Sunday, December 20, 2020

Jesus - The Peace of Christmas and Easter


Here we are, the fourth Sunday of Advent.  As we wrap up the Christmas/Easter similarities, we would fall short if we didn't mention our Savior Jesus, present at both.  There are so many wonderful themes we could choose for Jesus' presence at Christmas and Easter.  Today, I am choosing peace.  Although there are many reasons for this, I fully believe that in a year filled with turmoil and uncertainty, we all need to feel the peace of our Lord Jesus.

The prophesy of Jesus' birth in Isaiah is wonderful.  Yet, my favorite account is our verse for today.  This verse shares all of what Jesus will be known as.  My favorite?  Prince of Peace.  When I visualize Jesus in the manger, coming into this world in such a humble way, there is peace.  I read this verse and I breathe - knowing that when Jesus took his first breath, a life filled with peace for all would be given to us.  As we walk through Jesus' life, time and again he provides peace for those that he encounters.  Although we may not see him in flesh today, he is certainly with us and continues to provide peace for all those that believe.

As we reflect on Jesus' death, we once again see the peace that he brought us.  Jesus' actual death on the cross was horrific.  Yet, what it brought to all of us that believe is the peace of eternal life.  With his death, we have life!   With his death, we have healing. With his death, we have peace - knowing that our sins are forgiven.  With his resurrection, we will be with Jesus in paradise.  That certainly brings peace to my soul.

On this Christmas, we may reflect on all the trials and tribulations of this year.  Yet, may our Prince of Peace, the one who died for our sins to bring us peace everlasting, find a place in your heart.  May you breathe in his peace.  May this bring your comfort and joy.  Our world has changed in ways we would never have imagined.  The constant in our lives, Jesus Christ, who was born on Christmas, and rose on Easter, came to earth for you and for me.  Let us always remember that, not just at Christmas, but every day.  May each and every one of you enjoy a blessed Christmas.

Dearest Jesus, we thank you for being our peace at Christmas and at Easter.  As we begin this Christmas week, may our hearts be filled with joy and peace - knowing that you take each step of our days with us.  Grant us the hope that only you can bring.  In your peaceful name we pray, Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.