Sunday, February 26, 2023

Lenten Praise


As we enter this Lenten season, I will be focusing on the different symbols of Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday.  If there is a picture that I love to see in imagery, it is when Jesus rode in on the donkey into Jerusalem.  The connection to that and when Mary rode into Bethlehem on a donkey tells us so much of the humbleness of our Lord.  Coming into this world, lowering himself to be like us and to save us from an eternity of damnation, continues to move my soul.

A few days later, things will be VERY different during Holy Week, but as people laid palm branches down and shouted “Hosanna”, it finally seems that the Lord is receiving the praise and worship He deserves.  Fast forward to 2023, and I reflect on my own worship of our Lord and Savior – do I shout aloud – singing His praise and worship?  Not always.  Do I spend time each day thanking Jesus for all He has done for me?  Have to share not always to that as well.

These past two weeks, the world has been focused on a small Christian school, Asbury University, in the small town of Wilmore, Kentucky.  Here, it has been said that a revival has occurred -people praising and worshiping for almost 400 hours.  There is much discussion as to revivals, their purpose, whether it is ‘real’ or not, etc.  I am not here to debate any of that.  I revel in the fact that people gather to praise our Lord, and the goodness that comes from that.  As Jesus says, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”  Matthew 18:20. Whether it is a small neighborhood Bible study or a large group of people from around the world, Jesus is pleased with praise!

In this tiny town, people gathered, and Jesus was there.  In the town of Jerusalem, people gathered, and Jesus was there.  In a small hospital room, people gather to lift the ill up for healing, and Jesus is there.  At a baptismal font, people gather and Jesus is there.  At the communion rail, people gather, and Jesus is there.  As people come together, over 2000 years ago or today, there is power in the praise to Jesus.  That power is what drives our faith, our simple faith, that Jesus is here with us each day.

Sharing praise and thanksgiving to those that make a difference around us is important.  Helping people to understand that they have positively impacted us drives those to continue their good work.  Yet, let us never forget that In Jesus’ case, He made the greatest difference for us all, He gave His life for our salvation.  What greater praise and worship should there be than to the One who saved us!  Remember the next time two or two thousand are gathered in Jesus’ name, it is cause for praise and worship.  May your Lenten season be blessed.

Dearest Jesus, help us to always be reminded to praise and worship you.  You gave the ultimate sacrifice to save us from the depths of hell.  May we always share with you, our thanks!  Amen.

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.