Sunday, February 20, 2022

Majestic Beauty


The car rounded the curve only to have a most majestic sight in front of us, the Red Rocks of Sedona.  It took my breath away.  “Stop, stop, stop,” I shouted.  My poor husband thought something was medically wrong with me!  It was in an attempt to get the perfect picture.  The view was just that stunning.  Little did I know that the moment of that majestic sight was going to be one of many that we would see throughout the week.  Our family vacation had taken us to Sedona, AZ, and a trip to the Grand Canyon.

Every day I continued to look at the incredibly blue sky, the Red Rocks, the multiple canyons, and the crisp with awe.  I love the mountains of New England and the beautiful ocean views.  Yet, these were views I had never seen before, and the word majestic kept coming to mind.  The definition of majestic is “having or showing impressive beauty or dignity.”  I was using the word correctly.  It was impressive.

One of our days we headed out to the Grand Canyon.  All the beauty and awe culminated into the step onto the South Rim.  There, and for the next four hours, all I could do was look in wonder.  The beauty I saw took me to our verse for today.  The land stretched far, and I could not help but talk with God while I looked over the immense beauty of this canyon.  God has created such majestic beauty in so many wonderful areas that our eyes fall upon.  It could be the mountains of New England, the shores of Florida, the Redwood trees in California, the Great lakes of Michigan, or the Grand Canyon of Arizona, the beauty God created in nature is all around us to see. 

Nature’s beauty can take our breath away.  Thanking God for this beauty and cherishing the land that He has provided to us is something we should take time to do each day.  It is also important to see the beauty not just in all the nature around us, but the beauty in each of us.  As God took time to create the incredible earth we live on, He also took the time to create each human being living on this earth.  As shared in Psalm 119:73, “Your hands made me and formed me.”  God took the time to create each of us in unique form, just like each canyon, mountain and tree are unique.

We should take the time to celebrate the beauty that God gave us in nature.  We also need to spend time in awe and wonder at the people that are around us.  Yes, the people that may be different than us.  The people who are unique, like the canyons and the trees.  We have been ‘fearfully and wonderfully’ made.  If we can look at the person who may be different than us with an eye on their beauty and uniqueness, we can see each other as a majestic sight that can take our breath away.

The world is filled with majestic beauty in nature and in each other.  Let us spend time to “stop, stop, stop” and notice each other’s beauty.  Let us take the perfect picture of each other and remember it in our hearts.  Let us revel in the stunning view that is in front of us at every corner.  Thank you, God, for ALL your creation.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the majestic beauty that you have provided for us.  May we realize that this beauty is not only in nature, but in each other.  May we take the time to cherish the majestic beauty all around us, knowing that it was all made by you.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.