Sunday, September 25, 2022

Fall into Reflection


Years ago, I had the pleasure of sharing some thoughts with a wonderful Women’s Bible Study.  It was my first attempt at sharing my faith in such a manner and I spoke on a topic that is dear to my heart, the seasons of the year.  Not only does each season, spring, summer, fall and winter, bring about changes to the weather in New England, but I always have attributed those seasons to seasons in life. 

Fall has many wonderful ways for us to enter this season of life.  I have always seen it as a season of reflection.  The busyness of the summer gives way to the transition of slower times.  Times to pick apples, sit by a fire with a mug of cider, and breath in the cooler, crisper air.  This time usually has me reflecting upon what I did not get done this summer that still needs to get accomplished before the end of the year.

Yet, the true reflection is that of self-reflection.  Looking into the mirror that Jesus provides to us and seeing if I am the woman, He wants me to be. 

·         Am I the woman in Proverbs 31?  Am I a wife of noble character, do I provide for my family, am I clothed with strength & dignity?

·         Am I the person in 1 Timothy?  Do I pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness?

·         Am I the thankful one in 1 Thessalonians?  Do I give thanks in ALL circumstances, not just the situations that seem best for me?

There is much to reflect upon as to whether I am that person I want to be, and that Jesus wants me to be.  When I think about such things, I realize that under my best efforts, I fall short.  Not every day of my life do I live my best life.  I may try, but due to my sinful nature, I fall short.  I may provide for my family, but am I doing so with a truly giving heart?  I may be giving thanks to my Lord when prayers are answered the way “I” want them answered, but I know I provide God with more questions than praise when my prayers don’t seem to be answered the way “I” want them to be. 

In reflection, and full understanding that I may not be living my life fully in God’s eye, I am comforted and at peace.  Not only do I have God’s watchful eye, but I also have His grace and mercy!  I have God’s forgiveness – knowing that even when I may not be the full person, I could be each day, any of my shortcomings are wiped away by God’s hand.  He sees my heart and knows that I am doing my best.  The reflection is important to see where I can grow.  The forgiveness is important for my eternal life!

God, thank you for your eternal grace and mercy.  As I reflect and see where I may fall short in my life, I know that you are with me, providing me guidance, peace, and comfort.  Amen!

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Corn Maze of Life


This week autumn arrives.  By now, all of you are aware that this is my favorite time of year.  Which means I could not wait to hit the apple orchard nearby and get a few of those beauties off the trees.  This year, as I pulled up to one of my favorite spots, I saw a corn maze.  Among all of the fall activities such as apple picking, a wagon ride to the pumpkin patch, fall fairs, and more, the corn maze is also one that can quickly become a family favorite. 

I have entered a corn maze with such a level of confidence, “I’ll find the end in no time.”  First, it seemed easy enough, just follow the path in the corn.  Then there were decision points – should I go right or left?  Then the corn starts all looking the same.  I have said to myself, “Did I just past this stalk or is it a new one?” or “Am I going in a huge circle?”  Others in the maze provided advice.  I wondered, “Should I listen to them or continue on my path?”  Questions, confusion, anxiety, and fear arose.  I was overly excited when the corn maze guide asked if I wanted help.  YES!

I looked at the maze entrance at the apple orchard and smiled, memories of those days along with a sense of my life.  How often during my life I have walked into a new situation with such confidence?  Self-thoughts of “I’ve got this” ringing through my mind as I navigated the turns and decision points along the way.  My strong confidence quickly turned into self-doubt as I questioned the results of my choices.  Was this the right way to go?  Was this the correct decision to make?  Anxiety and fear covered me, and I took each step on my own, waiting for the results that “I” wanted.  As people offered their advice along the way, I wondered, “Should I listen to them?”

It was at that point that I would turn to my eternal guide, Jesus.  Knowing that he has been on this journey with me all along, He knew my fear, my anxiety, and my doubt.  Yet, usually in a puddle of tears, I would share with Him my journey and I hear Him say, “Follow me – let me guide you!”  It was at that point that I can then breathe, clear my tears, and feel peace.  This peace comes in knowing that Jesus will guide me through this situation I have gotten myself into – and guide me through life. 

Wouldn’t it have been easier if, before I entered the corn maze, I asked the guide which way I should go (not that they would tell me)?  The good news is that we do have a guide who can tell us which way to go – our Dear Jesus.  He wants us to come to Him, asking which direction to head.  This does not mean we will not have strife or difficulties on that path, but we will be on the path that He knows is right for us.  When we enter the corn maze of life, remember, consult with the greatest guide of all Jesus – let Him get you safely to the end!

Dearest Jesus, thank you for being our guide through the corn maze of life.  Help us to turn to you when we enter situations, knowing that your guidance will be the right decisions for our life.  Amen!

