Sunday, November 7, 2021

Gift of Good


It was a good day.  An exceptionally good day.  Things went right.  Maybe not perfect, but things seemed to click together.  When days like that come across our path, we smile a bigger smile, we hug a little tighter, and we appreciate the day a bit more.  As I rested my head on the pillow that night, I wondered why that particular day impacted me at such an important level.  Then it became clear.

I went out of my way to help others.  I watched others helping others.  It all felt good and right.  Have you ever noticed when we go out of our way to look past ourselves and focus on others how our days are brighter?  When we spread kindness and love, our world seems to come together.  It has been hard to see that lately.  There is so much discord that it can be difficult to see the good when all we seem to hear and see is negative.  That should never stop us from being the best we can be and to help others do the same.

When I read our focus verse for this week, I tried to think of ways to ‘motivate’ another to an act of love, kindness, and goodness.  I have always been one that has believed I can create a motivating environment, but not necessarily motivate someone directly.  In my heart what that means is I can assist in creating an environment where people want to do good things and be better people.  I can assist in creating an environment where people feel love and give love.  How can I do that?

By modeling the behaviors that I want to see in others.  If I want to see more goodness in the world, then I should model goodness.  If I want to see more kindness, then I should be kind.  If I want to see more love, then I should be extending love.  Isn’t that what Jesus did when He came to earth?  From the very beginning, he brought goodness, kindness, and love into this world.  He made people around Him better people because of who He was.  He helped the disciples to share God’s love with others because He loved others.  He modeled a sinless life so we could aspire to lead a better life.  No, we will not be sinless, but we can aspire to be better people.

If we want to see acts of love and kindness in others, we need to show those acts first.  Do not wait for someone else to be nice to you, smile first.  Do not wait for others to say hi to you, say hi first.  Reach out a hand to others – they will reach back to you.  It will be a good day, a particularly good day, when all things feel right if we step out in love, kindness, and simple faith first.  When those days happen, you will feel Jesus’ love in your soul.  There is no better feeling than that!  Praise Jesus for the ability to act in love and kindness.  Thank Him for filling your soul.  Love others as He has loved you. 

Dearest Jesus, thank you for modeling the behavior I should have every day.  Let me see opportunities to share love and kindness in a broken world.  Let me reach past myself to others and have them see your love and grace.  Let me shine your light!  Amen!

1 comment:

  1. This is so needed in the world we live in right now. Hope you and your family are doing well. Thank you Susan 😊


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.