Sunday, February 18, 2024

Give Up Hatred


Welcome to Lent 2024!  As I explored a variety of options to focus this Lenten season on, I decided to dedicate the next few weeks of Lent to what we should give up.  Many Christians select this time of the year to give up certain things that are important to them, thereby participating in the penance/suffering as Jesus did.  For some, this could be something materialistic, such as a favorite food, drink, or even social media.  I am going to ask us to focus on personal character traits that may need some deep reflection, moving from giving up a negative trait for a positive one.

This week, our goal is to focus on giving up hatred.  From flipping through local television stations to viewing a small town’s social media page, it seems as if the world has moved from one of kindness to one of hatred.  People see those that may have a differing opinion as their enemy and speak to them with such discourse that words move from disagreement to hatred.  We may look at situations such as that with disdain, yet, what is our role in giving up hatred??

Our Lord shares four distinct opportunities for us to turn hatred to something beautiful.

Love – Love your enemies.  Not first on my list of ‘things to do.’  Yet, the Bible provides us more than enough examples of not only is it possible but revered.  Joseph, forgiving the brothers who treated him so poorly and gave them everything they needed.   Jesus, loving His enemies as they persecuted them, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.’  Love can heal hatred.

Do Good – Do good to those who hate you.  Why would I do that?  Jesus wants us to do good for others, regardless of how they treat us.  Showing those who may be filled with hate what generosity looks like can have a profound effect, not just on ‘them’ but on ‘you.’

Bless – Bless those who curse you.  Showing kindness to those who curse your name can almost feel like ‘giving in’ to hatred.  Once again, it is not about ‘caving’ but ‘mercy.’  Think of the incredible mercy Jesus has for each of us.  Letting go of the negative and providing blessings to others can yield beauty.

Pray – Pray for those who mistreat you.  Praying is the most critical thing we can do for those who hate us, and who we may hate.  Pray for those who mistreat you and pray that your heart may be turned from hatred to compassion.  Jesus hears each and every prayer.  May we pray for those who hate us.  Yet, let us not forget that we should also pray for a heart that is not filled with hatred.

Who is that person, or that situation, that seeps deep into your heart with a burning feeling of hatred?  My friends, let us give up that hatred this Lenten season.  May we move our hearts from hatred to beauty, from harshness to kindness, from withholding to giving.  Give up hatred and let Jesus fill that space with love!

Dearest Jesus, during this Lenten season, may we focus on giving up those parts of ourselves that do not match what you want in our lives.  May we give up hatred and replace it with love!  Amen

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.