Sunday, October 28, 2018

Just For Me

"Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not of more value than they??  Matthew 5:26 (NIV)

It was Wednesday morning.  I was heading off to work.  I had decided to keep the radio off that morning - I needed peace and quiet.  Time to just be - not really think about anything at all.  As I drove out of my neighborhood, the sky continued to drive me to a new place.  It was odd, that my heart seemed to be moving me forward instead of my brain.  Yet, I continued to look up to the sky (not as much on the road!).

What happened next is what changed that day, and my heart, completely.  I came upon the apple orchard.  I pass this orchard every morning, but this morning, it was the sky, not the trees, that made me smile.  I came upon the picture you see above.  I am a full believer that pictures are never as beautiful as seeing the scene first hand - and that is true of this sky.  There is no way I could have captured the stillness, the beauty and the peace that I was experiencing.  The sky was breathtaking.  I believed, at that moment, God was telling me, "Be Still and See My Presence."   I couldn't help but think that God made that sky just for me that morning and it was time to give Him praise!

In a world where it seems as if:
  • The Strongest
  • The Smartest
  • The Prettiest
  • The Wealthiest
wins, we can seem insignificant.  Life around us gets busy, whether at home, at school, or at work.  Maybe we worked hard to clean the house and nobody noticed.  Maybe we helped a classmate with their schoolwork and they didn't say thank you.  Maybe others at work seem to be getting that promotion while you continue to try hard and don't get noticed.  The people around us can seem larger than life and we can seem like a pebble of sand.  

Rest assured, my friend, that there is one person that puts you at the top of the mountain.  There is one that notices each task you perform, each kind word you say, each loving act you do.  That one is Jesus, and He came to Earth just for you!  Jesus values you more than anybody else.  He formed you, he has plans for you, and he watches you with the eagerness and pride of a parent.  With His love, we can revel in the knowledge that he is here for me and for you.  Yes, he has the power to let me know that when needed, he is here just for me!  What joy that brings my heart.  

That beautiful sunrise actually lasted far longer than normal that morning.  As I continued on my commute, the sunrise seemed to be following me.  I watched as others passed by me on the highway.  I wondered if they were seeing that beautiful sunrise that morning.  I smiled, thinking to myself, 'Jesus, this one is just for me'!!  The next time you see a beautiful sunrise, sunset, gorgeous flower, spectacular foliage, or any item that makes you think of our Dear Lord, take time to say, 'Thank you Jesus, for loving me - loving me enough to die for me'.  It will change your heart.

Heavenly Father, it continues to amaze me when the beauty that surrounds me makes me stop and take notice.  It is during those moments of peace, Jesus, that I realize with a strong heart how very much you love me - yes, me!  I ask that you continue to provide me those moments - may I rejoice in them and give praise to you.  In your beautiful name I pray.  Amen!!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.