Sunday, February 23, 2025

Kind Love


The last Sunday in February and we are rounding out our monthly series on Love!  1 Corinthians 13 has been aptly named, “The Love Chapter”.  In this chapter, Paul is speaking to the church of Corinth.  Corinth had become morally corrupt, and the word ‘love’ was having less and less meaning.  In walks our friend Paul to help set the record straight.  Paul has a way of just putting it out there!!  During this chapter, Paul outlines what love is, and what it is not.

There are days when I do not give much thought to life outside of my own circle.  When I reflect on that, it is because I have more control over my own circle.  I can react the way I want, I can engage or disengage if I choose.  It is simpler.  Days when I step back and look at the world around me, in a way, we are living in Corinth.  There is good out there, but it seems to be overshadowed by so much hurt, so much destruction and a lack of patience and kindness. 

In walks our verse for today.  Paul shares what love is.  It is patient.  The Oxford definition shares patience as tolerating delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset.  Patience!  Oh, my friends, may I confess, there are days when I lack patience.  Sitting in traffic, waiting for someone, something not going the way “I” want it to proceed – lack of patience arises.  Certainly, I am not showing any love during those situations.  When I think back on those times, I am in ‘my’ circle.  I have control over how I react.  I step back and many times, I lift a prayer to Jesus, asking Him for the patience I am lacking.

Kindness?  We all agree that we are kind.  Defined, kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.  I regard myself as a kind person.  In fact, I was voted friendliest in high school!  But there is more to kindness than being friendly.  Am I always generous?  Am I always considerate?  When I bring those words into the mix, the evaluation can be a bit more critical – and rightfully so.  Generosity is so much more than material items, it means your time, your emotion, and your forgiveness. 

My friends, we may find the world around us not exuding much patience or kindness.  That can be true.  Yet, it does not mean we need to succumb to that world.  We are God’s children.  We live in His world.  Bring the greatest of what Jesus has given us, love, with us each and every day.  Wake up with a patient heart.  Live the day with kindness.  Show the world you are a child of God and that the love we know we have in Jesus lives with us throughout the day.  We will stumble; we are human!  Yet, if we do our best to move forward with the love that God knows we can, we could actually change the world, even if it is in our own circle.  If we put enough circles together, we can get to infinity.  Let us bring an infinite amount of love to the world! And as Paul says, “Love never fails.”  Let us show we are Christians by our love!!

Dearest Jesus, we live by the knowledge that you loved us so much, that you died on the cross for us – all of us!  May we take that knowledge and live out the love you so abundantly give to us.  May each of our love circles bring the world an infinite amount of love.  In your love-filled name I pray, Amen.


  1. The world should read this.....we all would be in a better environment.
    Even the old adage applies....
    "I may not like you, but I really do love you ". Thanks for reminding us of our love for one another and the greatest love of all...that of our Lord.


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.