Sunday, June 9, 2024



I have always reveled in this verse.  When we look around us, friends, family, strangers, we all see the differences we have.  Other folks are bigger than the other, smarter than the other, prettier than the other.  Many times, what we do not see is the gifts that each other has been given.  Those gifts, truly provided to us by God, are the talents we have to share with each other.  Each of us has talents – something that we have that we can give. 

Finding out what our giving gift is, our purpose to share with others, can seem daunting.   People can spend a lifetime trying to figure out what their gift is.  Yet, when we take the time to explore who we are, and ask God for his guidance, our gifts can be exposed quickly.  When do people smile around you?  When do people seek you out?  When are you at your happiest?  When do you feel the Holy Spirit is in you?  Answers to those questions can help you determine the incredible gifts God has provided to you in order to give to others.

What is so wonderful about each of us having different gifts is that, together, we can make a wonderful world.  By weaving our gifts together, we can become a strong entity.  By pulling our God-given talents together, we can move mountains.  We can bring people to God.  We can prophesy and teach.  We can build churches.  The most important thing we can do collectively with our gifts is to bring love.  Not just SHOW love but BRING love each and every day.  Bring God’s love to our families and friends.  Bring God’s love to work.  Bring God’s love to strangers.  Do not just show His love, do not just display His love.  BRING love into each encounter.

This is where the spring season, the season of growth, comes in.  That is not always easy to do.  Bringing God’s love to your enemies.  Bringing God’s love to those who challenge you.  Bringing God’s love to situations that may not ‘deserve’ His love.  That is challenging work.  That means putting aside our differences, putting aside our heartache, putting aside our agenda, and letting God’s love settle in.  Where can we get that growth?  By reading His word, by praying for strength and growth and by relying on God’s people for help.

We can do this people!  We can bring God’s love into this world.  We can bring His love to every situation.  We got this.  Show everyone around you the gifts God has given you to give to others.  Those you share your love with will grow.  More importantly, you will grow!  Have simple faith that God has this – and He’s got you!

Dearest Jesus, thank you for giving us all the unique gifts that makes up each one of us.  Help us to bring those gifts, to bring Your love, into each circumstance.  Give us the strength to grow in our gifts and assist others to grow in theirs.  Help us to bring our gifts together to your glory.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.