Sunday, October 27, 2019

No Disguises

"You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar."
Psalm 139:2

Last night was trick or treating in our neighborhood.  I put the candy in the bowl and sat outside, waiting to see all of the costumes.  They didn't disappoint!  Little ones came up for their candy, dressed in some really neat costumes.  It reminded me of the days when I would dress up my little ones and take them around the neighborhood.  Most of those costumes were homemade (and I've probably scarred my kids for life!).  Yet, nothing was better than when they came home and sprawled their candy on the floor.

After the children left, I thought about the evening.  Yes, it brought back some great memories, but it also brought some thoughts for today.  As adults, do we put on our "costumes" as we move through each day?  Do we put on a facade that may not be the "true" us?  I'm sure many of you may say a stern, "Absolutely Not!".  I encourage you to do a bit more digging on those thoughts.

As we enter our days, our roles and responsibilities meet us head on.  Whether it is our job, our role as spouse, as child, as parent, or even on social media, we can portray someone that may not be "who" we really are.  We may want to put on our "best face", when inside we are crying.  We may put on the disguise of a "happy smile" when all we want to do is spit words of anger.  Or on the contrary, we may share a stern voice when all we want to do is chuckle (yes, I've had to use this one when it came to disciplining the children).  

Sometimes, we need to put on a disguise for others, depending on the situation.  There is One who will always know the true us - who we can never put on a disguise for.  Yes, our Jesus knows us - inside and out!  There may be times when we may believe  we are putting on a disguise for God, that the hurt we are feeling he can't see!  We need to always remember that God knows us and knows EVERYTHING about us.  He knows what is in our heads, our hearts, and our souls.  

He knows that even though we smile on the outside, it can be a disguise for jealous rage on the inside.
He knows that although we portray having it all together, it can be a disguise for  worry and doubt.
He knows that our social media posts of "happiness" can be a disguise for broken relationships.

God knows!  Believe it or not, we should find comfort in that!  Although we may not be able to hide from God, He also can mend our brokenness, heal our wounds, calm our doubts, and bring us to his righteousness.  We can ALWAYS be ourselves with God.  He is there for us so we can let down our guard and share with Him all that is in our hearts.  No disguises for our Lord - He knows "when I sit and when I stand."  The next time you put that smile on when you just don't feel it, know that God can see your heart and He will be there to heal your pain.

Heavenly Father, please give us the simple faith to know that you are with us always.  Although we may put on disguises here on earth, you see the true us.  You know our sins and our pain.  Help us through it all, Jesus.  May we take off our disguises in front of you so that our relationship with you can grow.  In Jesus' name.  Amen

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.