Sunday, October 4, 2020

Kind vs. Cruel


Human nature says "an eye for an eye".  It is our basic instinct to take revenge on those that hurt us or our families.  This can be seen in so many scenarios.  Responding to unkind words with cruel words.  Responding to unkind acts with cruel acts.  It certainly seems to be extremely evident in our world today.  "Make me mad and I'll take revenge" seems to be all around us.  We all seem to view these situations from afar, yet, is our behavior all that different?  Our actions may not be as strong, our words as hurtful, but how are we reacting?

As I reflect back upon times when someone said or did something hurtful to me, I can't say I always responded as a "Jesus girl" ought to respond.  I certainly have said my fair share of unkind words.  What I think is worst, though, are thoughts I may have had and thoughts I shared with others around me.   It seems as if we are going to be hurt, we are going to rally all those around us to know how we have been treated.  We may not say anything back to the person directly, but all the time and energy spent chatting with others is certainly not blessing those who may have lashed out against us.  

Responding to cruel or unkind words/actions with the same type of behavior that was given to us is not responding in a blessed way.  As I think back, Jesus often asks us to behave in a way where we should respond to cruelty with kindness.  We certainly had a great role model in Jesus.  So many times during his time here on Earth he responded to cruel words and actions with kindness.  Right up to his time on the cross, ensuring the thief entrance into paradise. 

So how do we do this?  How do we respond to cruel words and actions with prayers of blessings?  We turn to the one that teaches us how - Jesus!  
  • Prayer - May we talk to our Heavenly Father and ask him for his help.  Our sinful nature needs help and the only one who can help us is Jesus.  Ask Jesus to give us the strength to change our hearts and minds to show blessings to those that lash out against us.  Respond to cruelty with kindness.
  • Words of Christ - Let us open the Bible and look at the many ways Jesus responded to those who persecuted him.  May we soak in his words and meditate on the goodness of Jesus in each and every situation.  Through his responses we can see how he responds to cruelty with kindness.  He is a wonderful teacher.
  • Walk in His Way - After we pray and read, then we need to do the hard part - act.  This can take on so many different scenarios, each one is important.  Silently praying for those who lash out against us, not returning a cruel word or action with our own cruelty, and not gossiping about the situation with others are all ways we can walk in Jesus' way.
Replacing cruelty with kindness can sometimes be a difficult challenge for us humans.  Yet, we are fortunate to have a Savior who is patient with us, giving us many ways to learn from him, and leads us to bless those who persecute us.  May we always follow Jesus' lead.

Dearest Jesus, help us to always respond with a sense of kindness and blessing.  This can be so very difficult for us to do.  You have provided us with so many examples of how we should behave.  May we keep that front of mind and in our hearts.  In your name we pray - Amen!

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