Sunday, February 25, 2024

Give Up Jealousy


As I continue to move through our Lenten series of characteristics we can give up, the next one we will be focusing on is jealousy.  Jealousy can be an area of our lives that we may not even recognize.  I know I have gone through my days, saying how I admire someone’s clothes, car or home and deep inside may say, ‘How I wish I had those things?’  Initially, I may not think there is anything wrong with that, but as those thoughts of comparison and envy seep into my heart, other areas may take over.  Before I know it, my simple ‘thought’ can turn into a full out desire to get those items.  This can certainly begin to cause chaos.

Jealousy and selfish ambition are in direct conflict to the life that Jesus wants for us.  The life around us, especially today, seems to breed this sense of going to get whatever you want!  Although there is something to be said for having goals, when these goals are fueled by selfish ambition or envy of getting what others have, the goals can lead to a lack of wisdom of what is important.

Often, the goal to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ or ‘getting whatever I want’ can lead to a life filled with distorted views, financial distress, and family discord.  Not only can jealousy fall into materialistic means, but it can also even be more dangerous when it enters the areas of the heart.

·       “Sally has a great marriage. I want a marriage like Sally has.”  The pursuit of finding the ‘perfect marriage’ can leave a person to not focus on their own marriage.

·       “Joe has an exciting time on Friday nights at the clubs, getting drunk and living the wild life.  I want that lifestyle.”  Looking for a fun lifestyle can lead to a number of areas that can destroy a person or a family.   

·       “Mary is so thin.  I want to look like Mary.”  The envy of what Mary looks like can drive a person to pursue areas that can be destructive to their own body.

God taught us early, in the commandments, to not covet.  As we move through James, 3:16, he shares with us the destruction that jealousy and self-ambition can cause.  My friends, let us reflect on our own jealousies.  Compare them to the abundance of blessings God has provided for us.  He gives us all that we need in the time that we have it.  Very rarely do you find someone with the ‘perfect’ life or ‘perfect’ things – unless that person is rooted in the goodness of blessings of our Lord.  Give up jealousy, replace it with joy – joy for what others have and joy for what YOU have.

Dearest Jesus, help us to focus on all the incredible blessings and gifts you have provided for us.  May we turn our thoughts and hearts away from jealousy and focus on the goodness you have given us.  Help us to be genuinely happy for others, knowing the happiness we have in YOU!  Amen!


Sunday, February 18, 2024

Give Up Hatred


Welcome to Lent 2024!  As I explored a variety of options to focus this Lenten season on, I decided to dedicate the next few weeks of Lent to what we should give up.  Many Christians select this time of the year to give up certain things that are important to them, thereby participating in the penance/suffering as Jesus did.  For some, this could be something materialistic, such as a favorite food, drink, or even social media.  I am going to ask us to focus on personal character traits that may need some deep reflection, moving from giving up a negative trait for a positive one.

This week, our goal is to focus on giving up hatred.  From flipping through local television stations to viewing a small town’s social media page, it seems as if the world has moved from one of kindness to one of hatred.  People see those that may have a differing opinion as their enemy and speak to them with such discourse that words move from disagreement to hatred.  We may look at situations such as that with disdain, yet, what is our role in giving up hatred??

Our Lord shares four distinct opportunities for us to turn hatred to something beautiful.

Love – Love your enemies.  Not first on my list of ‘things to do.’  Yet, the Bible provides us more than enough examples of not only is it possible but revered.  Joseph, forgiving the brothers who treated him so poorly and gave them everything they needed.   Jesus, loving His enemies as they persecuted them, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.’  Love can heal hatred.

Do Good – Do good to those who hate you.  Why would I do that?  Jesus wants us to do good for others, regardless of how they treat us.  Showing those who may be filled with hate what generosity looks like can have a profound effect, not just on ‘them’ but on ‘you.’

Bless – Bless those who curse you.  Showing kindness to those who curse your name can almost feel like ‘giving in’ to hatred.  Once again, it is not about ‘caving’ but ‘mercy.’  Think of the incredible mercy Jesus has for each of us.  Letting go of the negative and providing blessings to others can yield beauty.

Pray – Pray for those who mistreat you.  Praying is the most critical thing we can do for those who hate us, and who we may hate.  Pray for those who mistreat you and pray that your heart may be turned from hatred to compassion.  Jesus hears each and every prayer.  May we pray for those who hate us.  Yet, let us not forget that we should also pray for a heart that is not filled with hatred.

Who is that person, or that situation, that seeps deep into your heart with a burning feeling of hatred?  My friends, let us give up that hatred this Lenten season.  May we move our hearts from hatred to beauty, from harshness to kindness, from withholding to giving.  Give up hatred and let Jesus fill that space with love!

Dearest Jesus, during this Lenten season, may we focus on giving up those parts of ourselves that do not match what you want in our lives.  May we give up hatred and replace it with love!  Amen

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Always With Us


In New England, the days of winter are some of the darkest we have.  The sun rises later in the morning and goes down sooner in the evening.  Add into the mix that many times it is too cold to step outside or the snow is too dangerous to go anywhere, and a person can find themselves alone in their home for an extended period of time.  The result?  A feeling of loneliness.

