Sunday, December 29, 2024

Stone and Flesh


Here we are – the end of the year!  The years seem to pass by more quickly the older I get.  When I was a young adult, I remember wishing time would come – I wish for the day I would get married, the day I would have children, the day I would have a career, etc.  Now those days have come and gone.  Many times, I wish for those ‘days’ back again.  As Cher sang in her song, “If I Could Turn Back Time,” how I would savor each of those moments, instead of wishing for the next.

As we say goodbye to 2024 and begin 2025, and complete our final season of faith, the season of winter, we can reflect upon what we would have done differently and what we want to achieve with the start of a new year!  The verse of today guides us through that process.  As the Lord shared in this verse, it is a time to remove from our hearts the stones – the areas that dragged us down during 2024.  In reflection, there were areas that dragged me down:

·         Worry – how many times I worried about areas of my life.  How many sleepless nights did I spend over trivial thoughts such as ‘what am I going to make for dinner when the family comes over’ or ‘what if we don’t’ enjoy this vacation.’  Of course, there were the larger worries such as, “is my mom going to continue to be in good health” or “are my grandchildren going to be okay.”  These worries are consuming, yet when the old worries are given to God, the peace that only God can give is provided to me.

·         Sin – the sins that brought my heart to a dark place.  We carry burdens in this life.  Carrying our sins is certainly one of them.  I can belabor over sins I have committed for days, weeks, months, and years.  The guilt that I feel over disappointing people, and more importantly God, tears at my heart.  Once again, Jesus is there to take all that guilt away.  He replaces my sins with a sign of forgiveness – FOR IT ALL!  No matter how large or small, Jesus takes every sin to the cross with Him.

There are other areas that have dragged my heart into one of stone.  These two took center stage!  Yet, for all that dragged me down, there was much that the Lord replaced in my heart with a new spirit!  There were days when compassion and forgiveness replaced bitterness and resentment.  Days when love and kindness replaced dislike and nastiness.  The Lord was with me, giving me a new heart when I needed it the most.

As we reflect on 2024 and set our sights on 2025, let us do so with a sense of forgiveness, for ourselves.  Jesus forgives us and loves us.  He removes our old hearts of stone and replaces them with hearts of flesh.  May we find a way to do the same for ourselves – and others.  Here is to 2025, filled with love, joy, kindness and faith! 

Before we leave 2024, I would like to thank all of you who read Simple Faith Today!  Your comments make me smile and provide me with the energy to keep on writing!  I pray all of you enter 2025 with hearts filled with goodness and a love for our Jesus.

Heavenly Father, thank you for removing the bad from our hearts and replacing it with good.  May we always remember it is YOU who gives us the joy we revel in.  Amen.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Prince of Peace


It is hard to believe that this is the last Sunday of Advent.  Every year, the Advent season seems to pass by so quickly and this year was no exception.  As we walked through the different names of Jesus in Isaiah 9:6, we have come one of the names I need the most – Prince of Peace!  Finding peace seems to be a rarity these days.  No matter the time of year.  No matter how hard I try to set aside time for some peace, it eludes me.

There are so many wonderful verses on peace in the Bible.  It was hard to choose one.  Today, I chose John 14:27. As I reflected upon how much I seek peace, I realized two major influences (among the many) about why I do not always experience the peace I am looking for.  They were summed up in this verse:

·       The “world’s” peace is not the same peace Jesus gives – my ideation of peace comes from a place that cannot give me what Jesus can.

·       My heart is troubled and worried about many things – things that I cannot control (there is that word control again). 

My idea of peace can come from the pictures and scenes I have seen throughout the years.  The mug of coca in front of a fireplace while reading a book and nothing else is on my mind or my heart.  I have no worries, and all is wonderful.  My friends, there will always be something that can get in the way of ‘earthly’ peace.  What we have is so much more than that.  We have the Prince of Peace, the One who provides us with the peace that this earth cannot give us. 

Our hearts and minds do not have to be troubled.  In my case, “I” let that happen!  I choose to have so much going on in my mind that it cannot find peace at night.  I choose to worry.  My Prince of Peace gives peace freely and abundantly.  I need to be the one to receive, like many gifts our Jesus gives us.  When I have reached the end of my rope on situations, and turn to my Jesus in exasperation, He opens His arms and says, “rest here child.”  Peace falls over me – without the fireplace and hot cocoa, just the warmth of my Savior.

As we close out our Advent series, remember that the names of Jesus describe His love for us.  He is our Wonderful Counselor – guiding us through our lives.  He is the Mighty God – all powerful in all situations.  He is the Everlasting Father – never leaving our sides.  He is our Prince of Peace – providing “all is calm, all is bright.”  May Christmas bring you joy and love as we celebrate our Savior’s birth.  Peace . . .

Prince of Peace, may we turn to you always, instead of this earth, and place our worries on your shoulders.  Help us to experience the peace only YOU can bring.  Amen.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Everlasting Father


Welcome back to Advent 2024!  Advent is a wonderful reminder to slow down and truly reflect upon the birth of Jesus and what He brought to us when He was born Christmas morn!  As I reviewed the different themes we have explored together during the last decade, the names of Jesus were missing.  What better way for us to prepare our hearts for His coming.  Today, we will explore Everlasting Father.

Forever!  It is hard to imagine something lasting forever.  As a human, there have been many things I wish lasted forever.  There was the favorite sweatshirt I loved, even though there were holes in it.  There was also that perfect cup of coffee that was ‘good to the last drop’.  There are also times in my life that I wished would have never ended.  That special moment when the family was gathered together sharing memories.  Times where I laughed so hard with friends I cried.  Things and times that I wish lasted forever!

