Sunday, March 1, 2020

Lenten Renewal - Our Bodies

As I sat in church this morning, the banner to my left read, "Lent - A Time of Renewal".  I thought about that and how very true this is.  I thought this Lenten season, we may reflect on our renewal - of body, mind and soul.  Each week, I'll share my thoughts on how we might be able to renew ourselves.

I have suffered and labored over the thought that my body is a living sacrifice for God, a holy temple.  I struggle over this because I don't find myself always treating this body of mine with the upmost respect it deserves - a vessel for God.  I try - goodness knows I try - to ensure that everything I put into my body is good for me.  This becomes easier, believe it or not, as I get older.  I understand with greater importance how I need to eat the right things to keep healthy.  So it is more veggies & protein and less carbs and sugar.  No, not every day is perfect, but strides are being made - a renewing of my body.

Where I struggle with less success is when it comes to exercising.  Each day, I find myself losing time - time to get off to the gym and put in a few minutes on the treadmill.  The busyness of life seems to take over.  I do realize that these are excuses and I have much work that needs to be done in this important area.  Exercise will bring forward healthy bones and a healthy heart - both that are very important as I get older.  It is time to renew my commitment to keeping fit - a renewing of my body.

I also look at what I DO with this body - do I sacrifice my time and what I can do to help others?  Do I find myself helping out a neighbor or family member when I can?  Can I make a meal with my hands to help someone in need?  These are areas where I try to share my talents and sacrifice some of my time - knowing that it will please God.  How I feed my body and exercise is very important.  What I DO with my body is also important - a renewing of my body to help others.

Lent is such a wonderful reflective time.  We reflect on our sin.  We reflect on our Lord and the grace, mercy and sacrifice He gives to us.  We reflect on how we are so unworthy of all He gives to us, yet, we accept it freely.  It truly is a time of renewal.  We can renew the commitment we make to keep our bodies healthy and able to do God's will.  We will fall and stumble as we make these new commitments.  We might be trying to eat better, but that piece of bread or cookie may make its way to our mouths.  Enjoy and move forward - asking God for grace and His unconditional love.  Miss a workout?  Get in a few extra steps at work, and continue to renew the commitment of fitness.  We may miss an opportunity to help someone - so let's keep our eyes open for the next time we can assist!  God will be with us as we renew our bodies in His Name!!

Heavenly Father - as we begin this Lenten season, may we take time to renew our bodies to your work.  Help us to strengthen them by what we put in them, our we keep them fit, and how we use our bodies to help others.  May our renewed commitment to you bring us to the understanding that you are always with us, even when we may fall.  Be there to pick us up Father, and lead us in the right direction.  In your name we pray, Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.