walk in the vision God has for us - to truly accept ALL people?  

I have learned much while in China.  I've learned how to eat with chopsticks!  I learned how to say thank you in Chinese.  I've learned that sweet potato leaves are delicious.  Yes, some of the great fundamentals.  What I've learned MORE is that meeting new cultures is wonderful and fascinating.  Learning about struggles for people in a foreign country brings perspective.  I've also learned that making new friends in a new country is exhilarating.  The picture is of my friend Sophia on our visit to Hong Kong.  God has this great big world in His hands - the whole world - not just my small section of it.  Let's rely on His goodness and His purpose as we encounter ALL of His people.  Here's to another great week ahead!

"Dearest God, thank you for sharing a new part of your world with me.  Help us to always come to you with our anxious moments and remember that your purpose for us is far greater than anything we can imagine.  Thank you for being the great equalizer of us all.  In your name we pray.  Amen"

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.