Sunday, September 12, 2021

Droplets into Sunshine


I looked out the window as I flew into the clouds Thursday morning.  On ground, it was pouring down sheets of rain.  As I traveled higher into the sky, I flew into those rain-filled clouds.  I was fascinated by the rain droplets on the window.  At the top of the window, one droplet would slowly move to the next one.  The droplet would get bigger and heavier.  By halfway down the window, the droplet would be so heavy it would barrel down the window to the bottom.  I watched this happen over and over again – each droplet picking up weight and falling to the bottom.

These droplets of water couldn’t help but remind me of our sin.  One on its own may seem like not a big deal, it moves slowly into our hearts and souls.  Yet, we never have ‘just one sin’.  Our sins are like the droplet that falls into another one, picking up speed.  When one sin gains momentum, we begin to fall into sin greater and greater.   Our sins become so heavy that they bring us down ‘to the bottom of our window’.  All light seems to be replaced by the weight of our sin.  It can be a dark place.  I’m certain we have all experienced the darkness of sin.  It can be a place where hope seems to be replaced by despair.

As the plane continued to lift through the clouds, I rose above the rain to the sunshine.  Let me share the good news my friends!  There is light among the darkness.  There is sun after the rain.  This sun (son) is Jesus!  He is the one that took on each and every one of our sins, each sin that drops into another sin, weighing us down into darkness.  Jesus is the one that followed through with His Father’s plan. 

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8

Through His love and His death, we are saved from the darkness of sin.  Through His love and His death, we are brought into the sunshine.  The weight has been lifted from us by Jesus.  We will sin.  We will have moments of despair.  We were born into sin.  We are not perfect.  Yet, let us not forget the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection.   His love brings us into the light where we can live every day knowing that our sins have been removed through faith in Jesus.  We can walk with a lighter step knowing how much Jesus loves us.

As we move into the week ahead, may we be reminded of Jesus’ love and his bright light that lifts us from the darkness of sin.  Smile that smile a little brighter and share that hope with someone who needs to know why you are smiling.  Jesus loves me, this I know – for the Bible tells me so!

Dearest Jesus, through your love and your death, the weight of sin is removed from my heart and soul.  When despair blankets over me, may you wrap me in your loving arms and remind me of the most precious gift of your death and resurrection.  Warm me up and bring me into the light of salvation.  In your name I pray.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.