There are also times when we lose a loved one that we wished could have been here forever.  I think of my dad and how much he would have enjoyed being around his grandchildren and great grandchildren.  I know he is looking down upon us all, but how great it would be to have him here.  Of course, having my dad, or any one we love so dearly, be with us forever is truly impossible. 

The GOOD news is we have a father who IS with us forever!  Our Dear Jesus is our everlasting father.  He is with us and beside us each day we are here on earth AND when we enter the heavenly gates.  He is the same loving father that was beside us the day we were born and will be the same Father the day we pass into heaven.  What a gift to receive!  Our Lord, Our Savior, Our Father is everlasting!  I miss my dad every day.  Yet, when I reflect on my Heavenly Father, I know He is with me, holding my hand through all of life’s moments.  He guides me, advises me, and holds me accountable.  Most of all, my Everlasting Father came to earth to save me and show me how much He loves me.  That, my friends, is something that lasts forever!

Everlasting Father, thank you for always being here for me.  Knowing that you are the same yesterday, today and forever provides me hope.  Amen!

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Mighty God


Welcome back to Advent 2024!  We are reflecting upon the names of our dear Jesus.  Advent provides us a time to prepare for the coming of Jesus.   This year, as we look to the joy that EACH name brings, may we understand more deeply all that Jesus brings to our lives.

Mighty God!  The mightiness of God seems to be all around us.  Do we take the time to stand in awe of our Mighty God?  Personally, I know these times can be fleeting.   Usually I stop only time allows, which is typically on vacation. When I have time to soak in the wonders that stand around me, I will see the works of our Mighty God.  Reflecting, these have been times when I have been in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the Grand Canyon, the Red Rock of Sedona and the rainforest of Costa Rica.  Our Mighty God ‘shows off’ in these incredible areas of nature.  Yet God’s majesty is reflected in our daily lives as well.

His mighty hand is there for each birth of a new child and as each member of His kingdom passes through to eternal glory.  His mighty voice is heard through the congregations who sing His praise.  His mighty deeds are in the answered prayers of His children.  His mighty heart is in the gift of His only Son, Jesus.  God’s mightiness is available to us each day.  Our ability to see His might and to live in his majesty is up to us.  Remembering that God is with us every moment of our lives helps us to understand that His glory is always around us.

Taking time, especially during this Advent season, to reflect upon all of His mighty works in our lives can be difficult.  With all the preparations we need to tend to during the Christmas season, it may seem that we don’t have time for this reflection.  Let us keep front of mind the opportunities to give thanks for all our Mighty God freely gives us.  Could the time we need to wait in a long line provide us moments when we can hum a Christmas song?  Could the longer commute due to traffic provide us moments to pray and give thanks for His mighty works?  Could the lights shimmering on the evergreen tree remind us of the tree our Savior hung upon for our sins? 

Our God is a Mighty God, full of goodness and grace.  May your heart be filled this Advent season to ensure we know His mighty hand is upon all we see, feel, hear and do.  Whether it is small or large, God’s awesomeness can be seen in all of it! 

Mighty God, may we see your holiness, awesomeness and wonders in each moment of the day.  Help us to reflect upon this during Advent this year as we prepare the way for your Son – our Mighty God.  Amen!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Wonderful Counselor


Welcome to Advent 2024!  Each year I pray about the Advent series I’d like to reflect upon.  This year, it is the four names of Jesus!  One of my favorite Christmas songs is Emmanuel (you should hear me sing THIS one!).   It references the various names of our Jesus and always makes me reflect upon this verse.  Therefore, we will be walking through each of the names of Jesus.

Wonderful Counselor!  What a man of guidance our dear Jesus is!  He is with us, every moment throughout the day and night, to provide us exactly the wisdom we need.  Left to our own accord (and don’t forget, we do have free will), we look to other places for our guidance.  It could be a self-help book, teachings from other people of ‘wisdom’, entrusted friends, etc.  As we connect with these methods of guidance, many times we are looking for wisdom that results in the answers WE want.  I know I have had the tendency to look to these areas to seek affirmation for what I believe is the right answer to questions in life.

Let us be reminded that nothing replaces the wisdom directly from God’s word.  In Him and with Him, our Wonderful Counselor provides us the direction for each day.

How do we know this and how can we gain God’s wisdom?  By steeping our thoughts into the gifts God gave us.  Pastors who generously give their time to assist us on our path and pray for us diligently.  Christian friends who take the time to listen to us and encourage us to study His word.  Books by Christian authors who point to the word of God for the help we need.  All of these gifts are ours through our God.  The greatest gift of God is our Savior, and we find out more about Him each time we open our Bibles.

As we reflect upon our Wonderful Counselor this Advent season, may we always be reminded that when our life needs guidance, our focus and answers are found in the Word of God.  His guidance directs us to be the best version of us – the version of us that He created us to be.  May we pray that He guides our thoughts, our minds, our hearts and our souls to reach out to Him for direction.  Let our hearts be prepared for the goodness that He gives to us, even in times of trials.  Let’s enter Advent knowing that the gift of Jesus, our Wonderful Counselor, will guide us always.

Most Wonderful Counselor, during this Advent season, bring us to YOU and your excellent guidance.  Help us to open our hearts to your counsel through your word.  Thank you for coming to Earth for all of us.  Amen!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Give Thanks Continually


The Sunday prior to Thanksgiving.  This fall season has passed even quicker this year!  Time is time, I realize that.  Time never changes.  We are the ones who change.   We are the ones who choose how to spend our time.  Over the years I have attempted to slow my life down a bit to match up with time itself.  I will try it for a week or two and before I know it, I feel as if I am losing time again!  That’s all on me!

