Sunday, June 20, 2021

A Father's Love

"For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worth of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory."

1 Thessalonians 2:11-12

Reaching back into my memories on this Father’s Day, I find myself thinking of not only my own father, but those around me who have been dads.  My brother, a childhood friend’s dad, an elder from our church are all examples of great dads.  I have also met quite a few dads throughout my professional career.  Of course, there is my own husband who is a wonderful dad.  Each person, as different as they are, also has a different persona when it comes to being a dad.  Everyone parents differently – yes, even dads!

I reflect on our verse for today and my own dad.  He was encouraging and ensuring we were following a path that was worthy (I think the comforting was left to Mom ~~).  My dad was the disciplinarian.  Now, of course, I understand the value of that discipline.  Then, not so much.  Yet, when I think of my dad, he was a teacher not only in the public school system, but with his children.  He taught us the love for nature and for gardening, for treating every person with respect, for loving God in a simple way.  He encouraged us always to do the same. 

I have met people who have shared that their father may not have been the encouraging/comforting parent, and they have carried that disappointment with them through their lives.   We all set expectations, not just of fathers, but all people, who may not live up to those expectations.  Those expectations may be set on what we see in the media, through other folks, or what we craft in our hearts.  Yet, there are times when those expectations do not come to fruition, and disappointment can surround us.

I share with those that are filled with disappointment, and for all of us, that we ALWAYS have a father who is encouraging and comforting – our Dear Lord.  When we let God fill our hearts and our souls, when we read His Book, we find the encouragement he provides us through the Holy Spirit.  We find his comfort is available to us when our life is tough to bear.  We hear his calling for living a life worthy of Him.  We know and feel His love.  God will always be our True Father.

As we celebrate Father’s Day, may we not only remember our earthy fathers, who guide us through this life on earth.  Let us also remember the Father who created us, loves us, encourages us, and guides us.  To my own father who is seated at the heavenly table, I give thanks and miss him every day!  Happy Father’s Day to all!

Dearest Lord, thank you for our earthly fathers and for the guidance they provide us each day.  May we never forget who our True Father is and provide praise and worship to you!  Your love surrounds us all the days of our lives.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.