The feeling of loneliness can result from the physical elements that are around us, as explained above.  During COVID, this was more pronounced as people were unable to connect with others face to face.  The inability to see people, touch people and be with people was difficult for many.  This was enhanced with our elderly, who may not understand how to “zoom” or “facetime” with others. 

Loneliness can be more pronounced even when we are with a multitude of people.  Have you ever felt alone in a room filled with people?  I know I have.  I have experienced this most when I am with people I have nothing in common with.  I can feel ‘out of place’ and begin questioning why I was invited to that party or to that event.  All of the sudden, with folks gabbing and laughing, I feel like I’m the only person in the room.

Nothing screams loneliness more than a mind racing in the middle of the night.  As others are sleeping, others can be thinking why they are alone in their thoughts or in their lives.  These thoughts can spiral and make us feel like we are the only people going through certain situations and dilemmas.  Add into that scenario that one can feel alone in a relationship or marriage and the boulders on our shoulders get heavier and heavier.

In walks our God, the one who is ALWAYS with us.  We are never alone.  We never walk into a room of strangers alone.  We are never in a relationship alone.  We never sit alone.  There is ALWAYS someone with us.  God is there, my friends, even in the darkest and most lonely moments.  When we believe no one can hear us, God does.  When we believe no one is listening, God is.  When sleep escapes us and the darkness of the night pulls us into loneliness, God is right there beside us. 

The comfort that God is always with me has seen me through many dark and lonely moments.  During those sleepless nights, I turn to this verse, and I know He is at my bedside, holding my hand.  When I walk into that room filled with strangers, I know I always have a friend standing beside me.  When I have felt alone in a relationship, I know that God is beside me, holding me up and strengthening me.  God loves us so much that He never leaves us, never forsakes us.  Knowing that has gotten me through many days, and nights (and Valentine’s Days when life can be lonely).  Nobody will love you more than God.  Nobody knows you better than God.  Nobody is with you always like God.  You are never alone, my friends.  Never feel lonely – for God is there for you always.

My Dear Friend, God, thank you for never leaving me.  When loneliness overtakes me, lead me to this verse and helps me to see that my life is filled with your love, your grace, and your mercy.  Let me know that your love can fill me up when I feel empty and that your goodness surrounds me.  Amen. 

Sunday, February 4, 2024



Anguish, pain, weakness.  Not the most uplifting words to start off a blog post!  In reality, during the winter season of life, these words can become very real for us.  There has been a winter season in my life which all that seemed to be around me, in me, was pain and anguish.   The life I was living seemed to have despair with every waking moment.  I recently read the 88th chapter of Psalms.  It is one of the few chapters in Psalms where the beginning verses of despair do not end with a word of hope.  As I was reading this chapter, I reflected back in my life when I have felt those words, especially verse five, “I am overwhelmed with troubles.”  Thinking back on that time, anguish was the only emotion.

Life can bring us those moments when we just don’t know what to do anymore.  No matter where we turn, no matter what we do, trouble continues to pile on.  It may start small.  Maybe it was a disagreement with a family member.   Gossip and lies replace truth and understanding.  What becomes a minor disagreement becomes years of silence.  Maybe it was just a small purchase – that great sweater or pair of shoes.  Other small purchases continue, purchases that cannot be afforded.  Lies of “I deserve it” or “Just one more” replace the realization of further debt, yielding financial despair.  Lastly, the anguish that comes from losing a loved one can be overwhelming.  Expected or not, the pain of not having that person by your side can create a dark chasm that is hard to fill.

I have gone to my Lord in prayer during this difficult time in my life.  I prayed for relief, for guidance, for hope.  Day after day it seemed as if God may have forgotten me.   It all culminated into an evening where I just didn’t know what to say to God anymore; I didn’t know what to pray for.  Much like our verse for today, I just groaned in agony. 

The Holy Spirit is our lifeline, my friends.  The Holy Spirit, who lives inside our souls, is not only there as a gentle reminder to our conscious, but also is our lifeline to Jesus when we don’t know what to say.  The Holy Spirit is our intercession and acts on our behalf when we don’t have the strength to do it on our own.  I love the verse for today, for I know I always have the Spirit to continue my connection to Jesus when I don’t know what to do or what to say.  The Holy Spirit brings my soul to God when I don’t have the strength to do it anymore.  Out of the anguish, out of the pain, comes peace.  Feelings of being overwhelmed can lead to direction and guidance.  Despair and loneliness are filled with the joy of knowing that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are always there for me. 

There are times in life when people may intercede on our behalf, to help build relationships back up, to provide financial help, or to have a cup of coffee during a lonely time.  These intercessions are gifts from God to let us know He is with us.  The Holy Spirit has acted on our behalf, brought our prayers that we didn’t have words for, and God has responded.  Live life knowing that the gift of intercession that the Holy Spirit has given to us is for all!

Holy Spirit, thank you for interceding on our behalf.  Finding the words and emotions to share with God that I don’t have anymore gives me hope that God will always know me!  Knowing that you are the lifeline to share my words when I don’t have any words left brings me peace that God will always hear my prayers, even through my groans.

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.