Typically, November is a dreary month in New Hampshire.  It can start getting chilly and the skies above tend to be gloomier than the predecessor, October.  I like that weather as it almost forces me to slow down a bit.  There is not as much to do outside, and my attention turns inward.  I have always seen November as the month of gratitude.  It is my opportunity to slow down and realize all that I have and take the time to be grateful.  That gratefulness expands in many directions, family, friends, coworkers, and the world around us.  It is time to thank the one that gives it all to us, our Heavenly Father.  This gratitude has taken on a variety of forms over the years.  I have posted 30 days of gratitude on Facebook.  When the children were home, we made a ‘thankful paper chain.’  Each child wrote what they were thankful for that day and the paper chain would extend throughout the kitchen.  I have written down my thanks each day.  All were wonderful ways to glorify God for so many blessings.

This brings me to our post for today, Giving Thanks!  As I searched for the right verse I wanted to use today as inspiration, this is the one I chose.  There were many to choose from, but this one caught my eye for one reason!  Although I enjoyed all the ways I have focused on Giving Thanks over the years, there is one component missing that this verse taught me to see.  It is the word ‘continually.’  I enjoy spending time giving thanks in November in a way I do not focus on the other weeks and months of the year.  I may ‘thank in the moment’ or ‘thank during prayer.’  Yet the determined focus of reviewing all of the blessings I have in my life with intensity may go to the wayside.  I can blame it on not having enough time, but as was shared in the beginning of this post, we all have the same amount of time every day.  It is up to me, up to us, on how we use it.

So let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise!  May we focus intently, each day, on all the blessings He has provided to us – starting with His Son!  May we see all that we have, the trials, the tribulations, the blessings, and the goodness, all coming from the only One who can provide that to us.  May we realize that all situations are in our lives to share goodness, learning, strength, and faith.  May we understand that all of this comes from the One that gives us His unconditional love.  This Thanksgiving, and every day after that, let us offer, continually, praises to our Lord and Savior for all that we have.  May you and your family feel the goodness of God each and every day!  May I also take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of reading this blog.  I cannot thank you enough for your kind words over the years.

Heavenly Father, thank you does not seem to be enough for all that you have given to us.  May we continually remember to give you praise, the One who gives all to us.  In thanksgiving we pray, Amen!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Give Graciously



“The more you give, the more you will receive.”  We hear this phrase quite a bit, especially during the fall season when different charitable organizations that need assistance come forward for help.  It is always nice to lend a helping hand.  I honestly believe most people work hard to try and give as much as they can, whether it is for the church, their local charity or even to a friend in need.  Yet, when we have abundance, it can be comforting to spend a few extra dollars on ourselves versus those in need.

For instance, you recently received a bonus at work.  You worked hard for that money – put in long hours at work and gave up much family time for the success of the company.  You deserve this money!  You deserve to spend this money on something that is important to you!    You may go out for a night on the town.  Maybe it is something larger – a new wardrobe, a dream vacation, etc.  The thought of giving it to the church or storing it up for someone in need may not even cross your mind.  If it was a thought, maybe the giving to those charities comes AFTER that dream vacation!

God asks us something special in Malachi.  In this case, He is asking that we give to Him, the church FIRST!  Not what is left over, what is last, but what is first!  As we write out our checks to pay bills, God wants us to give to Him first.  This can be a hard concept.  I know when finances were tough, it was more important for me to pay bills versus giving to the church.  Many months went by when my choice was to not give to God, but to give to the areas that needed it most – MY BILLS.  Around that time, I read this verse.  What was I doing?  I was so afraid that if I gave God what He deserved first that I would not have enough for the bills I had.

As God mentions in Malachi, when we give, He gives greater.  That has ALWAYS been the case.  When I trusted to give my finances to God, God gave back to us – tenfold!  God is like that; His blessings are greater than we can imagine.  It takes trust, trust in God, to obey Him.  It means we need to trust that He will always be there for us, to provide for us, to give us everything we need.  His love for us is immeasurable – so are His gifts. 

During this month of giving and gratefulness for all we have, may we reach out to our churches, our food pantries, our friends in need.  May we give – FIRST – to those in need.  Give and give abundantly.  In return, you will receive so much more.  You will be doing God’s will – and there is nothing better than that!  Just have simple faith that God will bless you abundantly.

Heavenly Father, thank you for always blessing me.  May I ensure that the FIRST fruits of my labor go to you and your efforts to provide for those less fortunate.  May I trust that you will give me all that I need.  May I have simple faith.  Amen!

Sunday, November 10, 2024



Saint Paul, Saint Peter, Saint John, Saint Andrew – the list of saints goes on and on.  When we reflect on saints, we tend to think of these saints that evoke Bible stories of greatness.  Last week, we celebrated All Saints Day in church.  It is one of my most favorite moments.  We did not list the saints that are traditionally known; we named the saints that are closest to us.  Pastor read the names of those family members who have gone before us, as saints.  We exchanged a Bible verse between Pastor and the congregation, names were read, and the bell tolled for each group.  This exchange was conducted until all the names were read.  When my dad’s name was read, along with the names of my in-laws whom I never met, emotions flooded.   They are such true saints.

The family saints I mentioned may not have been as famous as Paul, Peter, John, and Andrew, yet they are saints none-the-nonetheless.  My husband has shared many memories with me of his mom working hard for their local parish and his dad opening the Bible and reading it.  My dad also brings back many memories.  My dad loved his Lord, and he was not shy about it.  He worked hard for the church, from ensuring the grounds were kept neat, to cooking on special occasions for the church and the local food pantry.  He took the talents God gave him and ensured they were used for the good of God’s kingdom.  He prayed often.  When Daddy went to church, he revered being in the house of the Lord. 

