Sunday, May 30, 2021

Remembrance and Gratefulness


"Greater love has no one than this:  to lay down one's life for one's friends."
John 15:13

This morning over breakfast, my husband and I were talking about the little country he is from, Costa Rica.  With all the natural beauty it possesses, it still lacks in many ways for its citizens.  He spoke of the difference between Costa Rica and all of the things the United States has to offer and all the blessings that we have because of those who served.  He shared about the day he became a citizen and we spoke of how proud that our son is in the Navy. 

In Rochester, New Hampshire, there is a town square that is transformed for Memoria Day.  They call it the Field of Flags and each one is dedicated to a member of the armed forces who lost their life for our country.  I have always seen pictures of this, but this year, on a dreary and rainy day, my husband and I made the trip to the field.  As you come up to the square, you can see flags waiving in the distance.  We parked and walked among the flags, seeing names and which branch of the service these brave people served.  It makes you stop.  It makes you think.  It makes you reflect.

Chances are, each one of us may know of someone in the military.  Maybe it was a grandparent, parent, or sibling.  Maybe it was a neighbor or a spouse.  Maybe a child.  I am always amazed at the dedication our members of the military have for our country, willing to laydown their life for those who live here.  These amazing people go into battle, not knowing if they are going to return.  This Memorial Day we reflect on those who did not return, who truly gave of themselves the ultimate sacrifice.  These brave people didn’t know all the ‘friends’ that they were saving.  They did this for the love of their country.  May we always remember, may we always be grateful.

There is another that gave his all for all of us.  He saved us from a life of damnation.  He bought us the hope of salvation with his own blood.  He died for our sins so we can live THIS life embraced in his love.  Yes, Jesus gave everything he had for us who did not deserve it.  He went into battle knowing the pain, suffering and death that was going to occur.  He knew every person he was saving. 

Jesus did this for the love he has for each one of us.  Whether it was 2000 years ago or today, Jesus holds us in the palm of his hand.  With our track record, Jesus had every right to leave us to our own accord, a life filled with guilt and shame.  Yet, he changed all that for us.  Jesus gave everything for us that did not deserve anything.  May we always remember, may we always be grateful. 

On this Memorial Day, may we take time to reflect on those that have given of themselves for our daily blessings and freedom.  May we pray over those who left us while in battle.  May we give thanks to the one who saved our soul.

Dearest Jesus, thank you for letting us enjoy the freedoms that we have in the United States.  May we remember those who lost their lives for this country.  May we always remember you, the one who died so that we might live.  In your sacrificial name we pray.  Amen.

Sunday, May 23, 2021


 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End"

Revelations 22:13

People close to me seem to be entering different chapters of their lives.  Our new little granddaughter arrived on the same day a dear friend lost his mother.  My nephew graduated from college yesterday, ending his chapter of academia and beginning the chapter of entering the workforce.  A friend will soon be exiting the workforce and moving into retirement.  Each of the chapters in our lives gives us pause for reflection and excitement for the future.

When I think about these chapters that people are ending and beginning around me, it certainly makes me take time to review the chapters of my life.  Have those chapters provided me growth?  Have I learned anything from those chapters?  Do I reflect upon chapters with a smile or with sadness?  I must share, there were some chapters I loved and others that were more difficult.  Entering marriage is a great chapter in people's lives.  Yet, when that chapter ends in divorce, the excitement gives way to heartbreak.  Hearing the words, "I'm pregnant" can be a great source of elation, but when that pregnancy becomes a miscarriage, disappointment and sadness can overwhelm the parents.  Starting a new job can be filled with hope, but hearing the words, “You’ve been laid off” can bring worry and discouragement.

Chapters in our lives can bring much emotion and uncertainty.  We can be happy, sad, anxious, excited, hopeful, discouraged, etc.  All these emotions can be difficult to navigate.  Yet, there is one we can always count on through each chapter of our life, God, the Alpha, and the Omega – the beginning and the end.  God is there not only for each chapter, but for every moment in those chapters.  He is there for the good and the bad.  He is there for the joy and the disappointment.  He is there for the excitement and the discouragement.  During each chapter of our lives, we need to remember who created those chapters for us, who has the ultimate plan.  There have been times that I have not understood why a certain chapter of my life came to be – the chapter of cancer, the chapter of divorce, the chapter of miscarriage.  Yet each of those chapters was entered with faith and love – my faith in God and His love for me.  With faith and love, we can enter and exit any chapter in our lives knowing He will always be there for us – the first and the last, the beginning and the end.  Rejoice in this knowledge and have peace for each chapter!

