Sunday, June 23, 2019

Bigger than Big

"The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy."
Proverbs 12:22

"I can do this," he said.  Yes, it started off as simple as that.  We always wanted to have a deck, but time and kids and resources and, . . . well, we had other priorities.  When we decided that this was "our year" to do this, the roof needed to be replaced and the furnace went.   Having a contractor take this on was not in the cards.  That's when Juan shared that he could do this.  No, he has never built a deck before, but that didn't stop him take on other projects with much success.

We decided we wanted it to be "comfortably big".  16 x 18 sounded like a good size.  Then we got a little greedy - let's go bigger.  We decided upon 20 x 30.  Yes, that was it.  We put the stakes in the ground.  It didn't look too big - just the right size.  The planning, the digging holes, the cement, the frame - weeks of work has taken place to get to this weekend - the laying of the floor.

We started, and continued, and continued and continued.  It is bigger than big.  We past "comfortably big" about 1/2 way through!  We are grateful that we have a big backyard that can take on this deck.  It made me think of other projects that I've started that were "big" projects that kept getting bigger.  It also reminded me of small things in my life that got bigger without me trying so hard.

My mind immediately went to some of the "white lies" I might have told in my life.  You know, the ones where you didn't want to hurt some one's feelings or didn't want to share the "whole truth", so you told a "little lie".  There certainly have been times when those little lies grew to be bigger than big - more than I'd like to count.  They are like this deck, keep going on and on and on until I realize that they take more work than one would realize.

That's why this passage for today is so fitting.  God knows when we lie - even the "little" lies.  Even the smallest of lies can get bigger than big.  Our Lord prefers us to be truthful and honest.  It's not always popular and it can be hurtful if we don't approach things in the correct manner.  Yet, the truth will always be delightful in God's eyes - and that's where I want to be bigger than big.  I want my God to think of me and delight in me in a BIG way.  How about you?  

As for our deck - it may be bigger than big - but my husband's hard work will be rewarded when we are able to relax with family on our deck - comfortably big!!  

Dearest God, help me to always keep the truth on my lips.  May I be reminded on times before when I spoke "white lies" that turned bigger than big.  I know you delight when I share the truth - and I am always wanting for you to delight in me.  Help me to stay on your path always.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.