I am certain that all of us can remember those who have touched our lives in their walk of faith.  Maybe it was a parent, a family member, a pastor, or church member.  These people lived out their faith, by the way they spoke, the way the shared God’s word, and the way they lived their lives.  I have awesome news for all of us.  We are all saints!  The Bible shares in Psalms 31:23” Oh, love the LORD, all you, His saints! For the LORD preserves the faithful, and fully repays the proud person.”   ALL of us are God’s saints and have the same gifts that God gave to us to share with others, just as the saints that went before us.

Reflect for a few moments.  We may not consider ourselves to be saints, but God does!  Have you opened a children’s Bible to read to small ones?  Have you conducted a Bible Study?  Have you prayed for others?  Have you glorified Jesus’ name?  Dear saints in Christ, we are all preserving the faith we have in God, and as the verse above shared, the Lord repays the proud person who is proud in his name.  Live your faith boldly.  You do not need to prophesy from the highest mountains to a multitude of people.  Your simple acts of faith give you sainthood in God’s eyes – and in mine!  Let us raise our Bibles rejoicing the status GOD gives us as saints.

Dearest Lord, thank you for reminding us in your Word that we are all saints in your eyes.  May our daily lives of simple living let the world know how much we love you and know you are our savior.  Amen!

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Will, Works, Way


I will!  How many times have we heard those words in response to a request we make?  Typically, the “I will” comes with a bit of a ‘tone,’ including an elevated pitch and possibly an eye roll.  Have you been on the receiving end of an “I will” such as that?  Does not usually feel great.  In response, I am either annoyed or I realize I may have overstepped, and I have remorse.  Either way, the sender and the receiver in this conversation is not saying “Yippee – that went great”!

I was reflecting upon that phrase recently when it made me think of God’s will, God’s work, and God’s way.  The will of God, what God wants to happen in heaven and on earth.  I can only imagine what He must think when He looks at me and the will He has for me – and how I have not always delivered His will.  Right in the Lord’s Prayer it talks about Thy Will be Done.  I do not always do God’s will.  Have I always given of my time when He has nudged me to do so?  Do I follow my OWN will versus God’s will?   Do my actions reflect responding as God would want?  I am sure you know the answer to those questions!  God has a will for my life – he as a will for all of our lives.  He knows what He wants to happen with us here on earth.  We need to open our hearts to accept HIS will!

Once we have done so, what works has He put in His will that I need to consider?  God leaves so much in our hands.  Often, we do not leave what we should in God’s hands.  When He provides us His will, He also provides us an opportunity to live out His will with works.   In Philippians 2:13, it is written “…for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.”  Our works and how we live out God’s will is a gift from God.  God is pleased when we do His work for His will.  It is important for us to realize that when we look at God’s work as ‘one more thing to do.’  When we look upon God’s work as a chance to serve Him, our hearts will rejoice versus be hardened.

So, we have God’s will, and we have God’s work.  The missing link to all of this is ensuring we do this in God’s way.  God has a way for us to live our lives, to do His will and His work.  Give to the church, but don’t steal in order to give it.  Work at the church when it is needed, but do not forget to honor your mother/father when they need your help.  We can do much work in the name of God, but if do not do it in the way God wants us to, we have not given glory to our Lord.  It is important for us to consider this when we do God’s work in His way.  God is pleased when we do His work for His will in His way!  When we can thread all three of these together, I honestly believe God will be smiling down upon us and He will be proud of us. 

Friends, think about the will God has for you, the work He has given you and the way He wants you to complete that work.  It will not always be easy; in fact, I can guarantee it will be difficult.  In the end, God will smile upon you and the simple faith that you displayed in His goodness will warm your soul.

Heavenly Father, please help us to seek your will, your works in your way.  May we give all we have by walking in your light.  In your name we pray, Amen!swaHeaHe

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Give Up


I was in church this morning.  As I looked around at the pews and the people filing into them, I realized that our congregation is growing.  Yes, I was there as new families were becoming members.  Yes, I was there when little ones were getting baptized.  Yet, for some reason, this morning I noticed those new faces sitting in the pews.  I heard little ones chatting in the back of the church and it brought a smile to my face.  I saw a multitude of children head up to the altar for the children’s sermon and scurry back to their seats.  I saw adult heads bob up and down in affirmation as Pastor shared his message. 

It made me think of my family.  Many of our family members are in different states, making it hard to all be together.  We cherish the times we are together, realizing that we cannot just ‘drop over’ on a normal day.  A little secret between us, I often dreamed of buying a very large piece of property and having all my family live a ‘stones throw away’ from each other.  I dream of us all being together. 

When I read today’s verse, it made me reflect on a variety of scenarios.  I think about simpler days when people would gather together, share their belongings with others, and live life as Jesus asked us to.  I wonder what would happen if we lived our lives like that today.  People would gather their talents, gather their treasures, and gather together praising God for all the blessings we have.

Nothing stops us from living out the life that God asks of us.  We all have something we can give to others.  Maybe it is your time – time to sit with a friend in need, time to dedicate to the needs of the church, or time focusing on your family.  Maybe it is your talent – cooking for those that may need a meal, being a lector or greeter at church, or teaching Sunday School.  Maybe it is your treasures – purchasing groceries for the local soup kitchen, providing a bit more in the offering plate for something the church needs, or helping out one who is having financial troubles. 

