Sunday, March 8, 2020

Lenten Renewal - Our Minds

Last week I chatted about renewing our bodies - today, we move to our minds.  As much difficulty as I have had over the years to work on my "physique", I would have to say renewing my mind can be a tougher challenge.  Our bodies are tangible - we can see the results (or lack thereof).  Our minds, though, can be more difficult to recognize "what" we need to change and then "how" to change it.  As with any renewal process, small incremental steps may be the answer.

Conforming to this world and its thinking can actually be easy.  We have constant reminders, especially in social media, of what we should think, what we should do, and how we should act.  When peers and friends start discussing topics that may differ with our way of thinking, agreeing and nodding can be much more comfortable than disagreeing. 

Here's where the challenge and renewal comes in!!  The Bible has a way to help me reflect.  By reading passages, I not only get a glimpse into the rich history it holds, but also the incredible people that are identified.  By understanding their challenges and how they overcame those challenges, I find hope that I, too, can move forward.  Renewing our minds by focusing on the Word of God, without the noise and distraction of social media, can help us to see the goodness of what we CAN think, the richness of what we CAN do, the blessings of how we CAN act.  God clearly shows us the direction - it's up to us to renew our thinking to His.

I saw this quite evidently this weekend.  Someone I know (fake name - John) was out for dinner.  People had put their names in and were waiting, patiently, for a table.  Another couple was called before John's party.  He got a bit upset and pushed his way past the other people to explain that his party should have received a table first.  Ended up, the hostess had a mix up and didn't realize that they should have been seated first.  All well and good, right?

Not for John.  He thought about it - all through dinner.  His mind was focused on his actions, which were uncharacteristic and didn't involve a lot of patience (maybe teetering rude). By the end of dinner, John's renewed mind changed his actions.  He paid for the couple's dinner, apologized deeply to them, and left the restaurant.  When our mind focuses on the will of God versus the will of man, transformation happens!!

It's time everyone.  During this Lenten season, may we turn our attentions to the Word of our God.  As we read His words, may our minds and focus be turned to His will and His ways.  Let our minds be transformed away from the wills of this world and move towards the will of God.  Now's the time to start!

Dearest Father, help us to focus our minds on your word and may our minds be transformed towards you.  We know that your will and your ways should be the ones we take.  Help us to reflect on the areas that challenge us and may we take the time to understand how we can think differently.  Bless us Father, as only you can.  In your name we pray.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.