Sunday, March 27, 2016

Filled Up

Happy Easter Everyone!   I pray that your day was a wonderful one!  I always find this past week, Holy Week, to be so very special.  So many emotions creep into the week.  Joy with Palm Sunday, reflection on Maundy Thursday, sadness on Good Friday and jubilation on Easter!  I know we typically focus on the wonder of the empty tomb, but today I would like to focus on being filled.  No, I'm not talking about the feeling of being full after a wonderful Easter dinner, but a different kind of fullness.

Where can we find fullness on Easter?  Where do we see something filled instead of empty?  Let's take a look.  When I am not filled, it can be for a variety of reasons.  

I could be lacking health and need to be filled with healing.  Where do I turn?  Typically, I would turn to someone who can help heal, a doctor.  Who is the greatest physician?  I would agree with many that our dear Jesus is the greatest physician.  He heals those who can't be healed by earthly doctors. While He walked this earth, he healed the lepers, he healed the lame, he healed those bleeding, he healed the paralytic.  He healed.  Today He does the same.  He heals the one with cancer.  He heals the one from surgery.  He fills those who are in need with the power of healing.  He fills us up with health!

I could be doubtful about situations in my life and need to be filled with hope.  Where do I turn?  To the only one who can provide the hope that I need, our dear Jesus.  He provides me the hope when all seems hopeless.  When I don't think that something will ever be fixed, whether it be financial or relational, that is when I need to turn to God.  In moments such as those, He will fill me with all the hope that I need and take my doubt away.  No, it may not happen in MY time, when I want it to happen, but He lets me know that "he's got this one".  He fills us up with hope.

I could be thirsty or hungry and need to be filled with water or food.  Where do I turn?  To the one that offers me to be filled up eternally - I will never be thirsty or hungry again.  As shared in John 4:10, " would have asked him and he would have given you living water."  Our dear Lord gives us everything we need, everything we NEED.   Sometimes we want far more than we need.  Our Lord fills us with just what we need - no need to gorge ourselves - but to be filled with our need of the living water.  He fills us up with grace.

There have also been times when I could be lonely, my heart could be cold.  Where do I turn?  To the one that offers me the only kind of love that can truly fill me up - unconditional love - Jesus.  How do I know that I am filled up with love from Jesus?  It is in the events from Holy Week that fills me with the love that only my Heavenly Father can fill me:
  • The humbleness of the King of Kings riding in on a lowly donkey
  • The servant heart of the King of Kings washing the feet of his disciples
  • The offering of the King of Kings of himself, crucified on a cross
  • The triumph of the King of Kings, defeating the Devil and rising from the dead
All of this was done so that I can be filled.  He fills us up with love.

So as we look upon Easter and how we can easily see how emptiness can be good, may we also see how, because of the resurrection, we are filled up - up to the brim, with health, hope, grace and love.  How do we know this even though we haven't seen Jesus?  We are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.  We can't explain it, but we know it is there.  It is truly SIMPLE FAITH!  May this Easter fill you up with all that you need.  Should you be empty, turn to the one that can fill you no matter what you need - our Savior Jesus.  Blessings!

"Dearest Jesus, thank you doesn't seem to be enough for all that you have done for us and continue to do for us.  It doesn't seem to be enough for all the "filling" you do in our lives.  Yet, we know that our thank you, our worship to you, our faith in you, is all that you ask of us.  May we bring all of that to you each and every day.  In your gracious name we pray.  Amen."

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.