Sunday, March 21, 2021

Gift of Forgiveness


Forgiveness is an action that is easier said than done!  Many times, we can say to others, “I forgive you,” walk away, and continue to hold onto the thing you just forgave.  I know this has certainly been the case for me, instances when someone has deeply hurt me and may have asked for forgiveness.  I will typically say something like, “no problem”, but will hold onto it for several days.  The other person has moved on, but I have not.  The longer I hold onto it, the more resentment sets in.

Forgiveness is an action.  There must be an active role on the person who is forgiving another to not only say, “I forgive you”, but to truly let it go.  When a person forgives another, absolute forgiveness, kindness is shared.  When someone has truly forgiven me, I feel closer to that person.  The relationship is deeper.  Yet, true forgiveness is not an easy action.  Letting go of hurt and anger is tough for us.  We want justice, we want the other person to suffer.  They may not “deserve” our forgiveness.  The reality is, when I have forgiven a person, true forgiveness, not only is it showing kindness, but MY burden is lifted. 

When I think of my relationship with Jesus and all I have sinned against him, I cannot imagine why he would want to forgive me.  I have hurt him, angered him, of this I am certain.  He has every right to want me to suffer and receive justice for my sins.  Yet, with his incredible gift of forgiveness, I can wake each day knowing that Jesus has said, “I forgive you, walk with your head high.”  Jesus’ incredible gift of forgiveness makes me fully understand how deeply he loves me and how close our relationship is.  He is doing all the forgiving; all I need to do is ask.

As we walk through this Lenten season, may we reflect on our sins and how Jesus pours his forgiveness upon each one of us.  His act of forgiveness provides us a closer relationship to him.  Let us be kind and tenderhearted to those that may have hurt us.  Provide forgiveness, true forgiveness, and let the relationships grow deeper.  I know that many of us have deep hurts that may find it hard to be forgiven.  Think of how much we have hurt Jesus with our actions and may the gift of forgiveness flow from you as it has from Jesus.

Dearest Jesus, may we provide forgiveness to those that have hurt us as you have provided forgiveness to us.  Help us to show kindness and compassion in the action of forgiveness and may relationships grow deeper.  Thank you for providing us with the perfect role model of forgiveness.  In your name we pray.  Amen!


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.