Sunday, January 30, 2022

Snowy Sins

 Yesterday was a beautiful winter day in New Hampshire.  Grateful that it was a Saturday, we were able to watch as the snow fell all day long.  It was the light fluffy kind, which makes for the snow to pile up quickly.  Hour by hour, snow came to the ground and met the previous snow, making for the inches of snow to reach higher and higher.  Some nearby areas saw much more snow than we did, but the beauty of it was what was mesmerizing.  Yet, what I also know, is that as the days from the storm roll on, the soft and light snow will become packed and hardened.  The sun shining and warmer temperatures will lead the snow to melt and condense.

As I would look out the window and watch the snow pile up, it reminded me of how our sins can very much resemble the snow.  At first, sins can seem light and fluffy.  They may be more carefree sins such as speaking to someone unkindly because you were frustrated by something that had nothing to do with them.  You can say to yourself, “Oh, they’ll forget it in a little while.”  Maybe you made a commitment to help someone do something, but you got a better offer to go out with friends.  “Oh, they’ll understand” may grace your thoughts.  Light fluffy sins.

The thing with these types of sins is that they pile up, just like the snow.  Sin upon sin can fall upon our shoulders until the moment comes when it starts to ‘pack down’ like the melting snow.  Sins melt into our souls, creating a hardened place for us.  It is hard to arise from sin that is packed down and makes us hardened people.  We grab onto small glimpses of hope (we apologize for one sin), but the weight of the rest of our sins holds us down.  There is only one way, only one route where the sun can shine in our souls again and lift us up from the weight of sin.

Jesus – coming to Jesus with our sins, the weight of ALL our sins, helps us to live a life less hardened.  Through his completely selfless act of the crucifixion, we can rise from our sin and live knowing our sins have been forgiven.  When we repent of our sins, a critical component to this relationship, our sins are forgiven, and a blanket of cleansing falls over us.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”     ---- 1 John 1:9

Now is the time to let the weight of our ‘snowy sins’ be melted from our souls and be lifted up to God.  In doing so, our hearts will be lighter, the burden will be lifted, and we can live in the love that Jesus gave us. 

Dearest Jesus, help me to repent for the snowy sins that have quickly piled up and weigh down my soul.  Help me to recognize my sin, ask for forgiveness, and bask in your light of righteousness.  How bless I am to call you Savior!  Amen!


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.