Sunday, August 14, 2016

Not Good Enough

"I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."  (NIV)  Psalm 139:14

It was one of those weeks this week.  Every day seemed to point out my failures.  Whether it was work or home, projects or family, it didn't seem to matter.  As each day unfolded, I seemed to see my faults bolder and bolder.  I kept finding the things that I didn't do right.  It wasn't that any person said a word to me or shared that I was a horrible person, it just FELT like that.  Maybe it was the pit in my stomach.  Maybe it was the thoughts floating through my head an night.  Maybe it was me looking in the mirror.  All I know was that every new day found me discouraged about situations.  I had that "Not Good Enough" feeling.

I have had this feeling before, probably far too often.  In a world where "I want" everything to go right, where "I want" perfection, where "I want" everyone to be happy, I can let myself down.  I am not let down by others, I am let down by myself.  I find myself constantly asking me, "What can I do better?  How can I change all this?  What needs to be different and how can I influence that change?"  In my quest to better understand that complete perfection only comes from God, I sometimes fall back into trying to get there myself.  When my thoughts go to that place, I begin feeling as if I lack what I need for success - success as a wife, mother, daughter, and co-worker.  

Have you ever felt that way?  Have you ever found yourself wondering whether you were "good enough"?  I know how you feel - and it can be exhausting.  When we drive ourselves to this quest of perfection, we become no good to anyone, especially ourselves.  We work so hard that we lose sight of so many things that are going well.  When I am in this state of mind, I can only see what I am not doing and can't seem to see anything that I am doing.  I look at only the imperfections of what is around me.  

I'd like to share with you what we all need to know.  On those days we all need to remember one driving factor - God Made US!!  Look at the world around us.  Look at the beauty and majesty of our mountains.  Look at the wonder of the birds and the fish.  Look at each flower and tree.  Let's face some facts - God doesn't make anything less than incredible.  With that simple fact, we know the truth that comes with that - God made you and me more than good enough.  He made us in His vision and in His light.  God's creation in you and in me gives us the gifts that we need in this earthly life.  God is good - He is good ALL THE TIME.  He isn't just good to some people and He isn't just good in some situations.  He is good to all and His is good all the time.  You have been wonderfully made in His sight.  

Knowing that helps me to get out of the "not good enough" mode and into the "more than good enough" mode.  God has given me all the I need in order to succeed each and every day.  I need to cherish all the wonderful things He has given me and revel in the fact that He has made me with everything I need to succeed.  More importantly, He has made YOU with everything that YOU need to succeed.  That is something to not only smile about, but to celebrate.  The verse for today helps me to remember God's goodness and blessings for my life.  I pray that it does the same for you.  God only makes the best - and YOU are the best!!

"Dearest Lord, there are days when the trials of this earthly life can weigh heavy on us.  Those thoughts can lead us to believe we are not good enough to deal with the situations we are given.  Help us to always know, God, that YOU have created us.  You have given us more than enough to deal with what is on our plates.  May we come to you in prayer on those days, and may you reveal to us the wonder of us as your creations - and to know that we are more than good enough.  We are your children.  In your gracious name we pray.  Amen"

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.