What I have noticed over the years is that when I do give of time, talent or treasures, the Lord gives back to me tenfold.  If I debate in my head whether I can afford to give a little extra and decide to go forward with giving, the Lord finds a way to give back to me more.  It is in those moments that I realize that the greatest gift of giving is knowing that Jesus is always there for me and will ensure that I will always have enough of what I need.

Friends, find a way to give of your time, your talents and your treasures.  Your blessings will be tenfold, your heart will grow with love, and your soul will be filled with the Holy Spirit.  Living out Jesus’ love is what we can do – let us do so joyfully and abundantly.  Have simple faith that God is there to give to you!

Dearest Jesus, please guide me to give of my time, talent, and treasures.  Help me to see when, where and to whom I can give.  Lead my heart and my head to show others your love.  In your giving name I pray, Amen!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Be Still


I was gifted with the opportunity to take this past week off from work.  I have always wanted to take a full week off during my favorite time of year and finally had the opportunity to do so.  It was an incredible gift.  I was able to get SO much done on my to do lists and felt the week was very productive.  On top of those things, I spent a little extra time with my mom and met with a couple of friends I had not seen in years.   To top the week, the weather was exactly how fall should be.  Most of the days were sunny and in the mid 50’s, which meant hoodies, coffee, and baking.  I look back over the week and a smile graces my face.

One of the best things I had a chance to do was to sit out on our deck.  From numerous blog posts, you know that it has become my most favorite place to be at home.  Sometimes I would sit there in the morning, other times it was in the sunshine of the afternoon.  All the time I wanted to just Be Still.  This verse flowed through my mind as I would sit looking at the beautiful trees as they had turned color and listened to the birds and the geese soaring through the sky.  I noticed things I have not noticed in some time.  I saw a beautiful eagle perched on a branch in all its regalness.  I realized that I would hear the wind rustle the leaves in the trees before I felt it upon my skin.  I smelled a wood fire that was heating someone’s home. 

Being still is a commodity in today’s world.  I know I have lost the art and preciousness of just sitting and being.  When we are able to do that, just to sit and be still, we are able to realize all that our Lord has provided for us.  When we are still, we can calm our anxiousness and reflect on the power of God.  We can reflect on all the miracles he has graciously given to us.  In those moments when I was still, I felt as if I was the only one God was focused on, that I was the one on his mind.  As I look back, those moments brought me peace.

What I realized is that I need to build more of that into my days.   I need to step back from the hectic pace of this world, put away my phone, and just be still in the beauty my Lord has gifted me.  I need to appreciate His gifts, reflect upon His words, and know that I am His child that He holds in His arms.  I encourage you to do the same!  It does not have to be hours – ten minutes a day is a start.  It does not have to be on a deck.  It could be on a park bench during lunch or a comfortable chair in your home.  Give yourself the gift of being still and reflecting on the beauty and love of Jesus.  I guarantee you will want to build it into your days more often.  Feel God’s love surround you during those moments.  Have simple faith that He is will you not only when you are still but also in the hecticness called life!

Heavenly Father, help me to Be Still and Know that you are God.  Guide me to moments of reflection on your majesty and be mindful of the daily miracles you put into my life.  May I feel you hold me and love me.  Amen!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

First Place


It’s Football Season!  There are many joys in autumn.  The changing leaves, the crisp air, apple picking – the list goes on and on.  It’s also the return of football!  I am not an ‘over the top’ fan.  I’m not in a fantasy league.  I don’t have to stop my world to watch a game.  Yet, I do enjoy knowing that high school and college kids are back on the gridiron and that my ‘black and gold’ team is trying for another super bowl.

In football, as in any sport, it is about being first.  Not only do you want to win that game/match, but you also want to string enough of them together to be in first place!  First place – the ultimate achievement!  First place can win you the chance to play in the World Series, the Super Bowl, the Olympics, the NBA Finals, the World Cup, the State Championships, etc!  First place!  It is quite the achievement! 

Even if you are not into sports, first place can be quite the achievement in many areas of life.  First place on the music lists, valedictorian of one’s class, first in someone’s heart!  All of those ‘first places’ are also quite the achievement and are to be celebrated.  Nothing feels better than knowing you are ‘first’ in someone’s life.

All of the above ‘firsts’ are awesome, but they don’t replace the true first – the preeminence!  I love this word and I love its context.  Preeminence – to be first, in the highest place or to have the greatest importance, honor or exaltation.  I’ll give you one guess as to who should reign preeminent in our lives!  Jesus!  Jesus should be THE one by which all our other firsts are compared to.  It is only with Jesus’ love and guidance that any of our first places are achieved.  He deserves first place in our lives.  So how do we ensure this occurs?

·         Prayer – start by praying about it.  Let Jesus’ answers guide you.

·         Worship – yes, on Sundays but every other day as well.  Worship Him through home devotions.

·         Gratefulness – all good things come from God!  Thank Him, each and every day, for the blessings that have been bestowed upon you.

·         Study The Word – a formal Bible study is great.  Yet, picking up your Bible and meditating on verses can also fill your soul.

·         Giving – share your time, talents and treasures with those in need.  Do you know someone who can use a visit, a phone call, a meal or some groceries? 

All of the above are ways we can put Jesus to the forefront of our lives.  Ensuring He is preeminent means He is first in what we say and do.  Jesus has provided us all the goodness and blessings we have – doesn’t He deserve to be in ‘first place’ of our lives?  Let’s get to it!!