Dearest Lord, thank you for being my first and my last.  Thank you for being present in each chapter of my life.  With you present in my life, I am certain that whatever chapter comes my way, your love will guide me through.  Amen!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Provision of Pollen


"And God said, 'Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind on the earth.'  And it was so.  The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind.  And God saw that it was good."  
Genesis 1:11-12

Spring!  For those of us who live in a part of this country where winters can be cold, dark, and long, we all wait for the signs of spring.  Yes, the temperatures rise past the freezing mark, the birds sing their sweet songs, and the sun seems to shine a little bit longer.  With spring also comes that lovely green covering.  Grass you say?  Yes, the grass comes back to life, but I was referring to the green covering that goes EVERYWHERE – pollen. 

As I get so excited for the signs to start planting this year’s crops of vegetables and flowers, low and behold, the pollen arrives.  Some years, it is just a light dusting.  Other years it seems to blanket every inch of space – both inside the house and out.   The air is fresh, and I am excited to open the windows to let that fresh air in, only to have to dust the house six times in one day to keep up with the pollen.

Writing this, I am out on our deck and I see the layer of green on everything within sight – seat cushions, the grill, the outdoor furniture – everywhere.  As much of an annoyance this can be, there is such a greater purpose.  Going back to Genesis, I read this beautiful passage and it reminded me the of the goodness that God has provided to us.  Reading Genesis, I am not only reminded of why we have pollen, but more importantly, that every provision we need has been provided to us by our heavenly Father.

The goodness of God’s creation is abundant.  The annoyance of pollen reminds me of all the fruit and vegetation God gave to us to feed us and fuel our bodies.  Without pollen, we would not be able to reproduce our food.  Seems like pollen is a small annoyance with a much greater gift.   Whether it is the gift of food to keep us physically healthy or the gift of His Word to keep us spiritually healthy, God provides it all!  He can give us what we nourish and enriches our lives each day.

There are many things in our lives that can be considered little annoyances.  May we look at those annoyances from a different lens, one of provision.  As we get out the dust rag and wipe down the furniture one more time, may we do so with a smile in the knowledge that our God is providing for us all that we need.  The pollen will yield fruits, vegetables, and goodness for us all.  May we be grateful for all that God gives to us, even the pollen!

Heavenly Father, may we be grateful for the small annoyance of pollen.  Although it seems to blanket everything, we also know that you created it to help reproduce fruits and vegetables for our physical needs.  Thank you for providing all we need God, and ensuring we are sustained year after year.  In your name we pray.  Amen!

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Love of a Mother


“But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you.  Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God my God.”  Ruth 1:16

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and caregivers.  This is certainly a special day – filled with lots of love.  My daughter said to me the other day that every day should be Mother’s Day, which made me feel good.  Yet, there is something about Mother’s Day wishes that gets me all warm inside.  I think back when I was younger.  My dad loved this day (just as he did Valentine’s Day).  A special meal was prepared, and it was all about Mom.  I pray that our family of today brings back those great memories of yesteryear for my Mom.  It is a day of love and gratitude.

There are so many wonderful motherly role models in the Bible – certainly Mary, Jesus’ mother, being one that stands out.  Today, I chose Ruth.  The way Ruth honors her mother-in-law, Naomi, can certainly teach many of us what love and gratitude looks like.  Naomi lost everything, her sons and her husband, and is heading back to Moab.  She bids her daughters-in-law goodbye, telling them to go back home.  Orpah left, but Ruth did not.  This is where we pick up the verse for today.  Ruth’s love toward Naomi is shown in her devotion not to leave her alone.  Ruth carries that love forward as she gives birth to Obed, the father of Jesse who was the father of David.  With Ruth the lineage of Jesus begins.

