Sunday, October 21, 2018


"Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31 (NIV)

October continues to move along.  As the days pass, so do the colors of the trees.  We have moved from the bright green on the trees in spring and summer, to the vibrant colors of autumn. We will be moving into later autumn, where the trees take on a brownish color and the air becomes blustery, giving us the sign that winter will be here soon.  It seems as if God reframes our landscape each year.

The other day, my husband and I needed some "reframing" of our own.  We both had difficult days at work, which led to us looking at everything around us in a negative way.  The more we lamented over our "tales of woe", stronger was the presence of 'bitterness, wrath, and anger'.  It is amazing how quickly the devil can enter our souls and move us into a negative state of mind.  The more we tried to justify our thoughts and words, the worst it seemed to get.  

I know that when the world around me seems to give me lemons, the last thing I want to do is make lemonade!  Many times, I want to wallow in the self-pity.  Goodness, I'm sure I deserve a few days of feeling down.  Yet, to be honest, if I look at this beautiful verse from Ephesians, these types of thoughts need to be put away from me.  Not only does my head, but more importantly my heart, needs to be reframed to see goodness and joy.  There is much to be grateful and thankful for, even during difficult times.

That is just what my husband and I did.  We sat at our kitchen table and discussed ten things each of us was thankful for (no duplicates!).  We shared much during that wonderful conversation.  We spoke of our relationship, our children, our families, yes, even our work.  As we wrapped up the conversation, we turned to our Lord - fully understanding that NONE of what we were thankful for would be possible without Him.  

Isn't that just like God to take our hardened hearts and move them to a place of grace?  Difficult days, trials and tribulations will come across our path.  The world is "not a bed or roses".  What defines us is where we turn during those tough days.  If we turn inward, self pity and anger will arise.  If we turn upward, towards God, grace and mercy will surround us.  I will take grace and mercy any day!!  Life isn't easy, my friend.  Yet, loving God is!  It's as easy as opening our Bibles.  It's as easy as talking to God.  It's as easy as humming a praise tune.  It's as easy as reframing our minds, souls and hearts.  I pray that if life is giving you lemons right now, that instead of making lemonade, you make some time with God!  It will always prove so much sweeter.

Dearest Jesus, how sweet your love is.  There are days when the devil gets into our hearts and turns our thoughts away from your goodness.  When these days come, Jesus, please focus us back towards you and your grace.  Help us to see the abundance of blessings you have given us and let us enjoy those moments.  In your grace we pray, Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.