Dearest Jesus, help us to recognize you are preeminent in our lives.  Help us to see and do YOUR will and ensure we thank you for all you have given to us.  In you preeminent name we pray – Amen!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Slow Change


As I write this post, I am sitting on our deck enjoying the most perfect fall day.  The sun is shining in between the clouds, the air is fresh, a just-picked apple by my side, and the trees are starting to turn.  I do not know if it is due to the fact that I am paying closer attention this year than others, but it seems as if the leaves are truly taking their time.  I am enjoying every minute of it!  As I look at the leaves, they are starting to turn on the edges of the trees, making their way back to the trunk.  Slowly, as each day passes, another set of leaves begins this amazing process, as more of the tree becomes colored in the beauty of fall.  Although I cannot wait for the tree to be engulfed in color, the process of the change is just as beautiful. 

So often, when we offer up prayers to Jesus for something to change, we believe he is not reacting quick enough.  “Where is my answer?  Aren’t you listening to me?  I am not asking a lot, just help me already!”  Whether we have said these phrases aloud or kept them to ourselves, there have been times when the change that we are looking for seems to be coming too slowly.  Our goal to establish our timeline to God’s timeline is one that will never be achieved.  God, knowing our past, present and future, knows the right time to provide us with answers to our prayers, provide us the changes we want to see.  It is in HIS time, not our time.  The waiting can be arduous.  Yet, something happens in the waiting!

In the waiting for leaves to change colors, the miracle of the fall season continues.  It is in our waiting for prayers to be answered that the miracle of our changing season occurs.  It is during this time that the waiting brings us closer to God and the faith in Him that he so desperately wants for us.  As we wait, we pray.  As we wait, we change from a quick fix to a faith that God will give us what we need when we need it.  It is always AFTER the prayer is answered and we reflect upon that waiting period that we realize the growth in faith we gained.  The waiting may have helped us to be more patient, more reliant, more hopeful, and certainly more thankful.

Slowly changing, whether it is the leaves or us, brings beauty.  Think about the beauty in the waiting.  When life changes slowly it helps us to appreciate the end result even more.  Much like today’s verse, in our waiting for Jesus to return, we can see the beauty of how our faith can be strengthened.  As we enter this fall season, and we wait for the beauty of the leaves, may we also see the beauty in the waiting!  May our faith grow in Jesus as we wait for him to arrive in the heavens one day.  It will all happen; we just need to have Simple Faith.

Heavenly Father, we know that everything happens in YOUR time.  Help us to be patient and watch all the goodness that happens in the waiting.  In your ever-present name we pray, Amen!


Sunday, September 29, 2024

Early Blessings


It’s coming early this year, they say.  All the conditions of the weather have set us up for an earlier than normal fall foliage season in New Hampshire.  The hue of the trees started to change a few weeks ago.  The yellows and the oranges started gracing the tips of the trees.  You would be able to see one tree fully changed among the green leaves of other trees.  It was as if the trees were saying, “It’s coming!”  As you all know, I look forward to this time of year.  The cool breeze brings just the right nip to the air, begging for a sweatshirt to be donned.  The cloud cover lets the leaves pop even brighter. 

As I thought about this early gift, it made me ponder about other gifts or blessings I have received earlier than I anticipated.  My plans had activities happening in MY timeline, but they showed up early.  The birth of my first child – three weeks early.  The work promotion that was not anticipated.  The arrival of guests earlier than anticipated, providing a chance to chat before the party started.  Those and many others provided such happiness and joy – coming early.

Today’s verse is one of my favorites.  It has numerous interpretations, numerous meanings.  It has often provided me peace when I was unsure of future events.  Knowing that God had my future fully planned for me gave me reassurance that whatever the path was ahead of me, God would be there for me.  It has also provided me an understanding that although I may be going through a difficult journey, God would not let me fall.  His plans are not that of harm, but of hope.  I continue to live in that hope every day.

I also hold this verse close to me when my plans go off course.  Instead of looking at MY plans not being met, I realize that HE is providing me early blessings.  The examples above were just a few of the ways our Lord has said to me, “This is your path, Susan, and it is coming earlier than expected.”  I used to find those moments frustrating and full of anxiety.  I have learned to embrace them – and see them as the blessing God has intended.

Much like an early autumn, the gift of having God’s plan roll out in your life, earlier than planned, can help us realize the many blessings He has for us.  We just need to have Simple Faith that His plans will always be the best!

Dear Jesus, thank you for always having our journey mapped out for us.  May we have simple faith to follow it!

Sunday, September 22, 2024



It is finally here – autumn!  We have moved through three seasons of faith, and we are entering the last one, my personal favorite, autumn.  The senses come alive during fall in New England; the leaves, the pumpkins, the apple cider, the crisp air, the geese squawking as they fly through the air.  All of it makes me smile.  Yet, it is also the ‘feeling’ of fall that moves into my soul.  Reflection, thanksgiving, caring, comfort.  That will be where our season series will take us – the feelings that come to us during autumn and how our Lord is so good to us.

Reflection – serious thought or consideration.  Time for reflection can yield many emotions.  Reflecting can bring us joy as we think back on times together with loved ones.  Reflecting can bring sorrow of missed opportunities we did not pursue.  Reflecting can bring frustration of relationships that were estranged.  Reflecting can also bring pride, a sense of achievement for the goals when we have succeeded.

This sense of pride, although wonderful, needs to be tapered with how the goal was achieved.  Our success is not ours; it is God’s.  His hand in our lives is everywhere, in everything we do and in everything we say.  If we live our lives as Jesus has asked us to, reflecting God to others, we will be living out the life God had planned for us.  It is when we utilize ‘free will’ that our lives can take a different turn.

