Sunday, July 7, 2024

Laziness to Sin


It is hot today.  The sun is bright, the humidity is high and so is the temperature.  Welcome to summer!  Those that are floating in a pool, on a boat in a lake, or watching the tide come in and out at the beach are happy people.  These types of days seem to be a breeding ground for a touch of the ‘lazies’ for me – a chance to say, “It’s to hot to….” and find my way to a chair on the deck or, when that gets a bit too warm, a chair in the air-conditioned living room.

I have plenty of items on my ‘to do’ list, yet none of them seem to get done.  I thought about what happens when I am lazy in other aspects of my life.  I tend to be the much like Martha from the Bible, always finding household chores to do and ensuring everyone and everything is addressed.  When I get a case of the ‘lazies,’ it tends to take hold.  Although it is nice to rest, by not tending to the areas where I know God wants me to spend time and attention, it moves from rest to sin.

Writing a quick note to a friend who has been on my mind, spending time in God’s Word, skipping church when I could go, are all signs of moving from rest to lazy to sin.  Our world can be full of these types of small yet significant sins.  I am reminded that ALL sins count, not just the big ones but the little ones too.  Taking the effortless way out of something instead of putting in the work is probably the most significant of all.  There have been moments in my life when I took the easy way out of a situation, only to pay the price on the other side of the situation resulting in more work, more money, more energy, more time.

Friends, rest is important.  Recharging our batteries so we can continue the good work God sent us to do is vital in all of our lives.  If we do not take care of ourselves, rest and relax, when necessary, we can take the lazy way out of situations, leading to poor choices and sinful ways.  Take time to recharge, but do not forget the work God put on our paths to accomplish.  It is okay to relax and splurge a bit – let us just not make a habit of it and ensure we turn back to God’s path.

Enjoy the days of summer.  May we relax, recharge, and refocus our attentions on the right priorities, God’s priorities, instead of taking the ‘lazies’ to a path of sin. Here is to time in the pool, on the lake or at the beach! 

Dearest Lord, help me to recharge without making me take a lazy path to sin.  Help me to rest and refocus on the path you have provided for me.  In your name I pray, Amen.


1 comment:

  1. So appropriate for me right now, your timing is accurate, and your words convicting! Many thanks!


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.