Sunday, January 22, 2023

Tenderness & Compassion


It happens.  Our little ones do things we would prefer they don’t.  We say, “Don’t jump on the bed” and they proceed to jump and the bed breaks.  We say, “Stop horsing around with your sibling” and before we know it, someone is crying.  As children grow older the “Don’t” statements are different.  We talk about many topics that we didn’t anticipate we would have to deal with.  The conversations have mixed results and there are times the “Don’t” statements and the subsequent actions are in direct opposition.

As parents, we tend to manage all of these situations with a similar end result – love and compassion.  We forgive our children for their behavior or actions and love them, not matter the disobedience.  They know they can come to us for that unconditional love and understanding, especially when they come and say, “I’m sorry.”  On those days, our hearts swell with love.

As adults, due to our sinful nature, we also disobey.  When our Heavenly Father tells us “no” (through the power of the Holy Spirit and His Word), there are times we move forward in our own way, not God’s.  We break things – ourselves, our relationships, and so much more.  Our hearts may know better, but the devil takes over. 

When we disobey, we know we have done wrong.  The Holy Spirit helps us to know this through our conscience.  Many times, that guilt of knowing we have done wrong and disappointing God can overwhelm us.  It can be difficult to know that our sins are forgiven.  Maybe the sin is ‘too large’ to have God forgive me.  Maybe I feel I need to live this the guilt of this sin for the rest of my life – that I need to be punished daily for the sin.  The weight of guilt-driven sin can sometimes feel as if it will never end. 

My friends, we have Good News.  The compassion that we show our children is even greater when the compassion comes from God.  Not only does He love us despite our sinful nature, because of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection, the sin is wiped away – clean from our record.  When we come to God saying “I’m sorry”, He is there with open arms saying, “I will always be here – waiting for you.”  His tenderness and compassion are ever-present.  Our doubt and guilt can only be replaced with God saying, “Your sins have been wiped away – My love covers it all.”  If you are struggling with a sin that ‘just won’t go away’, remember that God has forgiven you.  There is nothing left for you to do except to accept His forgiveness.  Let joy replace guilt and hope replace doubt!  Your simple faith in God is all He asks!

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your tenderness and compassion.  When I can’t forgive myself, you are there waiting for me with the love and forgiveness of a father.  Help me to feel the forgiveness and take the weight off my shoulders.  In your name I pray, Amen!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Lighten Up


Hammers, nails, screwdrivers – yesterday found us at some of our children’s homes playing ‘fix it’!  It’s always nice to help out and spend time brightening up their places.  As we drove home, I thought about how each of their homes have brightened up – whether it is new paint, new lights, or new children, each of their homes have something added to them to brighten things up.  I thought maybe it was time for me to do a little brightening up of my own.  Maybe not to our home, but to me!  Could it be time for a new hairstyle?  New clothes?  New shoes?  How my mind wandered.

I then delved a bit deeper into my thinking.  Maybe it isn’t the appearance that needs to be brightened up.  Maybe it’s time for me to find a way for me to shine outward to others – to let my light shine for God a bit brighter!   The notion of shining our light for God is not new.  Our verse for today speaks emphatically about letting our light shine for others, that we may share the goodness of God with those around us.  It reminds me of a favorite children song, “This Little Light of Mine”!  I was recently singing this to my granddaughter, who especially liked the part about not hiding our light ‘under the bushel’.

Shining our light to others is an important part of being a Christian.  Our ability to show others how wonderful God works in our lives and how He can impact their lives is our responsibility.  As our simple faith in God grows, our light shines brighter – helping those around us to see the gift of faith.  So the question becomes, how can I shine my light brighter for God?

·         Bible Study:  In order for me to share my light brighter, I need to ensure I have the fuel to shine bright.  Diving into God’s word is a perfect place to start.  Whether it is a formal Bible study or picking a book or chapter to delve into, gaining the knowledge to share with others is a great start.

·         Prayer:  Asking God how I can shine brighter will bring guidance from the best counselor there is, God!  Go to Him and ask how you can use your gifts and talents to shine to others.

·         Servanthood:  Being able to share God-given talents with others is a wonderful way to show others the goodness of God.  Helping out at church, helping a neighbor in need, ensuring you stop by to see the elderly – all ways to bring the light to those who need it.

·         Notes of Encouragement:  Maybe it is writing a note to someone who needs to see words of encouragement.  Helping those around us to get through a tough time may start by seeding words that Jesus loves them and will take care of them, no matter the circumstance.

Whatever way you choose, step out in simple faith, and know that shining your light for others will make your light brighter.  Let “This Little Light of Mine” shine for the world to see.

