Anyone who knows me will share with you – I am a
planner! I plan almost everything in my
life. My days are filled with planning what
duties, chores, errands and even rest time I will have. Dinner meals are always planned for the week –
or every two weeks. Vacations, once
again, have me planning much the same.
What time will we wake up, when we need to go for breakfast, what
attractions we will see, where we will be having dinner, are all decided upon –
typically before we even get on a plane or in a car! To be
honest, I truly cannot remember the last time I woke up and did not have
anything planned for the day. I think it
would truly “stress me out” more than being ‘enjoyable.’ I have spoken with many of you that do much
the same. Planning is a natural part of your
days, ensuring that there is a map for the day and goals to attain.
Living a life like this is extremely efficient. I get many things done and much is accomplished. Yet may I share a secret with all of you? It may be efficient, but it is exhausting. It is the thing that keeps me up at night (among
many other things). There is always a to-do list that is never finished. It is what I worry about (what if
____________ does not get done). It is efficient
yet filled with constant pressure. I
establish the plan. I execute the
plan. I beat myself up if the plan is
not executed correctly! My agenda!
This verse has provided the course direction I have needed
in the past, and the course direction I need today! God wants us to use our
gifts and talents that He provides to us on this earth. That means planning. Yet, when the plan we make overtakes the
steps He wants us to make to get there, we have overstepped. When our plan outweighs God’s plan, we have overstepped. When
the plan we set makes us so exhausted we are not operating with God’s will and
being the person God wants us to be, we have overstepped. God’s plan will always be the plan of
choice, but when we work towards our plan so strongly, and we are not stopping
to see if we are meeting God’s plan, we have overstepped. Dear friends, God’s plan is perfect –
absolutely perfect. When we reflect on
the plan that He has for our lives, we will see that His steps are perfectly drawn
to the plan He has created for us. In striving
to ensure we complete everything, let us not let us distract our eyes from the
steps He has asked us to take. May our
steps not be diverted by our agenda, but may our steps always follow the ones
He has given to us. How do we do
this? Instead of using time at the end
of each day to review my check marks next to my to-do list that day and start
planning the next, I will be using this time to see if what I accomplished
aligned with God’s plan and am I walking in His steps. Honestly, this will not be easy. Yet course direction is necessary for
me. If it is for you, please join
me! Let us ensure we are walking in the steps
God has asked us to – ensuring our personal plan is not overstepping
God’s plan.
Dearest Lord, help me to not overstep! May the plans I make for my days align with
the goals you have for my life. Help me
to ‘check in’ to ensure my steps align with your steps in every way and that
they are pleasing in your sight. Amen!