Sunday, February 6, 2022

Slippery Slopes


As I rolled over in bed, I could hear it.  It sounded like pellets hitting against the window.  Sometimes, it was light and only a few pellets at a time.  At other times, it seemed as if the window was going to shatter with all the force that was coming against it.  That sound could only mean one thing – ice.  The weather person declared the night before that the early morning was going to see decreasing temperatures and the rain that had started during the evening would turn to ice and eventually snow.  That was a recipe for disaster for the morning commute.

I do not mind driving in snow – there is something therapeutic to drive as snow falls.  Yet, ice for me, is a completely different story.  The slippery slopes of the back roads can lead to unexpected ice patches and veering off the road.  None of this sounded safe and I, gratefully, emailed my manager to share that I would work from home that day, a welcomed pleasure for that morning.

There have been many times I navigated this journey called life and found myself on a slippery slope.  As I reflected on those slippery events, I realized that it was when God may not have responded quickly enough to my requests, so it was time to take things into my own hands.  Instead of waiting patiently for God to share his goodness and blessings with me, I decided to head out on my own.  There was not one of those times where that turned out to be a positive experience.  I was on a slippery slope, which led to challenging times much greater than what I was originally experiencing. 

Has this been a scenario that you have experienced as well?   As you read the Bible, you will find examples of this as well. 

·         When Jonah decided to go his own way

·         When David decided to go his own way

·         When Adam and Eve decided to go their own way

There are so many more to reference.  The most important thing to remember, though, is that God does not leave us when we are on a slippery slope.  In fact, God is waiting for us, as shared in Psalms 40:2, “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”    God will always lift us up back to Him, even in times when we have turned our back on Him.  Let us always try to be patient for God’s will.  When times come when we fail, let us also have the reassurance that our Lord will never turn his back on us!

Heavenly Father, how great is your mercy on us sinful beings.  Through your grace, when we turn our backs on you and head down our own slippery slopes, you never turn your back on us.  You patiently wait for us so you can lift us up.  How much you must love us Lord!  Help me to keep my path straight and my focus on you.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.