Sunday, March 29, 2020


As the rain falls from a gloomy sky, it seems as if the world, as we know it, will be forever changed.  We turn on the news and the numbers continue to grow.  We look to our loved ones, but we can't touch their hands or kiss their faces.  We long to congregate in a church and hold the hand of a fellow parishioner, but that faithful squeeze is not there.  Then we wonder, oh how we wonder and worry, will my family be safe?  Will I be safe?  Will this ever stop?

It is times like these that I turn to the faithful stories and legends of the Bible.  One has always been David.  He endured much affliction in his life, some was scorned upon him by others, some was self-infliction.  Yet, there was a constant among all of David's experiences.  His faith and hope in God!  He knew where to turn in his times of trouble; he knew where his protection came from - His God!

I look around and want to put a bubble around all of us.  A bubble so that the virus doesn't penetrate any of us.  A bubble of the time families are spending with each other.  A bubble that doesn't let the pandemic strike our hope and faith.  There is so much I would like to include in the bubble.  I don't have that power.  I don't have that level of protection.  There is only ONE who can provide the protection we are yearning for - Our God!

It is times such as these that our faith and hope are tested.  We let our minds wander and our hearts fill with doubt.  It is understandable and I have certainly been there.  My mind and heart get so twisted with emotion and fear that I can't seem to breathe.  Then I open the greatest gift given to mankind - the Bible.  In there are words of hope, words of love, words of faith.  I am not gently reminded, but profoundly reminded, that God is here with me - with us!

Please let us heed the words that are being provided by God through others.  Let's ensure we are staying home as much as possible.  Let's ensure we are washing hands and visiting virtually.  Let's ensure we are doing the things that God is asking us to do to stay safe.  Many times, when children are afraid, they run to a hiding place where they feel safe.  Today, that place needs to be our homes.  God has provided a hiding place for us - where he will deliver us and protect us.  He provides us songs, through virtual church services, YouTube, Pandora, our phones and computers - the songs of deliverance, hope and faith are around us.  

Brothers and sisters, these are not easy times.  That's an understatement.  Yet, we have each other in prayer, we have a God who is protecting us, loving us, and giving us the hope we need.  Look to HIM for your strength and guidance.  Look to HIM for your love and your salvation.  Look to HIM for the grace, mercy and forgiveness that He died on the cross to give us.  Look to HIM!!

Dearest Lord, these are troubling times.  People are sick and dying.  Our lifestyles have changed dramatically - including how we worship you!  Remind us, Jesus, that you are the great protector - you have your loving arms around us and will guide us through all of this.  May our hearts and minds be calmed by your words and may we heed your direction always.  By your gracious and merciful name we pray, Amen.



  1. Thank you for reminding me who is in charge! God Bless our church family - we miss you all. Debbie Reynolds

  2. Yes he is in charge, just ask for his help🙏


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.