"Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom is favor rests."
Luke 2:13-14
I just love when the choir sings at church. The voices all blend together, sounding as if there were angels worshiping with us. Many times, I find myself closing my eyes, taking a deep breath, and knowing that Jesus is sitting right next to me.
Although listening to choirs is beautiful any time of year, something special happens at Christmas. As the choir sings beautiful hymns or songs of the season, I become reflective and joyous. Their words fill my heart and the notes echo in my mind. Typically, as I leave the sanctuary and head home, I find myself humming the tunes (or better yet, actually singing out loud).
As choirs sing, I can't help but think of the shepherds on that first Christmas. Oh,the hallelujahs that must have been sung by the heavenly host of angels. I know how I feel with a choir singing - I can only imagine how they must have felt with the angels above them. Although a bit afraid, I'm sure they were also overcome with joy.
Our joy comes from so many places around Christmas. The choirs of hallelujah can come from the beautiful professional choirs. Better yet, I've always been fond of the children who sing together. All choirs show the love for our Lord and Savior Jesus. Jesus may not have arrived on a camel adorned with gold, but He was announced through the beautiful hallelujahs that can only come from heaven.
As we close our eyes and listen to different choirs this Christmas season, may you remember the shepherds who were graced by the heavenly hosts. May the music bring as much joy to you as they brought to the shepherds long ago.
Dearest God, we thank you for the heavenly hosts. As they announced Jesus' birth to the shepherds in the fields, may we feel that Christmas love that only you can give us when we hear choirs sing hallelujah in our churches. Bless this time of reflection and fill our hearts with love. Amen!
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