As mothers/caregivers, we tend to see our role come to an end as children enter adulthood.  For many, this separation of not being “needed” anymore can turn into a difficult navigation of a new chapter in life for a mother.  Many may think that their children can live their lives without them.  Although children move into their new chapters, our “mom” love doesn’t change.  We never leave our children or turn our backs on them just like Ruth didn’t turn her back on Naomi. The best that we can offer our children is to pray for them.

Praying for our children connects us.  It connects us to God and God to them.  Our worth as mothers does not have to fall into the category of making dinners or doing laundry.  Our worth is far greater than that.  It is in the love we show our children by picking up the phone when they call, sending them a quick note, and most of all, praying for them.  Our prayers are heard by God, who believe it or not, loves our children even more than we do. 

All the hard work is worth being blessed with the tile of mother, caregiver.  On this day, remember that your love for your children never stops, how we show our love may change as they get older.  This is not the time to turn our backs, but to settle into motherly prayer – for our children and children everywhere. 

On a parting note, I would like to say, “Happy Mother’s Day Mom”.  Your love and prayers have never stopped, and we all feel them every day.  Thank you for not turning your backs on us and giving us the precious gift of Jesus in our lives.  I love you.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the moms and caregivers in our lives.  May they always have the love of Ruth, never leaving and always holding onto their children through prayer.  Bless those prayers, God, and bring those prayers to fruition.  In your holy name we pray.  Amen!


Sunday, May 2, 2021

Spring Blooms

 "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned."

Isaiah 9:2

Winters in New England can be challenging.  They can bring dark days and cloudy skies; cold and blustery winds; and of course, the snow.  I believe most New Englanders enjoy that first snow – it is probably one of the many reasons we live in New England.  Yet, as the winter crawls on, and if the snows happen to more than ‘normal’, it can become very dark.  The darkness is not just the weather, in can affect our disposition.  In fact, there is a name for this SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder.  The lack of sunshine and dark days can wreak havoc.

I had the pleasure of speaking at a women’s Bible group a few years ago about the seasons of our life.  We spent some time discussing the “winter” moments – the times in our lives when life has been extremely difficult.  We have all experienced those winter moments.  When I reflect upon my life, I would have to say that I had a few YEARS that were my winter moments – a diagnosis of cancer, a failing marriage, the loss of my father, all hurling at me within a few months.  Psalm 88:6 comes to mind during those times, “You have put me in the lowest pit, in the darkest depths.”  Have you experienced those winter moments?   God never promised us a rose garden, especially during winter!  Those times in our lives can be extremely painful and filled with despair.  Yet, as Isaiah shared, “…living in the land of deep darkness, a light as dawned.”

Spring!  The newness of life returns to New England.  Due to God’s goodness, spring always arrives.  It is amazing how the dark days of winter are replaced with sunshine and smiles.  In true fashion, as soon as the temperatures hit 50 degrees, the shorts start coming out -we know that warmer weather is around the corner.  With the sunshine comes blooms on the trees and green grass. The same is true in our lives, brothers, and sisters!  The growth of our faith, just like the growth of the trees and plants, brings newness during spring.  We walk out of the darkness into the light of spring. Enduring the ‘winter moments’ is something we can’t do alone.  We need to ‘honker down’ in our faith, cozy up to Jesus and his word as we walk through the darkness of our winter moments.  In doing so, when we enter the spring season of our lives, we can breathe in the fresh air and the newness of our lives and our faith.  Let us rejoice while walking in the sunshine of the new life in our spring season.  May we not forget who was with us during the darkness of winter – our dear Jesus.  He sat with us and led us to the light of spring. 

My friends, if winter moments are still plaguing you, have simple faith and know that our Savior is with you.  He has not left your side.  He will walk with you through these winter moments – to the light of the spring season.  Hold tight to His hand and feel the sun shining on your face.  A light is dawning!

Dearest Jesus, thank you for staying close to me during the winter moments of darkness.  Although life may be cold, I know that, by faith, you are near me.  Guide me to the light of spring, Jesus, and may I rejoice in the dawn.  In your ever-present name I pray.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.