Here we are – the end of the year! The years seem to pass by more quickly the
older I get. When I was a young adult, I
remember wishing time would come – I wish for the day I would get married, the
day I would have children, the day I would have a career, etc. Now those days have come and gone. Many times, I wish for those ‘days’ back
again. As Cher sang in her song, “If I
Could Turn Back Time,” how I would savor each of those moments, instead of
wishing for the next.
As we say goodbye to 2024 and begin 2025, and complete our
final season of faith, the season of winter, we can reflect upon what we would
have done differently and what we want to achieve with the start of a new
year! The verse of today guides us
through that process. As the Lord shared
in this verse, it is a time to remove from our hearts the stones – the areas
that dragged us down during 2024. In
reflection, there were areas that dragged me down:
Worry – how many times I worried about areas of
my life. How many sleepless nights did I
spend over trivial thoughts such as ‘what am I going to make for dinner when
the family comes over’ or ‘what if we don’t’ enjoy this vacation.’ Of course, there were the larger worries such
as, “is my mom going to continue to be in good health” or “are my grandchildren
going to be okay.” These worries are
consuming, yet when the old worries are given to God, the peace that only God
can give is provided to me.
Sin – the sins that brought my heart to a dark
place. We carry burdens in this
life. Carrying our sins is certainly one
of them. I can belabor over sins I have
committed for days, weeks, months, and years.
The guilt that I feel over disappointing people, and more importantly
God, tears at my heart. Once again,
Jesus is there to take all that guilt away.
He replaces my sins with a sign of forgiveness – FOR IT ALL! No matter how large or small, Jesus takes
every sin to the cross with Him.
There are other areas that have dragged my heart into one of
stone. These two took center stage! Yet, for all that dragged me down, there was
much that the Lord replaced in my heart with a new spirit! There were days when compassion and
forgiveness replaced bitterness and resentment.
Days when love and kindness replaced dislike and nastiness. The Lord was with me, giving me a new heart
when I needed it the most.
As we reflect on 2024 and set our sights on 2025, let us do
so with a sense of forgiveness, for ourselves.
Jesus forgives us and loves us.
He removes our old hearts of stone and replaces them with hearts of
flesh. May we find a way to do the same
for ourselves – and others. Here is to
2025, filled with love, joy, kindness and faith!
Before we leave 2024, I would like to thank all of you who
read Simple Faith Today! Your comments
make me smile and provide me with the energy to keep on writing! I pray all of you enter 2025 with hearts
filled with goodness and a love for our Jesus.
Heavenly Father, thank you for removing the bad from
our hearts and replacing it with good.
May we always remember it is YOU who gives us the joy we revel in. Amen.