Living life as a ‘representative of Jesus’ is not always easy.  Turning the other cheek against our enemies, taking time to lay down our personal goals to help others in need, being bold to share God’s word to a non-believer, all of those examples can be daunting!  I know when those situations have been presented to me, I have questioned God.  Really?  Do you want me to do this?  I am not comfortable doing this!  Then it is the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit that says, “Yes, you!  YOU need to do this.”  When I have stepped out with God in those times, the results have always been wonderful.  Those are not MY achievements, though, they are God working through me.  Giving HIM praise in a job well done helps to direct the pride I may feel in the right direction.

Reflecting on the moments of achievement can make us feel great – like we have truly accomplished something!  That feeling is good and should be celebrated, as long as we ensure we include God in that celebration!  Giving Him the credit of the nudge and preparing us to do what He asked is where our joy should come from.  God does incredible things through us.  Reflecting on those good things is important.  It can continue to drive us to Him, asking the important question, “What can I do for you next, God?”

Heavenly Father, help me to reflect on the achievements I have accomplished through the lens of YOU.  May I continue to praise you for all you have helped me to achieve and continue to bring things my way so people can continue to feel your love.  Amen!


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Falling Flowers



It is that time of year when the vibrant colors of spring and summer start turning brown.  The flowers that graced our gardens and lawns have a tinge of tan on their edges.  This leads us to know that it is time to pick off the flowers that have passed their time and think about preparing for fall and winter.  Folks in New England know that these preparations mean that within a few months, colder weather will be here along with the arrival of snow.  As we approach this time of year, many eek out the last few days of summer.

As I was picking off the wilted flowers, I realized that for my ‘annuals’ (the flowers that only bloom once), they will never bloom again.  For my perennials (the flowers that come back every year), I know that I will see their bright blooms again next year.  Yes, the annuals tugged at my heart.  I thought about us humans and how fortunate God created us as ‘perennials’ and not as ‘annuals’.  He did not create us as ‘one and done’ – we hit our big moment in life and then we pass on.  He put much greater value in us, realizing that every season of our lives creates more beauty, more bright blooms as we pass through life on Earth.  What blessings our God gives us.

What if we are going through a wilted flower season?  What if we are at the end of our summer?  What if our faith is drying up and we do not seem to have enough to continue to another season?  I am certain we have all felt these moments in our lives where we did not believe we had enough energy to move to another day; we did not have enough strength to see another season.  Yet, here we are!  How did we get through to the other side?  How did we pass through the wilting flower season to see another day?

My friends, that is our Lord guiding us, giving us what we did not think we had – strength, energy, hope and love!  We find these blessings in many parts of our lives.  The Word never fades like the flowers.  The Word never passes on and never returns.  In Matthew 24:35, it says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”  There is reassurance that the gift of God’s word will live with us, in us and for us forever.

When we pass through the season of our life where we feel like wilted flowers, lean on the word of God.  His word will always be there for the taking.  Having a tough day?  Pray to our Lord, open up your Bible to your favorite passage and meditate on the goodness He provides for us.  For His grace, His mercy and his blessings are new every day!  Living with this hope can give us the strength to move through to a new season!

Seasons of our lives present us challenges and blessings.  If you are in the season of falling flowers, please let me know.  Let the prayers of others surround you.  May you feel God’s hope reaching out to you through the smile on a stranger’s face, the sun that is shining upon you, and the warmth of a kind word.  God reaches out to us in so many different ways, and His word is ever present.  Just have simple faith!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the Word you have given to us – the Word that will endure forever.  As we move through seasons in our lives, help us to return to your Word for guidance and strength.  In your gracious name we pray, Amen!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Overflowing Hope

Zucchini!  Typically, gardeners who start their gardens in spring have an idea of space, what they want to grow, and an idea of the number of plants they will need.   My father started this annual tradition in winter.  He would go through the seed magazines and determine exactly what he was going to grow and how much of it.  There were pole beans, bush beans, three types of radishes, cherry tomatoes, plum tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, pickling cucumbers, salad cucumbers, etc.   The list was endless. 

Of course, Daddy’s Garden would not have been complete without the zucchini.  We would carefully plant each seed in the spring and by the middle of summer, the zucchini would start coming in.  My poor mom would try to find one hundred ways to use it.  Yet, it continued to populate like bunnies!  Inevitably, we would put the zucchini out in our front yard in hopes that our neighbors who did not have gardens would share in our harvest.  Our garden overflowed and others benefited.  It was a wonderful way to share the abundance of zucchini.

When I read this verse, my mind went to the zucchini.  I was amazed at my dad’s thought process.  Although we would have more zucchini than we knew what to do with, he did not ‘pare back’ the following year.  Nope, we continued to plant the same amount.  It was his opportunity to give the overflow.  Some years we would also have cucumbers and tomatoes to give away.  Yet, there was always zucchini. 

Giving others our overflow can be a terrific way to share with others.  Yes, we could ‘store up’ our treasures and save them for a rainy day, but as Jesus said in Matthew 6:19-20, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. . ..”  The idea of not ‘hording’ for myself but ‘giving’ to others is a cherished thought. 

I love the idea of overflowing with hope!  I thought about this for some time, asking myself if I overflow with hope.  It is a question I ponder even as I write these words.  Hope, for me, is trusting in God so boldly that I know He will provide the joy, the peace, and the blessings I need to live out his love.  Hope is knowing, unconditionally, that no matter what I may be facing, God has me in the palm of His hands.  I pray that I exude hope and know I will be thinking of this more often in the coming days.  The joy, the peace, the love, the hope that only God can give us needs to be shared!  It needs to pour out of us, not for us to ‘store up,’ but to overflow with those around us.

