Sunday, May 30, 2021

Remembrance and Gratefulness


"Greater love has no one than this:  to lay down one's life for one's friends."
John 15:13

This morning over breakfast, my husband and I were talking about the little country he is from, Costa Rica.  With all the natural beauty it possesses, it still lacks in many ways for its citizens.  He spoke of the difference between Costa Rica and all of the things the United States has to offer and all the blessings that we have because of those who served.  He shared about the day he became a citizen and we spoke of how proud that our son is in the Navy. 

In Rochester, New Hampshire, there is a town square that is transformed for Memoria Day.  They call it the Field of Flags and each one is dedicated to a member of the armed forces who lost their life for our country.  I have always seen pictures of this, but this year, on a dreary and rainy day, my husband and I made the trip to the field.  As you come up to the square, you can see flags waiving in the distance.  We parked and walked among the flags, seeing names and which branch of the service these brave people served.  It makes you stop.  It makes you think.  It makes you reflect.

Chances are, each one of us may know of someone in the military.  Maybe it was a grandparent, parent, or sibling.  Maybe it was a neighbor or a spouse.  Maybe a child.  I am always amazed at the dedication our members of the military have for our country, willing to laydown their life for those who live here.  These amazing people go into battle, not knowing if they are going to return.  This Memorial Day we reflect on those who did not return, who truly gave of themselves the ultimate sacrifice.  These brave people didn’t know all the ‘friends’ that they were saving.  They did this for the love of their country.  May we always remember, may we always be grateful.

There is another that gave his all for all of us.  He saved us from a life of damnation.  He bought us the hope of salvation with his own blood.  He died for our sins so we can live THIS life embraced in his love.  Yes, Jesus gave everything he had for us who did not deserve it.  He went into battle knowing the pain, suffering and death that was going to occur.  He knew every person he was saving. 

Jesus did this for the love he has for each one of us.  Whether it was 2000 years ago or today, Jesus holds us in the palm of his hand.  With our track record, Jesus had every right to leave us to our own accord, a life filled with guilt and shame.  Yet, he changed all that for us.  Jesus gave everything for us that did not deserve anything.  May we always remember, may we always be grateful. 

On this Memorial Day, may we take time to reflect on those that have given of themselves for our daily blessings and freedom.  May we pray over those who left us while in battle.  May we give thanks to the one who saved our soul.

Dearest Jesus, thank you for letting us enjoy the freedoms that we have in the United States.  May we remember those who lost their lives for this country.  May we always remember you, the one who died so that we might live.  In your sacrificial name we pray.  Amen.

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.