Sunday, September 15, 2024

Falling Flowers



It is that time of year when the vibrant colors of spring and summer start turning brown.  The flowers that graced our gardens and lawns have a tinge of tan on their edges.  This leads us to know that it is time to pick off the flowers that have passed their time and think about preparing for fall and winter.  Folks in New England know that these preparations mean that within a few months, colder weather will be here along with the arrival of snow.  As we approach this time of year, many eek out the last few days of summer.

As I was picking off the wilted flowers, I realized that for my ‘annuals’ (the flowers that only bloom once), they will never bloom again.  For my perennials (the flowers that come back every year), I know that I will see their bright blooms again next year.  Yes, the annuals tugged at my heart.  I thought about us humans and how fortunate God created us as ‘perennials’ and not as ‘annuals’.  He did not create us as ‘one and done’ – we hit our big moment in life and then we pass on.  He put much greater value in us, realizing that every season of our lives creates more beauty, more bright blooms as we pass through life on Earth.  What blessings our God gives us.

What if we are going through a wilted flower season?  What if we are at the end of our summer?  What if our faith is drying up and we do not seem to have enough to continue to another season?  I am certain we have all felt these moments in our lives where we did not believe we had enough energy to move to another day; we did not have enough strength to see another season.  Yet, here we are!  How did we get through to the other side?  How did we pass through the wilting flower season to see another day?

My friends, that is our Lord guiding us, giving us what we did not think we had – strength, energy, hope and love!  We find these blessings in many parts of our lives.  The Word never fades like the flowers.  The Word never passes on and never returns.  In Matthew 24:35, it says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”  There is reassurance that the gift of God’s word will live with us, in us and for us forever.

When we pass through the season of our life where we feel like wilted flowers, lean on the word of God.  His word will always be there for the taking.  Having a tough day?  Pray to our Lord, open up your Bible to your favorite passage and meditate on the goodness He provides for us.  For His grace, His mercy and his blessings are new every day!  Living with this hope can give us the strength to move through to a new season!

Seasons of our lives present us challenges and blessings.  If you are in the season of falling flowers, please let me know.  Let the prayers of others surround you.  May you feel God’s hope reaching out to you through the smile on a stranger’s face, the sun that is shining upon you, and the warmth of a kind word.  God reaches out to us in so many different ways, and His word is ever present.  Just have simple faith!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the Word you have given to us – the Word that will endure forever.  As we move through seasons in our lives, help us to return to your Word for guidance and strength.  In your gracious name we pray, Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.