Sunday, April 10, 2022



The rain started as little droplets from the sky.  Nothing big, just a drop here and there.  I watched as they came down thinking, “Just a spritz for the ground.”  Within minutes, it was as if the heavens opened and released all the water from the clouds at once.  It was not just raining, it was pouring, and the water moved from a spritz to a downpour.  How quickly things can change in an instant!

I likened this event to our sinful lives.  Just a couple ‘little’ sins, a harmless lie, or a thought my Lord certainly would not approve of.  Yet, they are little – just a spritz of sin.  Everyone has them!  Nothing to really concern ourselves with, we just continue with our lives with a smile on our face.  Then, within minutes, the sins downpour.  The lies move from ‘little’ to boulder size.  The thoughts turn into inappropriate actions.  What seemed like manageable sins turned into a guilt-ridden life.  The weight of sin overcomes us, and our emotions turn from carefree to prisoned by guilt.

Today marks the beginning of Holy Week – a time when, as Christians, we experience an intense emotional rollercoaster.  During Lent, our focus has been on words such as reflection, simple life, repentance, forgiveness, and now we move to Jubilation (at least to start the week).  Palm Sunday, the day Jesus rode on a donkey into Jerusalem.  Shouts of “Hosanna” rang through the air.  People laid palm branches and coats down on his path.  For Jesus’ disciples, I imagine them saying to themselves, “Finally, the adoration he deserves.”

As we are all aware, the jubilation of that day quickly turns to a downpour of horrific events.  Jesus rides into Jerusalem that day knowing he was riding to his death.  Although he had shared that with his disciples, I am sure on this day, that was the farthest thing from their minds.  Reveling in the outpouring of love for Jesus, the day took on a festive and joyous tone.  It is a wonderful celebration, even for us.

Although today is a joyous and jubilant day, one to be excited and happy about, it is hard to not look forward in guilt and pain.  Jesus took that ride into Jerusalem for me and the downpour of my sin.   He took that ride for me so my guilt would turn to joy.  He took that ride for me because he loves me.  So today is a day of joy and jubilation.  Today is a day to know we have a Lord that loves us so much that he is willing to take a ride to his death.  Today is a day of hope, grace, and mercy.

Today, let us celebrate!  Just as the downpour of rain turns into sun and rainbows, let us send up our own hosannas to the one that takes our downpour of sin and guilt and turns it to freedom and hope.  Together, from Psalm 118:24, let us shout, “This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  May everyone have a blessed Holy Week!

Dearest Jesus, your love and grace is seen today as we remember your ride into Jerusalem.  Let us take this moment to shout our hosannas to you, the great I AM!  May we revel in this day of hope and help us to shout our joy of thanksgiving to you.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.