Sunday, June 23, 2024

Lazy Days of Summer


The lazy hazy days of summer have returned, and we have entered a new season in our Seasons of Simple Faith series.  In New Hampshire, summer came in with the bang of a heat wave – three days of heat 90 degrees or more!  This is not something we are used to in New Hampshire.  As we enter this season, I am going to reflect on the characteristics of summer and how they can mirror up to characteristics in our faith.  Summer seems to take on two extremes, lazy days of relaxation or crazy days of busyness with outdoor activities.  We will explore both during this season.

First, the lazy days.  As I think about how we get to the lazy days of summer, I go back to the newness and growth of spring.  Growth means work – one has to put effort into growing in something.  Maybe it is a hobby, a skill, a behavior, a friendship, a marriage, etc.  Whatever someone may want to grow in, it takes work.  The summer season can be relaxing a bit from all that work.  Problems arise when we think we are ‘done’ growing and do not need to put in the effort anymore.

As sad as I am to admit this, I have certainly fallen to the lazy days of not just summer, but of my faith.  As in life, there have been times when I have felt that I have spent a lot of time diving into the word, or preparing for a Bible workshop, or an activity at church and decided I could take a little time off.  There is nothing wrong with recharging ourselves – even our Dear Lord rested on the seventh day!  Yet, it is when we begin justifying not engaging with our faith for a few days, a week, a month, and become lazy to engage.  What can that look like?

·         God knows what is in my heart, I do not need to actually pray to him.

o   Although that may be true, He does like to hear from us!

·         I am running late this morning; I will skip my devotion.

o   That may be true, but when days of running late turn into weeks, our devotion time is gone.

·         God will not mind if I sleep in this morning and not go to church.

o   Missing church can lead to missing God.

What happens when we get lazy in our faith?  For me, when my faith gets lazy many areas of my life go ‘south.’  My focus moves to areas that are not aligned with my faith values.  My priorities move to earthly things instead of faithful things.  Most of all, my peace – the peace that only God can bring into my life – starts fading.  It is okay to bring rest and relaxation into our lives, especially in the lazy days of summer.  Let us make a commitment now, at the beginning of the summer, to not let our lives become lazy to God.  He never becomes lazy to us and always makes us His priority – can’t we do the same? 

Almighty Father, thank you for the rest and relaxation of the summer months.  Help us to remember not to become lazy in focusing our lives on our faith in You.  Bring us to your house, your word, and your people.  Amen!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Grow, Learn and Share

 My dad loved his garden.  Growing up, it took up more than half of our backyard!  I remember my grandmother’s (his mother’s) garden – which took up her entire backyard.  It is only fitting that I enjoy gardening as well.  As the years have rolled by, my garden has decreased in size due to shear time, yet, I have always enjoyed getting my hands in the dirt.  When I do, this verse always rings in my head.  The size of a mustard seed?  So ridiculously small.   It is hard to imagine that such a tiny seed could grow into a tree.   Even a small radish seed does not grow into something THAT big!  What I also gleam from this verse is that not only is the small seed able to produce something so large, but that the use goes beyond producing mustard, but to also be a spot for birds to rest.

It made me realize that if God can create something as small as a mustard seed to grow and be productive for many uses, what can He do with me?  Our growth in Jesus can come every day.  When we read a devotion in the morning, how can I use it throughout the day to grow in faith?  When that great Christian song comes on the radio, and I hum it during the day, how can the words to transform me and how can I help to transform others?  When the Bible verse that I love comes to mind, what can I do with those words for someone nearby?  All that growth comes from the Holy Spirit inside of us, ready to help us grow, learn, and share.

Dear friends, it is not easy to live in a world where people may tell you do not do that, do not think that, or that you are not good enough, pretty enough, or smart enough.  Remember, this is just our temporary home.  Our true father is waiting for us in Heaven and HE is the one that definitely knows that you are MORE than good enough – you are a child of God!  You have Him with you each and every day.  With that knowledge, we can grow, learn, and share like the mighty mustard seed!  Do not be afraid to step out in faith.  Our simple faith can create hope and joy for another person.  Do not limit yourself.  Break down the barriers you may see ahead of you and grow!  Be like the mighty mustard seed and grow into something big, wonderful and with multiple purposes.  Our world, our temporary home, will be better for it!

Dearest Jesus, thank you for the mustard seed – a wonderful reminder of growth.  Help us to grow in the areas where you see our greatest potential.  May our growth not only help us, but help others around us, know of your unconditional love and where we can all find peace.  Amen!

Sunday, June 9, 2024



I have always reveled in this verse.  When we look around us, friends, family, strangers, we all see the differences we have.  Other folks are bigger than the other, smarter than the other, prettier than the other.  Many times, what we do not see is the gifts that each other has been given.  Those gifts, truly provided to us by God, are the talents we have to share with each other.  Each of us has talents – something that we have that we can give. 

Finding out what our giving gift is, our purpose to share with others, can seem daunting.   People can spend a lifetime trying to figure out what their gift is.  Yet, when we take the time to explore who we are, and ask God for his guidance, our gifts can be exposed quickly.  When do people smile around you?  When do people seek you out?  When are you at your happiest?  When do you feel the Holy Spirit is in you?  Answers to those questions can help you determine the incredible gifts God has provided to you in order to give to others.

What is so wonderful about each of us having different gifts is that, together, we can make a wonderful world.  By weaving our gifts together, we can become a strong entity.  By pulling our God-given talents together, we can move mountains.  We can bring people to God.  We can prophesy and teach.  We can build churches.  The most important thing we can do collectively with our gifts is to bring love.  Not just SHOW love but BRING love each and every day.  Bring God’s love to our families and friends.  Bring God’s love to work.  Bring God’s love to strangers.  Do not just show His love, do not just display His love.  BRING love into each encounter.

This is where the spring season, the season of growth, comes in.  That is not always easy to do.  Bringing God’s love to your enemies.  Bringing God’s love to those who challenge you.  Bringing God’s love to situations that may not ‘deserve’ His love.  That is challenging work.  That means putting aside our differences, putting aside our heartache, putting aside our agenda, and letting God’s love settle in.  Where can we get that growth?  By reading His word, by praying for strength and growth and by relying on God’s people for help.

We can do this people!  We can bring God’s love into this world.  We can bring His love to every situation.  We got this.  Show everyone around you the gifts God has given you to give to others.  Those you share your love with will grow.  More importantly, you will grow!  Have simple faith that God has this – and He’s got you!

Dearest Jesus, thank you for giving us all the unique gifts that makes up each one of us.  Help us to bring those gifts, to bring Your love, into each circumstance.  Give us the strength to grow in our gifts and assist others to grow in theirs.  Help us to bring our gifts together to your glory.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.