Sunday, January 30, 2022

Snowy Sins

 Yesterday was a beautiful winter day in New Hampshire.  Grateful that it was a Saturday, we were able to watch as the snow fell all day long.  It was the light fluffy kind, which makes for the snow to pile up quickly.  Hour by hour, snow came to the ground and met the previous snow, making for the inches of snow to reach higher and higher.  Some nearby areas saw much more snow than we did, but the beauty of it was what was mesmerizing.  Yet, what I also know, is that as the days from the storm roll on, the soft and light snow will become packed and hardened.  The sun shining and warmer temperatures will lead the snow to melt and condense.

As I would look out the window and watch the snow pile up, it reminded me of how our sins can very much resemble the snow.  At first, sins can seem light and fluffy.  They may be more carefree sins such as speaking to someone unkindly because you were frustrated by something that had nothing to do with them.  You can say to yourself, “Oh, they’ll forget it in a little while.”  Maybe you made a commitment to help someone do something, but you got a better offer to go out with friends.  “Oh, they’ll understand” may grace your thoughts.  Light fluffy sins.

The thing with these types of sins is that they pile up, just like the snow.  Sin upon sin can fall upon our shoulders until the moment comes when it starts to ‘pack down’ like the melting snow.  Sins melt into our souls, creating a hardened place for us.  It is hard to arise from sin that is packed down and makes us hardened people.  We grab onto small glimpses of hope (we apologize for one sin), but the weight of the rest of our sins holds us down.  There is only one way, only one route where the sun can shine in our souls again and lift us up from the weight of sin.

Jesus – coming to Jesus with our sins, the weight of ALL our sins, helps us to live a life less hardened.  Through his completely selfless act of the crucifixion, we can rise from our sin and live knowing our sins have been forgiven.  When we repent of our sins, a critical component to this relationship, our sins are forgiven, and a blanket of cleansing falls over us.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”     ---- 1 John 1:9

Now is the time to let the weight of our ‘snowy sins’ be melted from our souls and be lifted up to God.  In doing so, our hearts will be lighter, the burden will be lifted, and we can live in the love that Jesus gave us. 

Dearest Jesus, help me to repent for the snowy sins that have quickly piled up and weigh down my soul.  Help me to recognize my sin, ask for forgiveness, and bask in your light of righteousness.  How bless I am to call you Savior!  Amen!


Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Power of Memories


It happened frequently this week.  I would look at my phone to check a message or text and there it was. A memory.  Pictures popped up as memories on my Facebook feed or in Google photos and I was transported to a different place and time.  Many of the memories were of our family, pictures of the children when they were younger, hanging together as siblings.  Other memories were times with my husband when we traveled or on our deck relaxing.  Still others were of events – weddings, confirmations, births of children, holidays.

As I looked at the faces in these pictures and remembered the circumstances by which those pictures were taken, a smile would grace my face, or a chuckle would depart my lips.  Details of the moments were so noticeably clear, and my heart felt warm.  The more it occurred, the more I reflected on the power of these wonderful memories.  It was as if each memory was a gift, a moment that was relived.

My thoughts turned to Mary, Jesus’ mother.  As we read in the book of Luke, we begin this journey with Mary as we learn of Jesus’ birth.  We first heard about Mary treasuring all that was happening when the shepherds arrived – pondering them in her heart.   Mary was holding on to moments for memories.  We see this again when Jesus went to the temple courts around the age of twelve, and those that heard him marveled at his questions and knowledge.  Again, we find Mary treasuring things in her heart.

Holding on to special moments, as Mary did, brings goodness into our hearts.  I am sure Mary relived the day the shepherds brought praise upon Jesus’ birth along with reliving the day where she was so proud of her son in the temple.  Memories can bring that special day back to life after years of passing.  Stop for a moment and think about this gift God gives to us – the ability to remember. 

It is wonderful to have these memories, but it is also just as important to stop and live in the moment when wonderful things are happening.  I know I tend to ensure the ‘party is going well’ or that ‘the details of the vacation are met,’ that I sometimes do not live in the moment and treasure them in my heart for the future.  Being present in the moment gives us the opportunity to fill our hearts with the sounds, the beauty, and the aromas so that when a memory comes to mind, we can experience all of it.  

Taking time to make the memory is so vital in these days where we all seem to be rushing.  Slowing down and being in the moment can provide the chance for us to fill our hearts and relive those moments vividly.  May we all relish in the power of memories.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us the opportunity to store memories in our hearts.  May we reflect on special moments with joy and thanksgiving – knowing all of this is a gift from you.  Amen!

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Cold to Warm


It took a while, but it finally arrived, cold temperatures.  This past week has seen much of New England in a deep freeze, with temperatures registered zero or below.  Factoring any type of wind chill, and the numbers were nearly twenty below zero.  It was cold!  It was the type of cold that seemed to go right to your bones.  It seemed difficult to get warm, although we are blessed with a house that is warm, warm clothing and warm cars.

I thought much on those chilly days and how those freezing days reflect our society today.  There seems to be much shared throughout media (TV news, internet podcasts, etc.) that enhances the coldness in our world, the division among people.  Whether I turn on the TV, open a newspaper, or listen to folks talk in a local coffee shop, all seem to be focused on the negativity and division of thoughts, opinion, and philosophies.  It made me feel empty inside, and even more cold on the outside.

I am certain there have always been times when what is happening in society seems cold.    There have been times of discontent, times of war, times of horrific tragedies.  My goodness, we can go back to Cain and Able to see this.  The same could be said of today.

