Sunday, July 14, 2024

Bathing Suit Blues


One of the items I enjoy most about summer is water.  Whether it is the beach, the lake, the pool – just being around water, finding a float to lay on and have my fingertips touch the water – that brings me great peace.  There is something about water that washes over my soul and provides me with a sense of calmness.  I believe that is why people may associate water with relaxation.

Now GETTING to that water experience can bring a sense of anxiousness.  Yes, there are the typical questions, “Did we bring the sunscreen?” “Do we have all the towels?”, and “Have we packed enough beverages?”.  The biggest one for me is always, “How do I look in this bathing suit?”  I have never been what I would call a thin person.  As many of you know, I have struggled with weight most of my life.  Nothing screams this more than when I need to select the dreaded bathing suit, hence, the bathing suit blues.

Most people are looking for something to show their skin.  I am always looking for something that would cover my skin (the more skin covered, the merrier I am).  Going shopping for a bathing suit is a difficult and stressful situation.  When I find the ‘perfect’ level of covering, then and only then, would I feel comfortable heading off to the water.

Throughout my life this verse has been with me.  It has helped me to constantly focus on what is truly important, how I am in God’s sight – not my sight!  There is no need for the perfect bathing suit.  There is also no need for the perfect shoes, perfect suit, perfect earrings, or perfect hairstyle.  It is not what is on the outside of us that matters to God.  It is also what should matter to us! 

We are perfect in God’s sight for He created us!  Who are we to mess with God’s perfection?  Yes, it is important to be healthy, to eat well and to not harm this great body God gave us.  Yet, when the focus becomes our outward appearance and not concerning ourselves what is on the inside, our priorities are not God focused.  Let us remember this when we are stressing over the bathing suit blues, the hairstyle horribles, or the shoe shockers.  Let us remember that nothing we can put on can be as beautiful as the inward beauty we all have in God’s sight.  Get out there and enjoy the water!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the wonderful reminder in 1 Peter 3: 3-4, sharing that our outward appearance will never be as important in your sight as our inner self.  Help us to be reminded of this when the bathing suit blues take over.  In your gracious sight we pray, Amen!

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how each week this has been a coincidenc Susan...stressful over visiting grown children with their invitation to the beach. Ugh may I leave my prideful concerns to the Lord.


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.