Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Corn Maze

"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them.  Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?  And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home."  Luke 15:  4-5

Have you ever walked through a corn maze?  I have, a couple of times, and I always find the entire experience fun (and a little nerve racking).  I've done it once during daylight and once at night.  Each time, I've entered in with a sense of "This is no big deal - I've got this!" only to find out that my thoughts of success were short lived.  During the day, you are able to navigate the maze a bit easier, having the ability to observe markers along the way.  During the evening, when it's dark, it's a completely different experience.

As you walk through a corn maze, you have opportunities to go right or left, forwards or backwards, etc.  It is as the title says, a maze with many twists and turns.  I think it is always fun to see where your own intuition will take you.  Can you make it out on your own or are you going to have to "ask" for the nearest exit?  Will you rely on the insight of friends?  How lost will you get before asking for help?

When I passed a sign for a corn maze recently, I couldn't help but think of my experiences in them.  The anticipation of being successful was soon outweighed by me getting completely lost.  I realized the autumn corn maze can translate into scenes from my life.  How many times, when I decided I was going to pursue something on my own ,did I start with such anticipation of success.  Yet, soon afterwards, I found myself trying to navigate the twists and turns of the situation, without much success at all.  I may have started with a sense of "I've got this", yet it quickly turned to, "I'm lost"!

How long do I go before I turn for help?  Unfortunately, much longer than I should.  I will try to rely on my own intuition or even ask friends for help, but rarely do I immediately turn to the One who can find me and guide me.  Whenever I am lost, be it physically, spiritually or emotionally, I tend to try to find a way out of my messes on my own.  When I do that, I tend to get MORE lost, typically not finding the way towards success.

In walks my Savior!  When I'm lost, my God is always there to find me.  It is amazing when I cry out to Him, He will always guide me to the end - to success.  During the day, I may feel like I can navigate my way out of situations alone.  Yet, as the day gives way to evening, (or my clarity gives way to blurred vision), I realize the only one who can find me and save me is Jesus.  How grateful am I that He is always there - waiting to find me when I am lost!  

Our lives can often feel as if we are in a maze.  Obstacles or barriers face us when we least expect them.  The path can become rocky and our vision can become blurred.  Brothers and sisters, know that we are never lost.  Our Savior will always find us and bring us back home.  He is there waiting to rescue us and provide us the hope we need for success.  Shout out to him and He will bring you home!

Heavenly Father, I thank you that you will always find me when I am lost.  You will never leave me or forsake me.  When my path is rocky and I don't know which way to turn, please find me and guide me back home.  In your gracious name I pray.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.