Where do we as fellow human beings come in?  The same as shared in our verse for today.  Individually, the cold will overwhelm us.  Yet, when we are together with another, the warmth will sustain.  Certainly, physically, that is true.  I also believe this is true in society.  When we come together and build a community of warmth, of love, it will melt the cold that surrounds us.

How can we do this?  Coming together for those who are less fortunate, providing time and resources for people who may not have a warm home to go to on cold nights.  Coming together for those who are alone and providing them friendship.  Coming together with those who may have differing opinions or philosophies than we do in a way to share love with all.  We have a wonderful example in Jesus.  When we act in his love, we are not acting alone, but with another.  Two are present, us and Jesus.  Reaching out in Jesus’ love, we are never alone. 

Take the step out of the cold and give warmth.  Take the step to enrich others.  Take the step with Jesus’ love.  Not only will you provide warmth to others, but you will soon be warm as well.  Keep warm in the love of Jesus.

Dearest Jesus, we thank you for keeping us warm in your love.  With all the division and coldness around us, help us to be the warmth for others.  Let us bring your love, kindness, and goodness to everyone, providing the safety of your arms and warmth of your love.  Amen.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Covered in White


When snow falls gently to the ground, it is truly a gift.  Each snowflake, unique in its beauty and character, drifts from a cloudy sky down to earth, creating a blanket of white that is distinct to each snowstorm.  The snowstorm this past week gave us puffy snow, light and fluffy.  Other times, the snow can be heavy and dense.  Much of it depends on the atmosphere that surrounds the stormy conditions.  Yet, each time, I continue to be amazed at the splendor of snow.

Snowflakes are an incredible gift from God.  Each flake, formed from the clouds, is completely unique.  One does not match the other. The very ‘short’ version of why is that the crystals begin forming in the clouds.  As they drop to earth, they gather more water molecules on them.  In doing so, distinct patterns are created – no two alike.

God’s gift of different snowflakes is just like God’s gift of different people.  Each one of us has been created in our own uniqueness, with our own pattern, not like any other human.  We may have similar characteristics such as where we were born or the color of our skin.  Yet, our differences far outweigh our similarities, each of us with our own opinions, thoughts, physical traits, emotions, etc.  It is those differences that make the beauty of this world, just like the beautiful blanket of snow.  If you have ever looked upon newly fallen snow, the peace that exudes is amazing.  When different people are united together, there is also great peace.

Jesus has given us that peace that unites us.  He has taken each of us in our differences and has made us white as snow with his death and resurrection.  By dying on the cross, he took our scarlet sins upon himself and gave us the gift of salvation, sins white as snow.  All of our differences cannot undo the beauty of God’s forgiveness of our sins, taking each of us in our unique ‘snowflake’ image and gathering us together under his blanket of white snow.  With all the gifts we have been given, the gift of salvation, turning our scarlet sins into white as snow, is the greatest gift of all.  We ALL have this gift to unite us and bring us peace.

Dearest Jesus, thank you for covering us in white, turning our scarlet sins into white as snow.  May we remember this special gift of salvation each time we meet someone that may be different than us.  You died for every person, in the spirit of their uniqueness.  May we all live in peace knowing we are saved.  Amen!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Year of Kindness


The new year is upon us!  Many of us are extremely excited to ring in 2022!  2021 seems like a whirlwind of decisions on vaccines, at home school, who to socialize with, possibility of travel, work at home or work at work, etc.  The list seems to go on and on.  All that decision making can be exhaustive.  Now, as we enter the new year, many of us are looking to make our own resolutions, things that we can personally do better.

My list always has losing weight at the top of it.  One would think I have this down pat, yet, unfortunately, it is still a struggle.  Then there is always exercising more, diving deeper into the Bible, and enhancing my prayer life.  All of this focuses on me and what I can do better.  As I thought about the past years when I have put goals/resolutions in front of me at the beginning of the year, there are very few occasions where I put others in front of me.  My focus has typically been where I can increase my own value, but rarely has it been to help others.

When I looked up the actual definition of resolution, it did not state anywhere that it was a ‘self’ reflection, but a ‘firm decision to do or not do something.’  What if my focus for 2022, after all the turmoil from the past few years, was not to focus on myself but to focus on the needs of others?  We have all dealt with personal trials over the past couple of years.  Much of our lives needed to focus inward to our personal convictions, our beliefs, and our own strength, to get through each day.  Although not over, it may be time for us to change our focus to those we know, and those we do not know, who need our help.

It may be time for one remarkably simple thing – kindness.  Kindness comes in so many shapes and forms.  Kindness does not have to cost us one penny.  Maybe it is a moment of our time.  Maybe it is a listening ear.  Maybe it is an extra set of hands.  What does this look like?

·        It may be time to spend with a child who is learning to read.

·        It may be an ear for someone who needs a shoulder to help bear the burden.

·        It may be helping our neighbor plant a tree when they are struggling.

·        It may be a cup of coffee with a new mom.

·        It may be a smile to a stranger.

Our world seems to be struggling with kindness.  Although our acts of kindness may not change the world, they can change the life of one person.  Many times, Jesus’ kindness was shown one person at a time.  Let us use Jesus’ example of kindness.  Let us take the time to kneel with a child, break bread with a neighbor, and be with the sick.  Shine Jesus’ love through your kindness.  May a resolution of kindness be a gift to many.

Dearest Jesus, thank you for being the example of kindness.  By reaching out to others, may they see the love you have given to us reaching out to them.  Help us to celebrate this year as the year of kindness.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.