Sunday, September 22, 2024



It is finally here – autumn!  We have moved through three seasons of faith, and we are entering the last one, my personal favorite, autumn.  The senses come alive during fall in New England; the leaves, the pumpkins, the apple cider, the crisp air, the geese squawking as they fly through the air.  All of it makes me smile.  Yet, it is also the ‘feeling’ of fall that moves into my soul.  Reflection, thanksgiving, caring, comfort.  That will be where our season series will take us – the feelings that come to us during autumn and how our Lord is so good to us.

Reflection – serious thought or consideration.  Time for reflection can yield many emotions.  Reflecting can bring us joy as we think back on times together with loved ones.  Reflecting can bring sorrow of missed opportunities we did not pursue.  Reflecting can bring frustration of relationships that were estranged.  Reflecting can also bring pride, a sense of achievement for the goals when we have succeeded.

This sense of pride, although wonderful, needs to be tapered with how the goal was achieved.  Our success is not ours; it is God’s.  His hand in our lives is everywhere, in everything we do and in everything we say.  If we live our lives as Jesus has asked us to, reflecting God to others, we will be living out the life God had planned for us.  It is when we utilize ‘free will’ that our lives can take a different turn.

Living life as a ‘representative of Jesus’ is not always easy.  Turning the other cheek against our enemies, taking time to lay down our personal goals to help others in need, being bold to share God’s word to a non-believer, all of those examples can be daunting!  I know when those situations have been presented to me, I have questioned God.  Really?  Do you want me to do this?  I am not comfortable doing this!  Then it is the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit that says, “Yes, you!  YOU need to do this.”  When I have stepped out with God in those times, the results have always been wonderful.  Those are not MY achievements, though, they are God working through me.  Giving HIM praise in a job well done helps to direct the pride I may feel in the right direction.

Reflecting on the moments of achievement can make us feel great – like we have truly accomplished something!  That feeling is good and should be celebrated, as long as we ensure we include God in that celebration!  Giving Him the credit of the nudge and preparing us to do what He asked is where our joy should come from.  God does incredible things through us.  Reflecting on those good things is important.  It can continue to drive us to Him, asking the important question, “What can I do for you next, God?”

Heavenly Father, help me to reflect on the achievements I have accomplished through the lens of YOU.  May I continue to praise you for all you have helped me to achieve and continue to bring things my way so people can continue to feel your love.  Amen!


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.