Sunday, August 25, 2024

Floods of Life



The summer season always sees its fair share of floods.  Whether it is flooding from summer hurricanes across the country or flash flooding in rural areas near rivers and lakes due to an immense amount of rain in a brief period of time, flooding can arrive so quickly.  Often when the floods come quickly and unannounced, those in the line of flooding are not prepared.  Before they know it, the water is rising, and quick decisions need to be made.  I am reminded of the “Mother’s Day Flood” of 2006.  The river behind our home crested unexpectedly and we found ourselves making provisions for our family to stay safe.

Flooding can be like that.  There are times, especially with hurricanes, when the weather folks can share with us ahead of time to ensure we are prepared.  We have time to pack necessary items, prepare our homes the best we can, and head to safer ground.  When we are able to prepare, the safety of our family members is higher and chances our homes can withstand the flooding could be greater.   Preparation can yield positive results.

There are other moments when the flooding comes upon us without warning, creating a moment of fast decision making and chaos.  Without a preparation plan, the flooding hits us quickly, without the ability to execute a plan and drives us to take action that may not prove to be correct.  Instead of driving from flood waters, in a moment of panic, we can drive towards the flood waters.  The lack of preparation can yield disastrous results.

I cannot help but think of how the floods of life can overtake us in a similar fashion.  There are times when we can see the flood coming, where the impact of life can present itself in slow motion, and we have time to prepare for the ‘flood’ that is coming our way.  We can see the mound of debt that we have created flooding our way and can take action to stop it and help it to recede.  We can feel a health crisis that would flood our life and can make health appointments to help navigate its effects.  There are also times when we cannot see the flood coming.  A sudden loss of job without warning; a sudden loss of a loved one; a health diagnosis we were not expecting.  All of these can yield trouble we were not expecting, floods that surround us with no warning. 

Whether we find ourselves in times of anticipated flooding or sudden flooding, there is a way we can prepare!  We can hold fast to the faith in Jesus and the love and hope only He can provide.  By having a faith rooted in Jesus’ love and hope, we can manage whatever flooding comes our way.  Comfort in His Word, worshipping with fellow believers, thanking Him for all the blessings in our lives bring us closer to Jesus every day.  When flooding hits, we know who to turn to.  We KNOW that He is our every-present help.  Jesus will be there for us as we pray during an expected flood as much as He will be there for us in the moments of a flash flood.  As decisions need to be made, let Jesus guide you through those decisions.  May the knowledge of knowing Jesus is with you for each and every step, providing you love and hope, be your safety zone in the floods of life!  Just have simple faith!

Oh Jesus, thank you for being our refuge and strength when floods come our way.  May we go to you – in preparation for the flood or in the moment of our sudden floods – knowing you will always be our hope.  In your name we pray, Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.