Monday, September 2, 2019

Paving our Potholes

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
Psalm 34:18

It's paving season in New England.  Due to the harsh and cold winters, paving can only be done in late spring until fall.  Typically, you will see much of the paving being done almost around the clock to get as much paving time as possible.  I have to share, there is something about driving on a nicely paved road which once used to be filled with broken parts and potholes.  Driving on a nice smooth road without having to worry about a flat tire from a pothole is a great thing!

This reminded me about our lives and how many times we can find ourselves in a season of "potholes".  Maybe as we go through our days we find a "hole of guilt", a "hole of wrong decisions",  a "hole of sinful shame", a "hole of regret", etc.  Many times, these potholes in our lives can bring about despair.  We find ourselves falling into these potholes and flattening our "tires" of hope, joy, and happiness.  These are difficult roads to navigate as we deal with our own brokenness.  

I have lived in times like this.  When we make decisions that bring upon us brokenness, it is hard to believe that anyone would want to be close to us.  The feeling of despair can be overwhelming.  Yet, we DO have hope.  We have a Father who paves over all of our iniquities.  He fills our brokenness with love and forgiveness.  He is always there for us to turn back to, with open arms, of healing and joy!

Have you ever had a time in your life when your own brokenness was too much to bear?  Did you find yourself waking every day with no joy or hope?  Maybe you are in a season of "potholes" now?  Know that you DO have hope.  Turn back to our Lord in prayer.  Let Him know you want to move away from your brokenness towards His healing. Let God have the opportunity to pave over all those potholes and provide a smooth road of love - beginning with loving yourself!  God is the way for healing and happiness.  

"Heavenly Father, help to pave over all of our sins.  Take our broken hearts and turn them into healing hearts.  May we move from despair to joy all at your hand.  In your gracious name we pray, Amen." 

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.