Heavenly Father, help me to shine my light for all to see!  Amen


Sunday, January 8, 2023

Hope in Darkness


I remember the day well.  It will always be a part of my soul.  The day that I lost hope in the darkness.  I had prayed and prayed for so many things.  I prayed that the results of the chemo treatments I had wouldn't continue to plague my health.  I prayed that the workload I was trying to endure would ease up.  I prayed that the marriage I was trying to save would either heal or move on.  I prayed that the relationship wouldn't be such a burden on my soul and heart.  Nothing was happening.  God didn't seem to hear me and if He did hear me, He wasn't responding.  I was losing hope that He would ever hear me.  The faith that I always had seemed to be wavering.

That day, that fateful day, I lost control.  I sat in my car, sobbing.  I didn't know where to turn, I didn't know where to go.  I just sat there and cried.  The only place that seemed to have refuge was in a church seat.  That's where I drove.  In that chair, I looked at the cross and sat sobbing and pouring out my heart. The hope that seemed to have left my heart was being restored.  My faith, that seemed to have been lost, was coming back.  I left everything I had at that cross.  The hope that Jesus gave so many over 2000 years ago when he rose from the grave was the same hope my heart seemed to be feeling again.  My faith, my simple faith, had returned.  Not everything was fixed, but Jesus gave me the strength to continue to fight.

This past week seemed to be a week of darkness.  So much had gone wrong, to people I know, to situations that occurred.  They joyous uplift of the new year seemed to be overshadowed by things that had gone wrong.  I did as I have done so many times in my life.  I turned to the One who can bring hope in the darkness.  I brought my fears and my prayers to Jesus.  In my words and my thoughts, I prayed.  I prayed for healing to so many.  I prayed for joy amid the sadness.  I prayed for faith in the doubters.  I prayed.   I prayed that other's faith would be restored as mine was.  I prayed for strength for all.

Jesus is with us, even when we don't feel Him close.  He will always be our hope in the darkness.  The plan he has for us (remember Jerimiah 29:11), will never be what we expect, but it is always His plan.  Jesus' goal for our life is that we stay close to Him, stay close to His plan.  It may mean we need to endure adversity and heartache.  Yet, He will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8).  He is there for us, even in our darkest hours.  Have simple faith!!

 Dearest Jesus, continue to be our hope in the darkness we endure.  Shower us with your light, your hope and may our simple faith continue to believe in You.  Amen!

Sunday, January 1, 2023

2023 Plans


Happy New Year!  Hard to believe that another year has passed by so quickly.  Once again, everything seemed like a blur in the journey of life.  There were good times and challenging times.  There were times of happiness and times of sadness.  There was loss and there was gain.  I know people who are ready to put 2022 behind them and move forward.  Others enjoyed all the moments of 2022 and would like to relive them again. 

From previous posts you may know I am not big on resolutions.  It is because I have set them over my years and have failed at most of them.   I have always looked to myself to see what goals I should set, what burdens I need to release, and what challenges I should face.  I have looked to ‘me’ to set my future!  I am certain I am not the only one who does that.  Self-talk such as “What changes should I make in my life?” “What should I pursue more of that I’m not doing today?” or my personal favorite, “What can I do to gain more happiness?” creep into my mind as I try to settle on new things for the future.  As I look over those questions, I become overwhelmed – the pressure to select just the right goals for the future.

Goals are wonderful as they can assist us in mapping out how to live our lives differently – whether personal or professional.  This year, I am going to look at this a bit differently, and not approach this from MY viewpoint, but from GOD’S viewpoint.   The verse for today is very dear to me – it is one that I tend to go to when I do not know where to turn.  We are not supposed to know our path – there is only One that knows about each turn we should make and each goal we should set.  The plans and goals for me are known by Our Creator, the One that knows all.  When I read and meditate on this verse, it points out to me over and over again the path I need to take – the one that follows God.

Should be easy, right?  I find it difficult. Releasing my life fully to God sounds risky.  Does He really have everything planned out – my hope, my future, my life?  Here is the good word my friends, HE DOES!  If we believe in our Lord, we will know that He brings to us all that we need – and much more.  He lays our future out for us.  He lets us see the journey ahead of us.  He provides us hope.  I think we could all use more hope these days.  God only asks one thing from us – to have simple faith that He is our provider, that He is our savior, that He loves us more than anyone else.  Simple faith will bring us our journey.

Through the encouragement of another, I am selecting one verse this year that I am going to pray on and rest in.  This year, for me, it is Jeremiah 29:11.  I am going to hold close this verse to my heart and ask God to reveal to me HIS plan, HIS hope, HIS future.  Yes, I will set goals, but I will do so with my Holy Father, not on my own accord.  This will not be easy for me, and it may not be easy for you.  Letting go is hard.  Yet, when God is in the driver’s seat, our destination will always be the right one.  Happy New Year!

Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding us that YOU have our plan for us, and you are more than eager to share that plan with us.  We need to have simple faith that you will deliver – and you always do.  Grant us our plan, our hope, for the new year and beyond.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.