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Bandaging Wounds


Bandaging wounds.  Over the years, when I read these words, it makes me think of when the children were smaller, and their knees got scraped.  I would gently take them, clean up the scrape with soap and water, and put a band-aid on their wound.  The bandage and a kiss made everything better.  Most recently, as my mother had surgery and I change the bandage, I can see that the wound is getting better, and healing is occurring.  One of the careers that I respect the most is nursing.  Nurses work so hard to help the healing process, bandaging wounds on their patients and ensuring their care.

Broken hearted.  A broken heart can be more difficult to see and treat.  Whatever the circumstances may be, when we have a broken heart, it is not as easy as taking out a band-aid and putting it over the wound.  I am sure we wished healing a broken heart was that easy.  Yet, it is not.  Our hearts can be broken for so many reasons:  a broken relationship, a loved one’s passing, tragedy, disappointment, rejection, loss of hope.  The list can go on and on.  One of the most challenging items of a broken heart is that others typically cannot see it, and it is hard for them to ‘take out the band-aid’ and help.

Today marks a somber day in American history, the attacks of September 11th.  I am certain that if you are reading this, you remember exactly where you were that day, and those memories flood your soul.  That day, and subsequently days after, there was – and continues to be – broken hearts and wounds that need to be healed.  Wounds of our physical bodies and hearts can last a lifetime, especially when reminders are so vivid.  Nurses and doctors worked hard to bandage the wounds of so many that day, but lingering effects from those wounds are with so many more than twenty years later.  Broken hearts are also lingering from the tragedy of that day.

There is only one that can heal our wounds and mend our broken hearts.  That is the great physician himself, Jesus.  He is the only one that can provide the peace that is so desperately needed when our hearts and bodies are broken to this extent.  Our simple faith in Jesus can move our thoughts from despair to hope and from hurt to healing.  In Him, our wounds will be healed.  This can only happen if we, as humans, let Jesus into our lives.  This can be difficult when the hurt of body and heart is so great.  We may believe that NOTHING can heal us.  Let the One who came to earth to bring salvation for our sins enter our hearts.  Let the One who came to earth to save our souls bring hope and healing.  Pray to Him, listen for His answers, read His word, and feel His peace – the peace that passes all understanding.  Let those that Jesus puts in our lives enter into our healing, let them help bind our physical wounds and broken hearts.  Jesus is the greatest healer of all!

Dearest Jesus, great healer, come to all who are struggling with broken hearts and physical wounds.  Heal them, provide strength and peace to all who call upon your name.  May faith grow in all who come to you.  Amen!

Monday, September 5, 2022

Cross to Bear


As the rain pours outside my window, it can mirror all that is happening in life.  The phrase “when it rains, it pours” can sum up much of what can go on in our lives on a daily basis.   We review the days and all that they encompass, the mounting lists at work, the mounting lists at home, the commitment we make to others, the lack of commitment we make to ourselves, and then the items that come at us from out of nowhere.  Each one of those areas can put an immense amount of stress on our lives, the rain.  Pile them on top of each other and you move from “rain” to it “pouring” stress into our lives.

My husband and I were talking the other day and he was reminded of something that his parents used to say, “God will only give you a cross to bear that you can manage.”  There have been plenty of times in my life where I thought differently.  There were times when my cross was too heavy, and that God was concentrating on someone else’s life and forgot about me.  Oh, the contrary!!  My cross was not too heavy, I was not relying on the One who could lift the cross for me and bear the burden!

As Paul reminds us in our verse for today, when we set our hope on God, He will deliver us.  When it is ‘pouring,’ it can be so hard to see what can help us.  Sometimes we may turn to things that do not help us – such as alcohol, or in my case, food.  Other times we can turn to things that we believe will bring us relief, such as a shopping spree.  Yet, what we realize is that we will buy things we do not need (and incur debt).  When we turn our attention away from earthly things to provide us hope and turn to the One who can truly deliver hope, the pouring rain begins to stop.  Lo and behold, rainbows of hope appear.

It is hard to live under the cloud of ‘so much I can’t handle it anymore.’  The good news is we do not have to live under the cloud.  Even as the rain is pouring down on us, we know that the rainbow will come.  Trusting in God brings us hope for tomorrow.  Yielding to His broad shoulders to help carry our weight brings us peace.  It may not take away all that is happening, but it does provide us the faith that tomorrow will bring better skies.  That hope drives me to smile again, to walk with a lighter step, and to know that He will give me all that I need to be the person He wants me to be.  Take the leap of simple faith and give your pouring rain to God.  He is there waiting for you to fill up His bucket so He can pour your deserved blessings upon you!

Heavenly Father, please strengthen our faith to have hope in you.  May you listen to our cries and deliver us from the crosses we bear so we may have joy.  Bring us relief to our burdens and perspective to our trials that we know you are truly the one in control.  Amen.

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.