"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with . . . because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.
Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him." Romans 6: 4-8
"I need a new . . .!" I can't even begin to count the numerous times those words have come out of my mouth. When work has been tough, that phrase has been completed with "job". When aches and pains have overcome me, "body" has ended the sentence (oh by the way, I added "thinner" to that one). When life seems to get hard, I want it to be "new", easier, brighter, shinier, etc.
When we look for something new, what it is replacing needs to die, get out of the way, become no more. Here we stand, with Jesus, as we read our verses for today. The only way something new can be bestowed upon us is if we are willing to let the old die. In this case, it is our sin that needs to die and get out of the way, so we can revel in a new life.
As I reflect on my habits, my thoughts, and my actions, I realize there is much that I would like to throw away. My habit of eating what I shouldn't, my negative thoughts and certainly my poor choices. Looking at those things makes my heart drop and I know I need to change. Flipping that switch isn't always easy. I have found that there has only been one way that I can put off the old and jump into the new - with Jesus!!
As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey on Palm Sunday, He heard the Hosannas and praises of those around him. What joy that must have brought to his heart! Yet, as the week progresses, we know that by Good Friday, the praises and hosannas had been replaced with jeers and rants of "Crucify Him"! How could something change that fast? It was God's plan to have his Son come to earth for us. It was His plan to have Jesus take that walk to Calvary. It was His plan to have him die a horrific death for us! Yes, His death gave us new life. By Jesus' journey, he took our sin, our death to sin, with him. With Jesus' walk, our death to sin changed that fast, to a new life.
The only way we can live a new life is to believe that our sins died on the cross with Jesus. Our repentant sins have been washed away for a new life - a life everlasting. There is such joy and glory in that sentence! Death isn't the end, it's just the beginning. When we think about needing something "new", may we know and understand that the only new thing we need is to have simple faith in our Jesus, the one who died to bring us the new everlasting life that will keep us with him in paradise. Only with Jesus can we jump into the new life; only with Jesus can we be brighter and shinier!!
Dearest Jesus, As we begin Holy Week and reflect upon your journey into Jerusalem to the journey to the cross, may we also reflect on our own sin. Help us to realize that the only way we can have new life in you is to understand we need to put death to our own sin. YOU DID THAT FOR US! Through your journey, you brought us death to sin for a new life in you. May we always remember that as we walk through our daily lives. In your holy name we pray, Amen.
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