Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sounds of Christmas - Animals Speaking

"But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky and they will tell you."
Job 12:7

When I started this series for Advent, I thought it would be easy - there are so many sounds of Christmas.  I came to realize that the sounds of Christmas were more OUR sounds of today versus the sounds at Jesus' birth.  When I was discussing this with my daughter, she shared, "What about the animals, Mom?"  It made me think of the role of the animals at Jesus' birth.

It's hard to tell the Christmas story without the presence of sheep, ox, and lest we forget, the donkey.  Almost every nativity scene I have observed has had an animal presence.  I'm sure they weren't actually "speaking", but I am also pretty positive that there were times when the braying of a donkey was heard or the bleating of sheep.  I'm also fairly certain that they provided a sense of comfort versus annoyance (like when my dog is barking incessantly).  Remember the presence of God was there too~~

There is much to learn from animals, as our verse from today shares.  God put animals on the earth for many reasons.  Yet, when you think about some of the larger events in Bible history, they were there.  Certainly at creation, the great flood, Jesus' birth and bringing him to his death.  Animals played a profound role, helping us always to understand that every living creature is important.

Looking at this verse, our animals do teach us much.  In the wild, they have everything they need to sustain - teaching us the value of sustainability.  Domestically, I have yet to find a pet owner who doesn't believe that they provide unconditional love - and I do agree!  Yet, the sounds that they make also tell us what they need.  Many times, the barks or cries of our animals share what they need - they teach us to respond to them.  

Taking a note from the animals, as humans we should also share what we need.  How many times have we made "assumptions" that people should understand our need for love or attention?  Many times, if we don't speak up, people will not know.  Also, we need to learn to respond when people do speak up.  As busy people, we can overlook what others are sharing with us.  We need to stop what we are doing and listen - especially to our children.  

Animals have much to teach us - with the sounds that they make.  May we always be cognizant of that as we listen to others!  God put our animal friends on this earth for a reason - may we learn from them!

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the blessing of animals on this earth.  They were always present at the important events in Jesus' life, providing a backdrop of not only service but learning for us.  May we take what we learn and bring it into our daily actions - remembering to listen to those around us, even our animals.  In you name we pray.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.