Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Hands



When you think about the human body and how each part has a purpose, hands seem to offer so much.  They are the sign for giving – giving to others, giving to ourselves.  Hands can do so much, yet the hands of a mother seem to be so much more.  I reflect on my mother’s hands and all that she has given to me with those hands.

·       She has prepared countless meals to nourish my body.

·       She has done limitless loads of laundry to ensure I had clean clothes.

·       She cleaned to ensure our home was free from dust and dirt.

·       She has opened her Bible and prayer book to show me what being in God’s word means.

·       She has dried my tears, whether they came from physical pain or emotional pain.

I am not the only one who has received numerous gifts from my mother’s hands.  I think about all the gifts she has given others.  As a teacher, she graded papers, wrote lesson plans, and read tons of books to assist in guiding her students’ knowledge.  She is an incredible friend to those close to her, giving of herself through holding hands in times of turmoil and hugs when life is hard.  Mom was also a Bible study leader for a women’s group for many years.  My mother’s hands have given so much – I am truly blessed.

Proverbs 31 is a wonderful chapter that highlights the Christian woman.  It gives a great picture of all the traits and characteristics of how a woman can live a life honoring God – and how others should see her as well.  It is a great reminder on all that women do in our lives.  There are certainly wonderful examples of women in the Bible – Mary, Mary Magdalene, Sarah, Ruth, Hannah, Esther, Miriam just to mention a few. 

These cherished women of God have provided a picture to women of today on how to live our lives and what it means to give of ourselves for others.  They show us that not every day is perfect, but in God, all things are perfected.  They show us disappointment and heartache.  They show us joy and happiness.  Reading their stories throughout the Bible provides such inspiration.

I’m sure we can look in our own lives to see wonderful women and the hands that they have given to us and others as well.  Perhaps it is our mothers, aunts, friends, coworkers, or care givers.  The list is endless.  The hands of women provide much to the world through so many different gifts.  Reflect a bit on this, and the hands that have given to you over your lifetime.  These hands, although calloused and wrinkled, have brought much joy.  Today, and every day, let us focus on the women of God’s time and the women of today.  Let us sing praise to all of them!  Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there – especially mine!!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the hands of the women in our lives, especially moms.  Help us to see the goodness they give us.  For women, may we reflect on the women in the Bible for our guide during difficult times.  In your gracious name I pray, Amen!

1 comment:

  1. You were certainly blessed with a wonderful mom, and in turn are a wonderful mom to your kids.


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.