The hope that we confidently receive from our Lord is one that provides us with life each and every day.  Our simple faith assures us of this hope.  May we take the time to ensure that this hope is shared, abundantly like zucchini, for all to have.  May your hope sit in your front yard for all to benefit from.

Heavenly Father, thank you for providing each of us with an overflow of hope.  Give us the opportunity to share the hope you so richly provide for others that are around us.  In your name we pray.  Amen. 


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Peaceful Nights



Summer evenings on the deck.  Weekdays are busy, but weekends at our home provides us the opportunity to enjoy our deck.  Morning coffee time has me on the deck enjoying the beginning of the day.  Afternoons can find us stretching out, even catching a quick nap.  The evenings, we tend to have dinner out on the deck and even bring the tv out for a quick movie.  There are other evenings when we just sit.  We let the peacefulness of the evening wash over us, listening to the birds, the breeze as it rustles through the leaves and just ‘be.’

I enjoy those evenings as they are wonderful preparation for a routine of peacefulness prior to bed.  They start that way.  The winding down of the day.  I may actually close my eyes in rest.  THEN IT HAPPENS!!  The peacefulness I experienced throughout the evening turned into a nightmare of trying to sleep.  My eyes are wide open at 1AM, 2AM, etc. and before I know it, my feet are hitting the ground, and I am out of bed for the day.  I wake up from a sound sleep, thinking!  I think about issues at work, worries from home, general unrest.

I pray to Jesus, “Please take all these thoughts away from me.”  Briefly, that happens.  Within 15 minutes, I decide “I” can manage these issues better and my mind starts racing again.  My husband and I were talking about this today.  I give it to God, and then I take it back!  It is not just during the time when I should be sleeping, it can happen throughout the day as well.   I KNOW God has my worries.  I KNOW God has my issues.  Yet, I can have difficulty to give it to God fully!  I play ‘tug of war’ with God – giving and taking – until my soul cannot manage it anymore.  When I give it to him fully, God gives me back all I need, FULLY!

Giving our trials to God, asking him for peace, knowing he delivers, will provide us the rest, the sleep, the safety we all need.  We know this but doing it can be tough.  So where do we go, what do we do?  I know I am going to try some of the following:

·         Write it down to give to God – send him a letter!  Writing things down can help us to commit!

·         Prayer – talk to God, ensuring you pray when your soul needs it most.  Ask for the peace you need!

·         Meditate on His word – adding verses to your toolbox and bringing them out when you need peace!

Life can be hard, and we cannot do this on our own.  God wants us to have peace, the type of peace that passes all understanding.  He gives this to us freely when we go to Him!  We need to go to Him completely, fully, and give him everything – and not take it back.  Have the simple faith that God has it!  When He has it, you have peace!

Heavenly Father, help us!  May we give you the trials and tribulations that trouble us so we can, in return, have the peace that only you can provide.  Help us to give to you fully so you can give back to us fully.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Floods of Life



The summer season always sees its fair share of floods.  Whether it is flooding from summer hurricanes across the country or flash flooding in rural areas near rivers and lakes due to an immense amount of rain in a brief period of time, flooding can arrive so quickly.  Often when the floods come quickly and unannounced, those in the line of flooding are not prepared.  Before they know it, the water is rising, and quick decisions need to be made.  I am reminded of the “Mother’s Day Flood” of 2006.  The river behind our home crested unexpectedly and we found ourselves making provisions for our family to stay safe.

Flooding can be like that.  There are times, especially with hurricanes, when the weather folks can share with us ahead of time to ensure we are prepared.  We have time to pack necessary items, prepare our homes the best we can, and head to safer ground.  When we are able to prepare, the safety of our family members is higher and chances our homes can withstand the flooding could be greater.   Preparation can yield positive results.

There are other moments when the flooding comes upon us without warning, creating a moment of fast decision making and chaos.  Without a preparation plan, the flooding hits us quickly, without the ability to execute a plan and drives us to take action that may not prove to be correct.  Instead of driving from flood waters, in a moment of panic, we can drive towards the flood waters.  The lack of preparation can yield disastrous results.

I cannot help but think of how the floods of life can overtake us in a similar fashion.  There are times when we can see the flood coming, where the impact of life can present itself in slow motion, and we have time to prepare for the ‘flood’ that is coming our way.  We can see the mound of debt that we have created flooding our way and can take action to stop it and help it to recede.  We can feel a health crisis that would flood our life and can make health appointments to help navigate its effects.  There are also times when we cannot see the flood coming.  A sudden loss of job without warning; a sudden loss of a loved one; a health diagnosis we were not expecting.  All of these can yield trouble we were not expecting, floods that surround us with no warning. 

Whether we find ourselves in times of anticipated flooding or sudden flooding, there is a way we can prepare!  We can hold fast to the faith in Jesus and the love and hope only He can provide.  By having a faith rooted in Jesus’ love and hope, we can manage whatever flooding comes our way.  Comfort in His Word, worshipping with fellow believers, thanking Him for all the blessings in our lives bring us closer to Jesus every day.  When flooding hits, we know who to turn to.  We KNOW that He is our every-present help.  Jesus will be there for us as we pray during an expected flood as much as He will be there for us in the moments of a flash flood.  As decisions need to be made, let Jesus guide you through those decisions.  May the knowledge of knowing Jesus is with you for each and every step, providing you love and hope, be your safety zone in the floods of life!  Just have simple faith!

Oh Jesus, thank you for being our refuge and strength when floods come our way.  May we go to you – in preparation for the flood or in the moment of our sudden floods – knowing you will always be our hope.  In your name we pray, Amen!

About Me

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.