Sunday, August 7, 2022

Light Peaking Through


I know we all have them – those days where everything is going wrong, nothing is going right.  It seems as if the weight of the world is on our shoulders, and we have all we can do to take the next step or the next breath.  Life seems out of order, and we cannot get it back into order.

It was one of those days this past week.  No matter where I turned, the world was turning in the opposite direction.  That was all before 8AM!  Typically, not one for pity parties, I continued through the day, pushing forward determined not to let the day get the best of me.  By 5:30PM, all seemed lost.  The day continued to go from bad to worst and the cloudy sky said it all.

I was driving along, tears in my eyes.   I prayed – boy did I pray.  I asked God for all that I needed in my family, at work.  I just mumbled words that I knew only Jesus would understand.  Then, I looked up.  There, among the clouds, was the light.  The light began by just peaking through the clouds, then there was a brilliance to the sky.  As I drove along the road, the tears dried up as I said, “Dear Lord, you are there.  You will never let the darkness of my days overcome the light of you!”

Did the flip switch on all that was weighing me down?  No, it did not.  But what did flip was me.  I flipped from the pity party to the grateful party.  I began to see all that God had truly blessed me with, not just the things that did not seem to be answered by my prayers.  With that change in me, I was able to recognize the change in other areas of my life.  Change may not have been ‘yes’ to those prayers I gave to God.  Yet, a change of the situation was there – and that is only God’s hand who could do that!

My friends, our days get dark.  Lately, we have much darkness we can focus on.  Not just ‘cloudy skies,’ but ‘darkness of night.’  As we walk through these challenging times, remember that the darkness we face we do not face alone.  Our darkness is met with light – God’s light.  His light has the ability to shine on all our darkness and bring us from the pit of despair to the mountain top of joy.  How does that happen?  By focusing on God and not on us.  Let our faces turn to God and away from the mirrors we face.  In doing so, we get to see His Love and His glory – and that will outshine anything!

Heavenly Father, thank you for pulling us out of darkness with your light.  May we always look to you when our days are cloudy and ask for your help as we walk our next step and breathe our next breath.  Pull us close to you God with your loving arms and extend your grace and mercy upon us.  Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your posts. You have no idea how they help put things in perspective when going through hard times. Thank you so much susan for all you do.



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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.