Sunday, September 29, 2024

Early Blessings


It’s coming early this year, they say.  All the conditions of the weather have set us up for an earlier than normal fall foliage season in New Hampshire.  The hue of the trees started to change a few weeks ago.  The yellows and the oranges started gracing the tips of the trees.  You would be able to see one tree fully changed among the green leaves of other trees.  It was as if the trees were saying, “It’s coming!”  As you all know, I look forward to this time of year.  The cool breeze brings just the right nip to the air, begging for a sweatshirt to be donned.  The cloud cover lets the leaves pop even brighter. 

As I thought about this early gift, it made me ponder about other gifts or blessings I have received earlier than I anticipated.  My plans had activities happening in MY timeline, but they showed up early.  The birth of my first child – three weeks early.  The work promotion that was not anticipated.  The arrival of guests earlier than anticipated, providing a chance to chat before the party started.  Those and many others provided such happiness and joy – coming early.

Today’s verse is one of my favorites.  It has numerous interpretations, numerous meanings.  It has often provided me peace when I was unsure of future events.  Knowing that God had my future fully planned for me gave me reassurance that whatever the path was ahead of me, God would be there for me.  It has also provided me an understanding that although I may be going through a difficult journey, God would not let me fall.  His plans are not that of harm, but of hope.  I continue to live in that hope every day.

I also hold this verse close to me when my plans go off course.  Instead of looking at MY plans not being met, I realize that HE is providing me early blessings.  The examples above were just a few of the ways our Lord has said to me, “This is your path, Susan, and it is coming earlier than expected.”  I used to find those moments frustrating and full of anxiety.  I have learned to embrace them – and see them as the blessing God has intended.

Much like an early autumn, the gift of having God’s plan roll out in your life, earlier than planned, can help us realize the many blessings He has for us.  We just need to have Simple Faith that His plans will always be the best!

Dear Jesus, thank you for always having our journey mapped out for us.  May we have simple faith to follow it!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.